

" I won't marry Alexander" I said my voice louder than I intended it to and my tears came running down, as I remember everything including his betrayal. ♣️ I woke up and looked around, it was just a dream, a dream that comes every night to hunt me," it's all in the past " I said to myself , but I could still feel the pain. ♣️ MALE LEAD: Alexander FEMALE LEAD : Hazel, or Heaven Williams sliver: confessor Kyle: prince of gods Anna : goddess Lucian: God of war Katrine: Abigail: vampire Raven: mixed ( half vampire, half God ) Lucius: darkness demos: hazel father ♣️ she walked closer to me , her eyes looked at me like she could see my soul, and then I heard her say. " you my dear is something that shouldn't exists". **WARNING MATURE CONTENT**

Eroticlla · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Lissa pov

Watching how my guards torture some guards, was supposed to give me some kind of relief, but it didn't and I just got angrier with every wip. 

 " My husband obviously". Fuck I could still hear her annoying voice in my head, why would Alexander give her so much power, as if she not having the mark was already enough, he gave her his badge. Why?. When I was with him I wasn't even allowed to come too close, but he gave her his badge. For fuck sake I have loved him since my existence, why her?.

 " My lady the king request your presence". My personal maid said, waking me from my trail of thoughts, the king now what does he want?. 

 " Let's go ". We got to the king study and jasmine stood besides him, the goddess of seduction, she really does live up to her name, I wish I had her chams maybe Alexander would still be with me.

 " Your majesty" I said bowing down.

 " Well Lissa I have a task for you". He said.

 " Am at your service your majesty ". I said keeping my head low, and I reminded me of how hazel had openly challenged the king two days ago and it made my blood boil.

 " If this go smoothly, you could get Alexander back ". And that got me to lift my head, was he serious?.

 " Now we both hate one thing,and that's hazel if we get rid off her, you get Alex back and I get my sanity back. He continued.

 " But your majesty we can't just kill her, Alexander would bury us along with her". I wispered.

 " Who said anything about killing her?". He asked and jasmine just chuckled.

 " Well I heard hazel once had a fiancee, you my dear would go to her kingdom and bring lord Henry here, with the promise that he gets his wife back,and still maintain peace". He finished,and I just stared at him confused.

 " But your majesty Alexander won't just give her over". I said still trying to understand what he's plans where.

 " Well my dear, he won't care if he find out she betrayed him,now would he?". He said with a smirk on his face and I finally understood what he's plans where and with Jasmine's help it would be a piece of cake, I smiled and bowed.

 " Your so wise your majesty". Hazel just you wait and see.


Hazel pov

 When I woke up Alex was gone, for the past two days he has been by my side, telling me it wasn't my fault,and we had actually grown closer,but sometimes I feel he was trying to stay away and not come too close.

I had really hoped his eyes would be the first thing I would see, but it was melody's,staring at my reflection all I could see was Irene's dead body before me and I couldn't stare at it again I just brought my gaze down to my fingers and my tears came falling.

 " Your majesty". I heard melody soft voice say,and i looked up the mirror to find Alex's reflection, I turned and he was behind me, looking too handsome to be ture he walked up to me,and wiped my tears with his tomb making me to cry more, I stood up and hugged him letting my tears roll down.

 " Hazel, I want to take you somewhere". He wispered in my ears,and I just nodded my head.

 " Close your eyes". He said and I did so,and I felt a strong force go through me, when I opened my eyes we where in another room, just how did we get here?.

 " Where is this place?". I asked letting go of him and looking at the strange room and my gaze caught something forward.

 " Come ". Alex said as he took My hands taking me forward and I saw a tomb that had the name, ROSE on it, who was she?.

 " She's my mother". I heard Alex say like he could read my thoughts and I just stared at him.

 " The woman I killed ". He wispered moving his gaze back to the tomb staring at it for quite some time, and I held his hands tighter making him turn his gaze back to me.

 " Do you want to tell me how it happened". I asked wanting to know how he killed his mother,not that it would make any difference, even if he did kill his mother for no reason it won't make me love him any less, yes I love Alexander my husband,I don't know how it started but I realized I loved him, when he had given his badge,and I would love to love him more.

 " She was poisoned". He said squatting down and trilling his fingers on the tomb, I moved closer to him putting my hands on his shoulder.

 " How?". I asked and his fingers that trilled the tomb stopped.

 " Queen Elizabeth". He said with so much anger.

 " Why". I wispered out, scared my voice might annoy him.

 "The king had just announced,he was going to rightfully marry my mother,and queen Elizabeth had, made a big scene about it saying she wasn't going to let her younger sister marry her husband". So Alexander's mom is queen Elizabeth younger sister?.

 " But suddenly she was okay with it, she invited my mom to dinners, and even had my mom moved to the main castle, and for a moment I actually thought she really had changed, what I didn't know was she had been feeding my mom poison, a poison that could kill demons,but the victim had to take it regularly so I could be effective,and do you know the most annoying thing about this". He asked standing up and turning towards me,he stared at me for a while,and I just muttered a no.

 " She fucking knew, and when I asked her why she went on with it, she said if she could see her older sister love her again,her life was worth it". I stared at him not knowing what to say, this was messed up, she went on with dieing, even when she knew her sister pretended to love her.

 " And while,she was on her death bed, she asked me to...".

 " Kill her". I wispered cutting him short finally understanding. " And queen Elizabeth ". I asked even though I already knew the answer.

 " I killed her". He said and I just hugged him not knowing what to say, I mean she deserved it,she killed her sister, and I just stayed in his arms.

