
Chapter 6

The month of August had now come around which happened to be Primrose's birthday!

David was excited to hear that her birthday was coming up soon!

He wanted to do something very special for her on her birthday!

And after bring Primrose home from work that Wednesday night, the night before her birthday! David produced to her a very large sum of cash and told her to get whatever outfit, shoes and accessories she wanted for her birthday!

And went Primrose entered her room and counted the bulk of cash David had given her this time around; she thought to herself that if he continues to bless her like this with these substantial amounts of money, and as often as he was doing, she indeed will be a very wealthy princess soon!

However, just like all the other times David had thrown the snatch of cash on her, Primrose continues to play the role of a vagrant, as she tried bringing the lump-sum to the bank!

Always fearing the worst that someone out of the road would come up, confront her and rod her of it! She wanted it out of her hands and deposited there in the bank; without being detected by any criminal elements along the way!

But this time around, she went out and got herself few items needed for her birthday!

Needless to say, having her own style Primrose didn't want to go purchasing anything fanciful from any of the highend stores around town!

But since she had a few pieces of fine material already at her dress-maker's shop, Primrose called her asking, if she had already done sewing any of the dresses from the materials she had given her to make dresses for her way back when!

The reply wasn't a positive one!

So Primrose asked her dress-maker to jump on it right away... start making if it's even one of the dresses!

Because her birthday was coming up soon and she had a very important function to attend to and needed something nice to wear to the occasion!

Even suggesting to the dress-maker that she would pay her extra; if she could get one of the dresses done in time for her to wear to this special function!

The dress-maker promised Primrose that she would start on it right now; so she will have it before the desired date!

Causing Primrose to blow at her many, many thank you and kisses!

After all, she wasn't that expensive and she made the clothing just the way Primrose wanted it! They were always perfectly fitted!

The eleventh of August was here and Primrose went to the dress-maker to pick-up her dress and brought it home to be washed and iron for her big night out with David!

Having all her other accessories intact Primrose was set and ready to go... ready to go where David had planned on taking her!

He wanted to give her a shocking surprise so he wouldn't tell her beforehand of where he had intended on bringing her to for her birthday bash!

Looking gorgeous of course and also elegant as a Princess; Primrose stepped through her front door looking nothing less than royalty!

Evoking David to blush with laughter, when he had laid eyes on her!

His face was obviously red and he had the largest grin ever, on his handsome face!

Frivolously, Primrose felt great that she had provoked such a reaction in him!

And as David took her arms and walked her to the car; he swore to her that he was taking her some place beautiful, some place romantic, and someplace that she would indeed love and adore!

But little did Primrose knew; that David had invited some of his very good friends to come along with him and share in the celebration of his Princess birthday!

And they all came out in fine style to the Spanish court-yard hotel; occupying one section of the restaurant for the entire night! Which, David had arranged with the hotel staff to decorate with a birthday theme... various color twigs and designs along with many sizes and shapes of balloons located everywhere in the hotel restaurant!

Plus, special lightings to suite the occasion!

Amazingly, most of David's friends had brought birthday presents for Primrose!

She was astonished by their generosity!

It was just too unpredictable!

She certainly wasn't expecting any of them or expecting anyone to bring her anything; except for Fredrick!

Because he had told her previously; that he would be getting her something for her birthday; when David had announced to him in front of her; that it would be her birthday on the second week of August!

With the generous nature of David's friends towards her, Primrose had now grown to love him even more!

And for the rest of the night, David undoubtedly couldn't stop commenting on how beautiful she looked and what great pleasure it had given him to do this for her!

He then commented on how nice her dress looked on her!

How all her accessories were all well put together making her looking even much more fabulous than usual!

The mood of the atmosphere was only set for romance; so David fed Primrose with birthday cake, with the dinner she had ordered from the menu!

When the soft romantic music had started playing in the heat of the night David held her hand, brought her to the middle of the dance floor and began dancing close-up to her! As he continued to peck her cheeks with tender kisses moments at a time!

Later on, when they came off the dance floor, David took the honor of opening a champagne bottle just for the two of them to toast for the celebration!

