
Love on the porch

A 20 year old girl finds a love letter on the front of the porch and follows the clues to see a creepy figure to her liking.

Lillyland2201 · Urban
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5 Chs


Sundin"Oh dear you must be scared right well I'll eventually exsplain this to you.But for now we really need to go to the Q and Q meeting now we cannot be late!

Sakura"No your going to tell me whats going on NOW!

Sundin"Fine fine fine ok so um (Explained every thing to Sakura)Ok i did what you want now get over here you little baby and get ready for Q and Q meeting.

Sakura"fine ok so what do i even wear?

Sundin"Something elagant and beautiful.

Sakura"Heck NO!

Sundin"Im starting to think i sent the letter to the wrong girl!

Sakura"No No No No No you sent it to the right one this is the first time I've ever experienced this type of trip especially with super speed in a millisecond!I will do better!Ok first go find something proper!

Sundin"Atta girl glad to see you change your thoughts around.

Nararator"Nice and breif makes it easygoing well if you would like to chose what dress she wears read to the next chapter!