
Curiosity killed the cat

Dear you can go now said the old woman smiling at the girl who was wiping the tables.

The girl stopped and looked at the woman as she gave her a nod.

Ok Ms Lee she said as she went to take her bag.

Let me drop you off, it's now almost midnight it's not safe said Ms Lee looking at the dark streets.

It's ok Auntie l can manage besides l live nearby said the girl in a voice so small it came out as a whisper.

Ms Lee looked at the girl helplessly she was such a fragile timid sweetheart.

Ok then Aria, hurry up and please be safe said Ms Lee worried.

Aria looked at her and flashed a small smile before she opened the door and left.

As the door opened she was met by the cold breeze blowing her hair and blushing against her pale skin giving her goosebumps. She quickly wore her hoodie making sure to cover her head slipping her small hands on the pockets.

She made her way towards the dark streets thank the stars the street lights were working so the streets weren't as dark or scary. She signed helplessly looking around she was the only one on in sight making her realise how lonely and pathetic she was.

She signed as she swallowed her bitter tears and made her way.

l am feeling very cold and it feels like it's going to take eternity to get home she thought

Let me just take the short way through the alley besides theres no one there so it's safe.

Aria looked at the alley and uneasiness washed over her it looked so dark and creepy and the abandoned building next to it wasn't making it better.

She huffed in some air 'Aria the sooner you get home the better right, even through this building looks like something is going to jump from it or its going to collapse on you, just don't think about it you are going to be ok '

she said in a small voice convincing herself everything was going to be fine.

She clinged on her bag and she started walking she was so fast .

she silently prayed to get out of there alive.

everything seemed great until she heard a plea.

"please don't kill me"

Aria stiffened and stopped at her feet

there was someone in the abandoned building. This is none of my business even if the person might need my help

Aria bit her lips while trying to decide what she should do .

finally she decided to stay out of it , she started talking small steps before she got anywhere she ran back took a stool and pecked through the window she was short so she had to try and hold on to the window in order to get a nice view.

What am l doing? she asked herself

l couldn't resist wanting to know what was happening. Now l know what they mean by saying curiosity killed the cat.

l frowned when saw two men inside it was dark so l couldn't see their faces but l could clearly see that one of them was injured thanks to the moon outside.

please spare me l have a family cried the injured one kneeling to the other one.

Why didn't you think of that before you went off to betray me said the other one in a icy voice that sent shivers down my spin.

This guy was dangerous l thought


l saw the other guy reach for something from his pocket.

what is he doing? l asked myself

Before l could do or say anything l heard gunshots and the injured man dropped dead , blood oozing from his forehead.

l felt my body tense as l widened my eyes l couldn't help but gasp loudly unfortunately getting the attention of the other man. our eyes met

l have been discovered l took my hand to cover my mouth forgetting l was balancing using it before l knew it l found myself in the ground without wasting any time l picked myself up and started to run, l didn't need anyone to tell me to run for my life.