He then placed his hand around hers and together brought it to their mouths so they could drink from their glasses of champagne which the hotel had provided for them!

David had definitely given her a time of shared and flavorful ambience... there was nothing dull and dreary about it!

And when the night was over, like a true gentleman, David brought Primrose home after saying good-bye to all his friends who had come out celebrating with them at the hotel!

Kissing her gentle in front of her doorway David told Primrose that he would be taking off from work the following day!

Not that he was sick or anything to that effect!

But just because he wanted to dedicate the day by spending it with her!

So bright and early the next morning David was standing at Primrose's doorsteps presenting her with a large bouquet of flowers with various colors, balloons extending from it and a big grin on his face!

Loving flowers, Primrose face lit up like a hundred watt bulb when she had seen the huge bouquet of garden delight David had brought her... it was really a gorgeous monstrosity!

It was so huge that up to three persons could easily hide behind it!

Wanting to keep this ambience of beauty around for a while Primrose took one of her large clothing buckets and poured ice water into it and then she place the huge bundle of flowers into it; sincerely hoping they would stay around for a very long time!

There were certainly, no safe place on the furniture in Primrose's room to place this monstrosity of a bouquet; so she decided to place it on the floor of her bed-room instead which had now caused her room to look like she was at the exterior of the house instead of the inside!

Most importantly though, it reminded her of the one who had loved and admired her so much to find her worthy of having it!

With flowers now out of the way, David announced they should head straight for the beach and spend the rest of the day there!

He had already had his bathing trunk on, and was ready to go!

But Primrose had to search her drawers to find a bathing suit that she thought suitable for the romantic occasion.

Her body wasn't built like a supermodel, although her darling hubby David thought otherwise!

However Primrose wanted to look her best while she was on the beach with him!

And while getting ready to spend the day at the beach with him Primrose just couldn't help her wondering mind from thinking how adventurous, calculated and considerate David was in finding some place for them to spend in dedication of her birthday!

For them to have a sentimental, fun and memorable time together... to entertain themselves, and also to be entertained with all the various activities the beach had offering to its visitors!

And most of all how David wasn't pushing for her to give up the goods or the prettypretty!

He was only showing her a colorful time, a romantic time and fantastic time... a time of love, an excellent time of outings and fun so they could grow to know each other more!

But most of all, he was showing her respect while he was at it!

It was less than an hour later David and Primrose were entering David's car and on their way to the beach; like two funloving teen-agers who were in love and obsess with each other so they could stay apart!

After reaching at the Baily's beach, David looked for a cool spot to park his car not wanting for it to be overheated from the sun so when they were ready to leave the beach the seats of the car would be of great discomfort to their backs and rearends!

The beach wasn't that crowded; however all the vendors were out selling foods that most beach goers usually crave when they arrive at the beach!

They were selling fry fish, steam fish, roast fish, festival dumplings and other delicious delights!

Not wanting his Princess in the water on an empty stomach; David held onto Primrose's hand and brought her to the snack-counter and ordered a platter of steam fish and festival dumplings along with natural fruit punch for the both of them to devour in!

He was just attentive to her that way!

Always wanting her to have more than her heart's desire and what he desired for her to have; and it must be the best too!

Shortly afterwards, they both were sitting under one of the massive almond trees on the beach; and then feasting on the scrumptious platter of heavenly mouthwatering meal in front of them!

Subsequently, the two flames enter the ocean water to cool off the hot steam emanating from their bodies!

They were both hot for each other but David wouldn't allow for any of that such activities beyond the lips unless, he had place a ring on his Princess finger!

Childishly, David dived into the water and began swimming around Primrose feet like a fish!

And at other moments he was tickling the bottom of her feet causing her to giggle with amusement as she removed her feet from one spot to the other while in the water!

After a while David playfully began pulling her under the water, wetting her hair and allowing the salty water to enter her eyes as he rapped his massive arms around her body controlling the motion of her body; as he brought her up for air again and again from under the water!

And as Primrose reacted with a scream and brought her hands to her eyes; David pulled her into his arms and began kissing her eye-lids, as he apologize for causing her any form of discomfort!

