

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


After eating William and Ann went back to their respective offices to continue their days work. When the day was over,they left together discreetly and the whole time William was cracking jokes and acting like he was not himself "What happened to you?"Ann asked him because she felt that he's behavior was not on par with his usual self.

"What do you mean dear wife?"

"I don't want you to call me dear wife call, me Vi."

"So you liked the name I gave you." William said smiling at her.

"You did not give me that name, it was given to me by my mother."

"Oh well. I see. Do you want to go and eat out somewhere?" then he added suggestively,"Somewhere where we can be alone?"

"Is it gonna be a fancy restaurant?" Ann asked suddenly excited.

William shook his head and this made the smile on Ann's face widen.

"I am dressed for the occasion. I don't know about you." she said looking at the outfit she had made him wear that morning.

"Everything looks good on me so let's go." he responded with a grin across his face.

Ann rolled her eyes at him but followed him into the car anyway. After a short twenty minutes drive they came to a big building that Ann recognized as a building that she had always wanted to visit.

"Grandma always wanted to come here with me." she said and William listened,"Do you think I can bring her here sometime soon?"

"Sure, I can drive you here if you want."

William parked the car smoothly and effortlessly while Ann looked at his slender and long fingers as if she was in a trance then she finally said,

"Nah, I prefer to come here with grandpa. Those two seem to have a thing for each other even now so it would make her happy. I have just remembered that I haven't called her today. Let me make her a quick call then I'll see you inside." "Okay." William said as he got done from the car.

Ann also got down and went to a place where they were no people to make a call to her grandmother.

"Hello darling." her grandmother said as soon as the line got through.

"Hi Grandma! I just wanted to say that I miss you."

"I miss you too baby girl."

"I don't believe you. You haven't even come to visit us at home."

"Newlywed couples don't need visitors so soon. You should be working."

"Yes I do work, 6 to 6."

"Not that kind of working. I mean the one for the production of children."

Ann sighed to herself knowing that she should have anticipated that the conversation would head in that direction; it's always about babies with the old people. Then she heard her grandmother continue,

"Have you even done it yet?"

"Yes....we have...." Ann whispered.

"Lies! I can tell from the tone of your voice that you've not done anything with William. You had better give me great grandchildren or else I will hate you for the rest of my short life."

"Oh please grandma. I feel like you might even live for another sixty years or so." Ann said trying to change the course of the conversation.

"Please....I don't want to be that old. It's already hard enough at this age."

"We'll talk later have a date with Mr Brown." Ann said and her grandmother chuckled.

She hang up soon after and just when she was about to start heading inside she heard someone clapping behind her. She turned around and was surprised to see Liz well.

"Well you already taken out my man."

"Hello Liz." Ann greeted and it had Liz frawn deeply.

"Listen to me you rhino, no matter what sort of charm you've used on him he is still mine no matter what he loves me first,"Ann laughed at Liz's bold proclamation,

"Why are you laughing?"

"Did you not know that Mr Brown, my husband only dated you because he did not want pressure from his family about getting married or finding a woman."

"Those are all lies!" Liz exclaimed.

"It's the truth."

She did not wait for Liz to respond to and started working into the building.

"Don't you dare go in there or else I will reveal to the world that William merely strangled me for no reason."

Ann stopped in her footsteps and looked back at Liz who was with her arms crossed over her chest in confidence.

"It's good that I have your attention. Now..."

"You have no proof of that."

"Oh yes I do. Because I am a very highly valued woman in this society, I always walk around with a camera on me and everything that happened in that office that day is on that camera. What are you going to do now Mrs Brown?"

" What do you want?" Ann asked.

"You said you have a date with William today. Go in and tell him that I'm the one who is going to be with him and if he protests then just tell him about this."

Ann felt her heart squeezing in her chest but she complied. William already had enough trouble and she didn't want to add to it. She went in and she found William who was in a secluded corner.

"It took you long enough." he said when she got there.

"I have something to say." Ann said gaining Williams attention.

"Liz is back."

"What do you mean she's back?"

"She's back that's what I mean. She's outside. It's a date for the two of you."

"Or else what."

"Else she will release the footage of you strangling her."

"If only I had controlled my temper."

"Yeah. It's just a date so don't worry. I will be in the car."

"No Mrs Brown. He has to take me home as well. And we need privacy." Liz said standing behind Ann. William glad at Liz but he did not say anything.

"Have a nice date." Ann wished them and she left.

Before leaving the eating area Ann took one last glance at William and she saw how uncomfortable he looked, she smiled and left. On her way, out she saw a man carrying a camera and she instantly realized what Liz was trying to do. She wanted people to think she was William's wife and she would probably refuse to take down the news until William actually married her. Ann stopped the man out of curiosity.

"Is there some famous celebrities inside?" she asked.

"No, I've just been hired."

"Really to do what?"

"Taking a photo of someone."

"You can take a photo of me if you want."

"Sure, but this isn't the best place, you know. Let me do my job first."

"Come on, I need to go home soon."

The man looked at Ann's alluring body and licked his lips and it disgusted her to the core but she kept on smiling at him as seductively as she could.

"I'm sure I'll still find them. Let's go I saw a park nearby." he said.

"Sure." she said and hooked her hand into the man's and pulled him away from the building.

Inside, Liz became impatient because she didn't see the man she had told to photograph her with William.

"Is there a problem?" William asked.

"Nothing. I was just looking at the people here. Usually you don't eat in public places so what made you change your mind?"

"It happens when you have an outgoing wife like Ann, you know."


"She's a treasure."

Liz felt her heart begin to boil and simmer like a volcano about to erupt. She rolled her eyes at him jealousy engulfing her quicker than she had the expected. William smiled after the seeing her reaction. After eating their first meal, Liz went back to looking around for the man she had hired but she couldn't see him.

"Where is that idiot?"


"I am talking to you. Shut up."

"Wow, is that how you treat all your dates?" "William, you are the only man I have ever gone on a date with now shut up."

"Who are you looking for?"

"No one."

"You do know defamation of character is a crime right?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know what you were trying to do. You're not so smart."

"Oh please you know nothing about me."

"I know you're dum."

Liz stood up from her chair and slammed her fist onto the table.

"Mind your tongue Mr Brown!"

"Mind your business Miss Cliff."

"I will get back at you. It's not over. I'll see you in a week for another date."

"Me? Oh we're going on honeymoon."


"Yes honeymoon, with my honey."

Liz took deep breaths so that she would not cause a scene in the restaurant. Everyone was already looking at her.

"I will not forget this William. Never. You will regret this and the day you were born, the day you dumped me the day you married that witch. Everything."

"No, you will regret everything Liz. I will make you regre falling in love with me. It's a promise. This is the place where we made our vows to each other. Good day."

William got up after the same that and went to look for Ann but he did not find the car. 'Where didd she go now.'