
Love: Our Beautiful Desire

"Don't you love your sister? Don't you want her to live her life peacefully? Do you want her to live a life of hell? How can you be so selfish with your sister! If you want to save her life, marry me! I will make you my queen and will love you unconditionally...otherwise, it's your own choice! Make her suffer", said a devil roaming in the room proudly! "You are a bastard! How can you do this to me! How can you do this with my family!", said a girl sitting on the floor. She was sobbing without making any sounds hugging her both legs tightly. "Everything is fair in love, war and game my baby doll, and my love for you is something for which I can never sacrifice!", said the man banding down a bit to match her height. "Will you marry me baby doll? or Will you make your sister's life hell?", asked man holding her chin❤ . . This is the story of the love life of three siblings Lara, Marina and Larson Williams, children of Laura and Martinis Williams, and the way they will find their beautiful love in their soulmates. Lara a graceful and a cheerful lady, who has dedicated her life to the music. Marina, a beautiful soul with a strong heart, who wants to serve the world. Larson, a sweet and a joyful guy, who respects every human of this world. Susanna Norris, a soft hearted girl, who loves everyone. Karl Kolan, a clever, a cold, and an emotionless man, who hasn't done anything other than a business in his life. Zach Parker, a mysterious guy, who is on an unknown mission. . . . Enjoy this ride of emotions, which has an only one beautiful destination, "Love"❤

VD · Urban
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7 Chs


"Mart, what are you doing since morning?", said a lady who was old by her age, but by her appearance she is looking the most beautiful, glowing and energetic, who is none another than Laura Williams, mother of Larson, Lara and Marina.

Martinis, an old yet the most handsome man, who was busy in making two giant size bouquets; one of white roses and another of bubbly silk chocolate doesn't even look at his wife when she asked him this question.

"Kitten I'm preparing favourite things of my daughters. This white roses bouquet is for my little kitten Marina and bubbly silk bouquet for my princess.", said Martinis dramatically with a proud hanging on his face for making beautiful bouquets for his daughters.

"Mister what about my son?", asked Laura folding her hands on her chest. Martinis made a face and said,

"That idiot is not interested in small things. And his choice is something really difficult for me to deal with", said Martinis shaking his head because he knows his son well. His choice is something weirdest.

"Give him the record details of new technologies developed in aviation field. He will be damn happy", said Laura and she raised the collars of her dress boosting herself. Martinis who was busy in admiring his wife chuckled on her cute actions.

"Then what shall I gift to my lovely wife?", asked Martinis hugging her from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder. Laura put her hands on Martinis and said,

"I want freedom from my husband for whole week", said Laura and Martinis sighed. He made her turn and caged her in between his arms and the wall.

"Laura Martinis Williams, you will never get that gift for your entire life. I have always spoiled you with my love, and I will always spoil you forever even if you get tired with my pampering. I am not gonna leave you for our every life we get.", said Martinis Williams and he slowly took Laura's lips in her, giving her the sweet kiss of love.

"I love you kitten", he said and laura's cheeks turned red as tomatoes the way it was used to when they were young, Martinis chuckled and attacked on her neck giving her the big hickey there.

They both were so busy in their little make out that they didn't notice someone was standing behind them.

"Dad...Mom...why don't you use your room? ", said Lara from behind and she sat on the sofa after taking a whole bouquet which her father made for her. She unwrapped one chocolate and started eating it without a bit hesitation. While Zach was standing as if he saw some ghost. Martinis also separated himself from Laura when he heard his daughter's sweet voice and went to her daughter leaving Laura in the embarrassing situation.

"How is my daughter. Finally you are here", said Martinis and he pecked Lara's forehead.

"I'm wonderful dad", said Lara and hugged her dad. Both father and daughter were so busy that they forgot Zach and Laura standing in awkward situation. Finally Martinis's eyes landed on Laura and he made a sorry face. He went to Laura and kissed her forehead. Later he brought her next to Lara and made her seat there.

"Zach son, please seat. You know it is something really normal. You shall get used of it. One day, you will also love to do lovely dovely act with your wife", said Martinis casually and Lara chocked on her saliva.

She started coughing and Martinis got worried for her daughter.

"What happened princess?", asked Martinis and Lara's sudden change of behaviour didn't went unnoticed by Zach, who was dancing in his heart looking at his love getting possessive over him.

"Nothing dad", said Lara and smiled while coughing. She drank and water and became cool.

"By the way, Uncle you are right. There shall be no shame while making out with your wife. Indeed you were not doing any crime. I believe this is the most precious moment we share with our loved once", said Zach teasing a bit more to Lara, who got red imagining herself in that position. But there could be someone else also, this thought made her heart skipped a bit.




On the other side, in the dark room one man who was drinking cigarette while reading a file of an innocent girl.

"Sir, she is not the type of your prey", said his worker who was seeking his own death. The man smirked looking at his worker and he put his gun on the head of him, which was ready to shoot him.

"You are no one to decide it. I will decide her future, and if I want to play with someone I will play. By the way I'm interested in this girl, do check upon her", said that person and his worker got hell confused with his boss's behaviour.