Moments later he was nibbling at her neck as he held her body closely to his declaring to her how much he loved her!

How much he cared for her!

How much he wanted her permanently into his life and how much he wanted to give her everything in life that he imagine that he was able to... he just couldn't stop himself from promising her the world! Smiling, Primrose question...

"Do you really love me that much?"

"More than you can ever imagine my love!"

David replied.

He then had his mouth on hers kissing her tenderly and passionately like he was obtaining something flavorful from her lips as his manhood showed how healthy it was and became erect and bulging from his bathing suit!

Not a bit embarrass about what had just occurred - god's perfect act of nature; David however, apologized to Primrose for seeing him like that while expressing to her, it was only natural for his manhood to arise and salute her; because it was nature's way of telling them that he was actually attracted to her and wanted her more than anything in the world!

Truthfully, David continued disclosing to Primrose that he didn't want for them to have only a one night between the sheets or a temporary fling leading nowhere!

But he wanted a meaningful relationship with her... he wanted to place a ring on her finger before they should ever go between the sheets... he wanted to have babies with her!

David went on expressing to Primrose that he wanted to build her a house on the hills!

Not only just a cot but a five bed-room dream house on the hill with a swimming pool where they could raise their family and grow old together!

For Primrose the dreams sounded very good, very promising; like something she would also want for herself!

Oddly though, Primrose didn't believe much of the words he was saying to her!

She wondered if his plans for them living together and bringing up a family would ever work-out between them!

Since she had heard these stories before and in the end; she only would became very hurt, disappointed and end up losing some of her valuable house-hold stuff with it!

The main difference with this relationship she was having with David and the other courtships she had already been hooked up with was that David wasn't rushing her into the sack and he was loading her with cash!

He wasn't borrowing money from her, and neither was he being rough with her or physically knocking her about... he was never slapping her around like a hateful slave master who couldn't stand the sight of his servants yet still demanding sex from them because they were powerless and had no other alternative but to settle for his grinning!

David was just the nicest man she had ever met who has kept his ding-dong in his long johns!

And was not wheeling it at her every moment he had gotten with her alone; whether she was in the mood for it or not!

Furthermore, he was blessing her with enough money... more than what she was making at her work place or had ever seen at one time!

She was never ever in a state of lack ever since she had met David! And neither had she had to ask him for money either!

He knew she must need money so he would provide it for her!

Especially since she was living in the city where everything cost money, except, hellos, good-byes and excuses me please!

In addition to that, he was very serious about building a future with her and he didn't want her asking any of the patrons at her work place for a ride home or taxi fare to get home each night after her shift had been done and she needed to get home!

David gave Primrose everything!

He gave her dignity, respect, security, optimism for the future, assurance and sincere love!

David and Primrose had had enough of the waves in the ocean now and they were ready to depart from the beach and not linger around like they were waiting around for mermaids!

The handsome man who had treated

Primrose like a Princess for real; got her towel form his car, and began drying the ocean water from her body!

He was drying the salty water from her hair, her ears, between her feet, her back and also between her toes!

He then had helped to get her dress and assisted her in putting on her shoes after dusting the sand from it!

And only when Primrose was dressed and seated in his car; David paid any attention to himself!

After getting through with taking care of himself David got behind the wheels of the car, he kissed Primrose once more; and soon as he had reversed his car unto the main road, he never let go off her hand again until they had gotten home and he needed to walk her to her front door!

It was very nice that David had been giving Primrose money and treating her like how a woman should be treated!

She however, had never felt the internal passion or stirring sexual desire for him, until that day when they had gone to the beach together!

He was certainly growing on her and she was now having steamy sensual feelings for him!

The money was good... but now her focus wasn't on the money anymore; but she wanted him... she truly wanted every single ounce of him!

She certainly wasn't thinking far ahead as David was... the marriage, the house project or the baby projects!

But, she was feeling aroused by him! The attraction had now grown strong and she wanted to have his presences around her all the time!

And when he was absent from her, she continuously and desperately missed him terrible!

