
Chapter 37

  Broken Hearts!


  "Love we say it's happiness, I call it my comfort, his love understood my craziness, I never see myself loving or someone falling for me, at first, it wasn't in my chapter, but what happens when my ink has to fill the empty chapter to make a book, I was the vacant chapter, he was my ink that made me realise, I am no more empty with him constantly there for me.

  The first day we argued and never knew we would meet again, it seems fate has something in stock for us, we meet realise a show I never dreamt of going to, I remembered how my towel fell off, and I quickly covered back, I kept giving him my heart no matter how hard I try to stay far from him, he was my knight in shining armour.

  Even when my image was at stake, he never left me; he was there when I was lonely and sad; I got heartbroken when I saw a lady with him but got my trust back when I heard the truth from his mouth and the one week stay together was fantastic.