
Love: Our Beautiful Desire

"Don't you love your sister? Don't you want her to live her life peacefully? Do you want her to live a life of hell? How can you be so selfish with your sister! If you want to save her life, marry me! I will make you my queen and will love you unconditionally...otherwise, it's your own choice! Make her suffer", said a devil roaming in the room proudly! "You are a bastard! How can you do this to me! How can you do this with my family!", said a girl sitting on the floor. She was sobbing without making any sounds hugging her both legs tightly. "Everything is fair in love, war and game my baby doll, and my love for you is something for which I can never sacrifice!", said the man banding down a bit to match her height. "Will you marry me baby doll? or Will you make your sister's life hell?", asked man holding her chin❤ . . This is the story of the love life of three siblings Lara, Marina and Larson Williams, children of Laura and Martinis Williams, and the way they will find their beautiful love in their soulmates. Lara a graceful and a cheerful lady, who has dedicated her life to the music. Marina, a beautiful soul with a strong heart, who wants to serve the world. Larson, a sweet and a joyful guy, who respects every human of this world. Susanna Norris, a soft hearted girl, who loves everyone. Karl Kolan, a clever, a cold, and an emotionless man, who hasn't done anything other than a business in his life. Zach Parker, a mysterious guy, who is on an unknown mission. . . . Enjoy this ride of emotions, which has an only one beautiful destination, "Love"❤

VD · Urban
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7 Chs

Sleepy head

"Wake up you sleepy head!! Don't you know we have to go home today! Today is our last exam and you are sleeping like a pig, you haven't even read anything since yesterday. Ms. Lara Williams would you like to open your eyes and come in the reality from your deep dreams of the love of your life Mr. Zach Parker??", asked Larson Williams who was extremely irritated by waking up his sister who was sleeping like there is no tomorrow even on their final exam day. After passing the exam, they will be graduated from the school and they would be able to join the university for their graduation of degree.

Larson and Lara williams are the twins children of the famous and one of the best doctor of the country who owns the biggest hospital of the country, Martinis Williams and the Laura Williams, a president of a multinational company which is in business of producing aircrafts. Martinis and Laura have the eldest daughter Marina Williams, who is a pursuing her graduation degree from the foreign university. She is out of the county since four years and she is also returning in a year after completion of her MBBS.

She is the most sincere child of the family. She is dedicated towards her studies and her only goal is to save this world and help them in getting recovered with the minimal charges possible. She is the aim oriented woman and she has dedicated her whole life in serving people. She is running numbers of NGOs to help people with numerous daily requirements and other helps.

Larson is the amazing technician and he plays with technology very well. He loves to make different models using different technologies which people haven't even seen since he was child and he is working in the same field to become the master in it right now. Martinis has helped him to open a company which will run special products designed by Larson in the Market. And he has already initiated it when he was just thirteen!

Laura Williams, a girl who runs away from her studies. For her, books are her enemy if the book consist some education details. She is the most laziest when it comes to study! But she loves art. She can sings really well. And her aim is to become an amazing singer of a town for which she is working since she was a kid. She is living in a tune of music, and for her this tune is her life.

"So what, exam won't decide how capable you are!", said Lara lazily and slept keeping pillow on her ear, by which she has covered her ears.

Larson got damn irritated with her behaviour and he smirked thinking what he is gonna do now...He dialed a number and kept phone on speaker.

"Hi bruh, very good morning!", said Larson and Lara was not affected a bit with it. She was still sleeping like a pig.

"Morning Larson, so I guess someone is still sleeping and not woke up for her exams, am I right?", replied Zach and when Lara heard his voice she instantly opened her eyes.

Zach Parker is a son of Laura's best friend Jenny and Amon, who is Martinis's best friend. Zach is four years elder than Larson and Lara. He shares same age with Marina. He is graduated in technologies and he is also having same interest as Larson. He is handling his dad's company and he is doing really great in it.

Lara chocked when she heard Zach's voice. She gulped down her saliva when she noticed Larson was on video call with Zach. She looked down on her and found herself sitting like a ghost with her messed hairs and improper clothes. She hurriedly covered herself with a quilt and made a bun of her hairs.

Zach laughed looking at her, even Larson gave her evil smirk.

"You are so dead Mr. Larson Williams.", saying this she stood up and ran behind him to chase him.

"Lara stop", said Zach who was on video call and she glued on her spot and gulped down her saliva. Larson laughed more on it.

"Give your exams properly. I am coming to bring you both back to home", said Zach looking at Lara and she blushed on his simple words. She nodded and directly ran into the bathroom while her cheeks have already turned into crimpson red.





I hope everyone is clear with the characters. Do comment if you have any queries and write your thoughts on it❤❤❤