
Love Oracle : The Oracle of CICERIO the Legend #1

Love Oracle : The Oracle of CICERIO the Legend #1 Orel ! l thought we had time, my soulmate... Until she vanished in front of me. I still remember.. The vision The man tall in scurfy hoody and dark jeans a shadow more like, running off down the street, steps heavy and stealthy the black boots pounding on the ground “clomp! Clomp!” loud in her ears until they become faint sounds gone with the cold night air, further away from her. Orel Lanett stared in a blank blinking trance before slowly turning her head facing the night sky which was a cover of dark clouds. There was wetness, soaking her dress. Orel was on the cold concrete pavement lying flat glancing up the sky and she couldn’t move. On his way rushing his pace towards her, Neil thought, he would make it, but it was over body going still momentarily in panic, she was matted in blood from her chest where the man stabbed her. Quickly kneeling and leaning in gathering her to himself “You can survive it!” said Neil. “l am so sorry if l came earlier! l should’ve have run out …….” “It’s nnnot …not your fault …. you came Neil, it couldn’t be evaded, could it? … he came for me again!” “Hello 911 someone is hurt here! please hurry in Beckley Street!” voice fast toned in a panic and immediately hanging up on the phone…… “Orel with your strength alone…. do not …. Don’t die one me, my love the ambulance is on is on its way” Face crumbled, lips trembling and his heavy figure shaking with sobs Neil was in hysteria. “Neil! … Neil take out the knife... ...please, it’s extremely excruciating ……. l can’t …. aaaah looking up into his eyes darkness of pain clouded in them. Orel ‘s voice gave out her last breath “l don’t have time Neil” she was sobbing tears which was sprawled over her face in droplets and unfit to talk intelligently.

C_Pixie · Fantasy
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14 Chs

ALYTHIA kingdom

The kingdom represented a medieval time of magical abilities, religious ,individuals of all talents was a division 4 regions namely Xenia by house Grey ,Nubira by house of Aden ,Galois house of Boleyn and Thalian by the Cavendish which was in charge by officials appointed by the King Elgar a man in his prime feared and respected, who was ruthless in wiping his enemies witnessed in his succession killing off of his competitors for the throne even it meant killing his four brothers and in the war with the hated neighboring kingdom.

Ascanius san-folk people his strategies of using children to infiltrate the enemies camp with poisoned food to throw them off- balance was nothing compared to what he was capable of politically.

As it may the kingdom was a series of villages ,open fields, towns, Lord's lands ,forests of vast land the Lord of Dux resided in Xenia region was located near Galois house of Boleyn ,which was region full of brave men who specialized in the art of war men who were skilled in sword ship, fighting with bows they protected the lands and the nation well.

Xenia region by house of Grey had talented strategists in fighting and politics was a great contribute to the nation.

Nubira by house of Aden regions were known for possessing mystic objects with abilities, creative citizens resided in that land many including well popular artist and musicians.

Thalian by the Cavendish which consisted of the wealthiest men who contributed to the wealth of the kingdom and were political individuals and mostly officials grew into such profession in that region.

Xenia was a community of a huge town which streets were veins of stone buildings, wooden structures, busy with people shopping at busy open markets nearby which consisted of rustic wooden stalls, food booths of the local cuisine and gambling ,circus tents.

Carriages filled with aristocrats seated going about their day and citizens busily crosses paths to and from. Xenia was experiencing one of hot seasons the sun high in the sky and fans seen on many men, women walking in the town.

Women clothed long coarsely woven dresses while men wore cloth shirts and trousers with hidden vest according the class the finer the material the richer their status was silks and fine lines telling a different background of the citizens.

Nobles to citizens busy in the in their respective roles the sound chatter of life in the town, women admiring local jewelry pieces, hair pieces and local gowns from the dresser shop.

The main houses with different color flags, the Vigils bureau red tags on the block pillars of its front pavement entrance, three vigil officers stationed at the front entrance on guard, the local smiths shops open the sound iron ,being modelled ,by hammers the "clinking" sounds of beating it into shape of new swords and axes for daily task uses.

The opposite the street row among the other stores, down the street the beer taverns and more stalls in the hot dry air of the day.



The darkness of night, the woodland ominously quiet, the sound alive was the susurration of leaves in the gusty wind and the smell dry soil, bulky tall trees branches protruded like vines towards the sky, stumps rooted knotting on the pathways of the forest.