 "Alex we have work to do". I heard Raven voice behind me say, making me reluctantly let Alex go.

 " What's it Raven?". Alex asked annoyed, making me smile.

 " Well you have to go meet an important guest". Raven replied indifferently, sometimes I wonder if he can smile.

 " Fine ". Alex said and turned to me,he picked me up,and in seconds we where in our room, I still don't understand how he does that.

 " Wait for me". He wispered and pecked my lips before leaving, and I just couldn't help smiling.

 I stayed in my room reading "SEX", I looked up the window and it was past noon, soon Alex would be here, maybe I could finally put what I have been reading to use, I heard the door open making me to hide my book under my pillow, I wasn't going to let anyone know I was reading this.

 " My lady, princess Lissa is here to see you". Melody said, princess Lissa?, Just what just she want?.

 " Let her in". I said, standing up form my bed to adjust my clothes while melody walked out to go get her.

 " I see you do nothing than, just lazy around". Lissa annoying voice said as soon as she walked in.

 " Good afternoon to you too". I said with a smile I was trying so hard to keep.

 " Enjoy it while it last, sweetheart". She said Walking over to my bed.

 " Lissa,what do you want?".

 " Well,I just wanted to ask,how does it feel when your husband leaves you". Now that was an odd question.

 " Lissa is there anything I can help you with"?

 " Yes". She said staring at my bed. 

 " I want Alex back".

 " Lissa don't you think your too daring to ask a wife something like that". I asked angry she could even say that too me, but she just burst out laughing, now what was funny?.

 " You a wife?, do you even think you have the right to call yourself that"?. She asked walking towards me.

 " Sweetheart, Alex hasn't touched you, you know why?, cause your not me". She said as soon as she was close to me.

 " I don't think,I should discuss me and my husband sex life with you,but if you must know,Alex does make love to me every night". I said with a smile,I didn't want to lie, but there was no way I would let her know Alex hasn't touched me.

 " Your not just a thief, your also a lier, sweetheart you and I both know your lieing". She said and I just clenched my fits, just how did she find out?, Did Alex tell her?. 

 " It doesn't matter if he hasn't touched me, the important thing is I have him and you don't". I said staring at her challengely.

 " Well not for long, see you sweetheart". She said and walked out of my room, geez she was crazy,and how did she know?, I fell on my bed, and stare at my pillow that had my book under, I was going to seduce Alex tonight.

 " Melody!".

 " Yes, my lady".

 " Get me the most revealing night ware, in the castle".

 " Yes my lady".



Henry pov

I stare out my window, wondering how three months has gone by, just Three months ago Hazel was almost mine, but she slipped right out of my fingers, I actually wished she had come to see me that night, heavens know I would have made her mine, I just wish I could turn back time.

 " My lord someone's here to see". 

 " Tell the person am busy". I said still looking out my window, gulping down my drink.

 " My lord, she said she came with good news". As if the only good news I want is Hazel coming back to me.

 " Tell her am not interested". 

 " My lord, she said she could give you what your heart desires". I turned towards my guard, trying to trying to decide if I should go or not, whoever this person was she seemed desperate, it won't hurt to hear her out.

 " Fine,lead me to her". We walked towards my garden, a place that reminded me of Hazel, I wonder how she's doing over there.

 I walked into the garden and found a strange beautiful lady,or should I say a seductive lady,everything about her screamed sin, I mean she was sinfully dressed.

 " And you are?". I asked as soon as i was close to her.

 " The lady that's about to make your dreams come true". She replied with so much confidence, nothing about this lady was normal.

 " I assume that's not a name". I said staring at her, and she just smiled.

 " Pardon me, am princess Lissa, discendant of the sex demons". She said, and I guessed right she was a demon, a sex demon.

 " And what can I help you with?". I asked not comfortable with the fact a demon suddenly visit me.

 " Oh darling, I am the one whose about to help you". 

 " And that would be?".

 " Hazel ". She wispered and my world stooped, she wasn't talking about what I think she was, right?.

 " I don't understand". I wispered,and she walked closer to me.

 " Well, hazel has been causing lot of trouble in the Palace lately, you help us get rid off her, and she's yours". She said as she trilled her fingers on my lips.

 "I still don't understand". She stared at me and bite her lips, I just ignored her, she was a sex demon after all.

 " Well, you just have to help us make, Alexander hate her, and she's yours". She wispered moving her lips closer to mine and I just took a step back.

 "And how do I do that?".


 " Hell no, I won't do that to her". I said angry she would even say such a thing.

 " Come on sweetheart, I didn't ask you to kill her, just go with the plan and she would be yours,she was rightfully yours". She said taking a step closer to me, she was right, hazel was rightfully mine but now she belonged to someone else.

 " And the war?". 

 " Well is majesty is kind enough to let you keep both, Hazel and the key". 

 " I won't do this". I said and she just rolled her eyes and moved back.

 " Fine then I would get someone else to do it". She said as she turned away, someone else?.

 " Wait!". I said causing her to turn to me.

 " When?". I asked and she smirked.

 " Tomorrow noon, Alex won't be home then, I would come and get you". She said walking towards me.

 " Fine". I said.

 " You know the mission comes with a free package". I heard her say and I stare at her while she moved her fingers on my arm.

 " How about we have a little fun". She wispered leaning in to kiss me, and I took a step back.

 " Am sorry I would pass". I said and walked away.

 " Humans ". I heard her say before I walked into the halls.



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And get ready for HELLISH DESIRES, Love you all.

 BELL 🥰 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