She surely, had begun desiring his voice around her hearing and had grown to be interested in whatever he had to say to her or show to her more each day!

Now, Primrose wanted David in her bed with her at nights and wanting to have him awake against her every morning!

But initially, she refused expressing such bed-room desire to him!

Not wanting him to think less of her in anyway or form, or, that she was unable to control her lusty and sexual urges especially out of his presences!

Fearing, he might believe that she would somehow express her sexual desires with other men in his absents, and she had feelings of those fleshly desires that she was unable to contain or control!

So Primrose decide to keep her libidinous, stimulating sexual sensitivity to herself while she kept on hoping that David would just hurry up and obtain the license that would make them legal to practice these itching touchy sexual desires burning within their flesh!

Definitely, they could now from holding back... stop with the self-sacrificing of their heavy arousal of tactile sensualities and the beckoning of sheets they were feeling between them!

And as the weeks had gradually come and went David try pleasing Primrose in every area of her life except, for in the bedroom!

Giving her substantial amounts of money continued, taking her to the best places in and around town continued, the periodic rides to work continued, the nibbling of kisses on the nape of neck, cheeks and lips continued; and the warm embraces of affection continued!

But there certainly wouldn't be any bedroom activities... no bed sharing or no humping taking place between them for now!

His affection was like having a table full of your favorite dessert place right in front of you, and then forbidden to eat it; that was what his kisses and caressing hands became to her!

They were just like punishment to her feelings, her desire and her imagination! Her car engine had been turned on and warmed up repeatedly but she would end-up not going anywhere except, under the shower!

His hands were always touching her face and his lips constantly pressing against hers warmly, so tenderly; with his hands sometimes gliding down her shoulders like an intended gesture for action; and then, she was left to imagine what would be next!

This behavior was no doubt set in her mind like an act of punishment or the proof of deprivation, chastisement to her sexual nature!

And like a drug overdose; this heat-up period without any cooling off, went on for months between David and Primrose!

Questioning herself repeatedly Primrose wondered where on earth did her David; come up with this ridiculous notion of being romantic and not going all the way with it... lighting-up the stove and not putting a single pot on the fire to cook anything!

Was he that religious?

Wasn't he very athletic in the bed-room?

Was he that involved with God or religion that he was so unable to see the desperation of physical attention on the woman right in front of him, after he had gotten her veins pumping and her juices dripping?

Or, did David love watching her suffer in that way... was he aroused by her partial display of affection - he being turned on?

Considering all things though; David had made it extremely and absolutely clear; that he wanted to put a ring on it before he tapped into it; and there were no signs of him changing his mind!

"I want our first time in bed to be very special!"

Those were his exact words!

When will that time come for Primrose... when would their first time in bed ever be manifested - becomes a reality?

That was the question on Primrose's mind day in and day out!

David was too sweet, too kind, too loving, too generous, too caring, too romantic and too gentle of a man for her to lose!

Primrose just couldn't pass him up, and neither had she known how forgiving he was, or could be!

And just for having her fleshly desire satisfied she couldn't afford to lose a man like this... over having just an organism!

"What then, after the organisms?" Were Primrose's thoughts!

So she showered some sexual speculation in the sewer, grin her teeth and bared it until David had put a ring on it!

But, before putting a ring on Primrose's finger, David had lessons he wanted to teach her!

Lessons which were important to him! Lesson that would open Primrose's mind, and had her understanding that she didn't have to depend on a man to have an organic experience!

Lessons David wanted her to know; so whenever he was away from her, and she felt the need for his presences, she could feel sexually satisfied without him actually being there to perform with her the climatic high that she needed from him!

And upon returning home from the beach; he would carry out this lesson of making such sexual satisfaction more satisfying and completely memorable for the both of them without an ounce of penetration!

Learning that Primrose was developing such desires more and more each day and the ring wasn't ready as yet!

David decided to sit her down and converse with her about masturbation; and how it will not have any bearing on their relationship if she took part in selfstimulation!

Strangely enough, David had thought; that she had already been practicing such and might have been a little embarrassed to be discussing such topic with him!

