
Love: Our Beautiful Desire

"Don't you love your sister? Don't you want her to live her life peacefully? Do you want her to live a life of hell? How can you be so selfish with your sister! If you want to save her life, marry me! I will make you my queen and will love you unconditionally...otherwise, it's your own choice! Make her suffer", said a devil roaming in the room proudly! "You are a bastard! How can you do this to me! How can you do this with my family!", said a girl sitting on the floor. She was sobbing without making any sounds hugging her both legs tightly. "Everything is fair in love, war and game my baby doll, and my love for you is something for which I can never sacrifice!", said the man banding down a bit to match her height. "Will you marry me baby doll? or Will you make your sister's life hell?", asked man holding her chin❤ . . This is the story of the love life of three siblings Lara, Marina and Larson Williams, children of Laura and Martinis Williams, and the way they will find their beautiful love in their soulmates. Lara a graceful and a cheerful lady, who has dedicated her life to the music. Marina, a beautiful soul with a strong heart, who wants to serve the world. Larson, a sweet and a joyful guy, who respects every human of this world. Susanna Norris, a soft hearted girl, who loves everyone. Karl Kolan, a clever, a cold, and an emotionless man, who hasn't done anything other than a business in his life. Zach Parker, a mysterious guy, who is on an unknown mission. . . . Enjoy this ride of emotions, which has an only one beautiful destination, "Love"❤

VD · Urban
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7 Chs

Long Driving

"Are you both planning to come or you both want to stay here forever", said Larson and Zach cursed him a lot. But he has already planned to get rid of his would be brother-in-law for tonight!!!

Lara who was already looking like a tomato got more embarrassed when she saw her brother looking at her and her captain's as if he caught them doing a crime.

"We shall go home, it is too late. Moreover it will take a whole night in driving a car", said Lara as they all are traveling by a car. The distance between two places is nearly ten hours. But as Lara loves long drive by car, Zach has specially arranged it for her, because he knows about details of every single thing which Lara likes.

"Yes indeed we are getting late. Larson you come with Benz (maternal cousin of Larson and Lara) because he needs some important things for Emma's (Sibling of Benz) wedding, it will be good for him if you give him a company in his shopping. Also, Mar (Marina Williams, elder sibling of Larson and Lara) is coming back for Emma's wedding. You both need to bring her while from the Airport while going home", said Zach who has planned everything such that his irritating brother in law stay away from them.

"Yes buddy let's go", said Benz coming from behind and he hugged Larson and Lara one by one as he is their elder brother. Benz is four years elder than Larson and Lara. He shares same age with Marina and Zach.

They are a group of six. Emma the most elder child. Later, Zach, Marina and Benz. And the most youngest are Larson and Lara.

Lara who heard that she is gonna spend a whole night with her Captain was already getting butterflies in her stomach. She always wanted to spend her life with Zach, but this sudden closeness is also killing her with unspeakable happiness.




Lara's POV

One by one Larson and Brother Benz left from the place leaving me and Captain alone. I don't know why I started behaving as if the most idiot person of the world, but I am doing many foolish things and making me embarrass in front of him.

As soon as they both left, Captain wrapped his hand around my shoulder and my sleeping heartbeats took part in the marathon. He always keeps his hand around sister Marina, and they both are so friendly. But why his simple actions are killing me? I know I love him beyond any limits, but this much effect of his touch may give him idea about my feelings for him. Lara, you shall behave normally. As if he is just your friend...Oops...this thing is so tiresome!

"We are getting late", he said and brought me near his car. I am feeling it as heaven. I will always cherish our moments of togetherness in my memories. He was about to enter in the driving seat and I stopped him.

"Captain, why don't you appoint a driver? The journey is of ten hours. And obviously you will get tired. Tomorrow is a little party for Emma di's wedding and you won't look handsome enough with panda eyes.", I said and he raised his eyebrows as if I did some mistake. He dialed someone's number and driver came and sat on the driving seat. We sat together on back seat and again he wrapped his hand around me and made me lay my head on his shoulder. This man don't even know what he is doing with me!!!

"So, I look Handsome?", he asked making an intense eye contact with me and I gulped down my saliva before nodding foolishly.

"Did you miss me during this four years?", this question was so so easy for me to answer. I can write even a book on it. How much I missed you?...ahhh...

"There is not a single day when I didn't miss you captain.", it came as a whisper from my mouth and he smiled on it. His beautiful smile can make anyone crazy for it.

"Then why always I need to call you? You never did call me", he said pulling me towards him, and I almost got crashed in him. This heart of mine is betraying me with his every actions. And I even don't know why he is making me so close to him. Well, there was a few six-seven centimetre distance between our head and this fact is making me weak.

"I thought you must be busy", I stammered and it was indication that I'm lying. I am aware of the fact that no one knows me more better than he knows. And I'm damn sure, he is gonna caught me red handed!





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