Walking into the densely shadows of the woods, footsteps in movement of boots snapping dead figs in a maze path halting, Dante stood in wait at the promised meeting spot, moments later footsteps fast-moving echoed, showing the arrival appearance of a silhouette of a full figured man coming into silvery light of the gloomy moonlight high in the sky.

"Dante did you get everything settled? No mistakes otherwise your aware of the consequences… of angering him"

"Of course, l am not reckless , l left the letter on the servant's bodies as instructed"

"Excellent our plans are just beginning, and the ring have you gotten it yet?"

"Yes, we all have been waiting for this time to come, I am working on it, and if l rush to take it would ruin his plans"

"Keep me posted on it, now leave otherwise your men will be suspicious of your disappearance"

"Yes, l will work on it "

The shadow retraced it steps back dissolving in the darkness leaving the man who stood in low bow of respect before lifting his head making his way disappearing in exit of the woods.

The Vigils Bureau headquarters ...….

Ryan was seated on the chief chair head in a bow writing down, behind his table, two chairs for guests in front of the room which was spacious, record books in an organized wood stand in left far end of the room, on the walls documents of identification as the lead head investigative official and grants of appointment by the King, in the agency head office busy sorting out reports on crimes, grants and for investigation outside the secretary of office nearby with his table working.

Guards were standing on the entrance of the office in protection of their head of investigator.

The office regional premises were a picture of busy officials on duty patrolling the front gate, to the street officials bringing local criminals from theft, robberies and murder from the town to the garrison, officials in the accounting offices of the town, others in the investigation room collecting evidence and conducting interviews.

The officials were in their uniform hose and tunic's with iron vests for protection, belted straps with swords the badge of hierarchy on their tunic.

Footsteps in approach of the entry way of the office, a three badged full experienced official with a tall muscle- build in uniform, greeted the guards before asking for permission to enter the commander's office.

"May you announce my arrival to the head Investigator "the men followed the authority of the official knocking the door and giving entrance the official walked in the office.

Ryan raising his head at the man entering who greeted with a bow waiting for instruction to report, recognizing him, he spoke.

"Captain Mayson proceed, what do have for me today …report"

"Good day sir, we have found leads on the case of the sons of nobles who were kidnapped" sharp steel blue eyes, short flaxen hair, frown line receding on his forehead as he reported the leads to the case.

"Yes, what have you found now?" looking at the man who stood in the middle of the room closely.

"Sir, we caught a few men who were reported by witnesses by the side roads to have dragged the bodies of servants who were killed"

"The evidence is it credible, to arrest them?"

"Yes, the men are currently brought to the investigation room and being questioned now"

"Alright lead me to where they are now, so this matter is finally resolved"

"Yes, sir" milling toward the door, opening it exiting as Ryan following behind him advancing past the official office rooms, lower rank officials greeting him on the way

"Greetings lead investigator" reply on his way strolling in authority head raised high, the captain turning several paths leading to the investigation room before which was wide open commotion inside with guards running to report.

"Greetings sir" the men in the room noticing the presence of the captain and lead investigator.

"Yes, where are the suspects to be investigated now? "Entering the investigation room.

"Awaken ..!" the men's heads bowed with no sign of movement from their hands and feet tied in a distance parallel to each other on wooden chairs.

"Sir, there is a problem with the suspects ...…are dead!" the guards reporting after trying to shake the man, noticing the men apparently weren't breathing.

"What do you mean deceased ? Weren't the men brought today for questioning?

"Ryan was astounded at the men who appeared dead before him.

" Yes sir ,however when the lower officials went to question them ,they were given water to drink by a servant ,who came in the room to before the investigation began and apparently turned blue, the officials noticed the men were dead"

"Sir were suspecting the men were, killed so they would not confess today"

"Officials it seems likely were dealing with an influential enemy"

"Seems so ...…. Lead investigator" Captain Mayson mentioned in agreement seeing the unusual scene before them which occurred.

"Officials listen now carefully, going forward this investigation will be done in secret. It appear we have traitor too in Bureau investigate and no mistakes we don't want to alert whoever is behind the scenes"

"Yes sir, we will investigate further to find out what happening and give a report"

"Proceed l want efficiency, results immediately and increase stake outs and patrols in the town"

"Yes, sir" the men left Ryan presence off to their posts, the captain taking a few vigil bureau men to investigate.

Heading back to his official quarters in thought, it seems that his father's suspicions were right that last week when he was informed of the report when it was submitted.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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