So after visiting Primrose one afternoon, David unexpectedly brought up the topic of self-stimulation, which had Primrose totally flabbergasted!

She wasn't expecting him to utter such words from his mouth; much less, to be encouraging her to perform such actions without his presences!

Observing her wide eye-popping reaction towards him bringing up the topic of selfstimulation; David loving explained...

"My Princess, it is quite alright if you stimulate your 'little lady' in my absence; because I would like to wait until we have tied the knot before we begin expressing any form of actual sexual activity!"

Looking at David in a state of shock Primrose asked sternly...

"David, do you really expect for me to masturbate because you refuse to have sex with me before we get married?"

"I'm not expecting for you to do anything you don't want to do... but I'm not stupid either!

If you are a healthy person and love me as you have expressed verbally, then you are sure to have sexual urges!

And the best way for us to deal with these feelings, these urges is through selfstimulation... not only now; but even after we are married!"

"What happens when I travel abroad and I am there weeks at a time, what will you do then, go sleep with another man?" David stated firmly.

"So you want to tell me; instead of satisfying me sexually now, you prefer me masturbating; isn't that a sin?" Primrose fired back.

"Who told you, it's a sin to masturbate?" David asked vexingly.

"The clitoris is external - on the outer part of your body my dear, and whether you massage it with your fingers or I massage it with my penis or my lips, you are still going to have the same effect!"

"Furthermore, don't you believe God made it so... so whenever a woman's husband is absent or not and she desires him, she can always have that little intimate part of her body and mind to express her outright love for him?"

"Isn't that a beautiful thing?"

"Hence, she won't have to go jumping into bed with Tom, Dick and Harry just to satisfy the pleasure of sex and intimacy!"

"God made each body part for a reason; so you don't have to go feeling ashamed of massaging the little boat between your legs when I'm not around to do it for you, or because I haven't placed a ring on your finger as yet!"

David continued expressing very sternly.

Primrose was now absolutely stunned!

She was definitely lost for word and stared at the walls in front of her trying to find words to combat all that David had just explained to her!

David had preached her into silence on the gospel of God's desire for the human anatomy and man's ignorance of achieving self-pleasure from it when they needed to!

All that sexual information downloaded into Primrose spirit, mind and body she began looking at David and herself in another light!

She now began seeing David as very wise, very up-front, very logical and to the point of what he believed was accurate when it came down to the sexual parts of the body and how they could be used single handedly!

She saw him as someone who has much to teach her and who was decent and full of the characteristics or the knowledge of God!

And whether or not what he was saying to her was true or false she believed every single word he had said to her!

David explaining it to her in this fashion seems very practical and logical to her!

However, Primrose felt very ashamed to carry out this act of self-stimulation and decided on another option instead... she opted for the cold shower instead! Thinking that would do her better than playing ring around the roses with herself!

Not that she didn't trust David's lecture in self-stimulation!

But Primrose was severely afraid of her room-mate and possible her children, hearing her in a moment of self-passion causing them to rebuke her for it or express anger or harsh criticism towards her for exercising such sexual practices!

Considering, the walls of their house were quite thin allowing secrets to become public knowledge or in this case, house knowledge which Primrose wasn't in favor of!

Deliberately calculating in her mind that anyone could hear a whisper coming through those walls of the house in which they were living in!

Much-less, she in heat masturbating to the desirous out-burst of David! David! David! Oh my David, in her moments of sexual arousal and self-pleasure in her tiny room surrounded by paper-thin walls gave her the creeps!

Her sexual desires weren't for house knowledge or public knowledge and she wanted it to remain that way period!

Therefore, Primrose thought it would be best to avoid such behavior totally and wait for David to dangle a ring on her finger and bedded her in the contents of such!

One thing Primrose knew for sure, that when that time would arrived, it wouldn't be beyond these slice-bread thin walls; but someplace where they both could be comfortable getting it on and as long as they wanted to without anyone hearing them or tracking them; reaching peaks and summits of their own anatomies until they had become overdosed with lovemaking and could do nothing else, but submit their bodies to rest, and their sweaty bodies were rejuvenated and was ready to go at it again!