
Chapter 2 Arrogant Meets Crazy


  "I am not doing it, mom, no way," she can't talk me into doing it.

  "Oliver, I am not asking you to go and date someone or love someone. Your face won't be seen in the house by anyone, but you will be able to watch everything and get the latest updates from the workers."

  She continued talking and explaining.

  "Fallen in love is breaking the rules because you are not part of the show but heading it and following up the manual I will be giving to you."

  "But mother," she cuts me off.

  "Don't, for once, act as my son; you just got a task, and you are running from it. Is this how I trained you, Oliver? I am disappointed in you."

  "I am sorry, mother, I am truly mom."

  "Now I ask again, will you help me out with love on a fire show?"

  I had a rethink of everything mom said; I am not forced to date anyone to head it.

  Sure, I can do this, I know it will be the boring cause of the love stuff, but to make mom happy, I will do it, so I prove to her I am not a disappointment.

  "Yes, mom, I will do it," I finally answered her

  "That's my boy, now come to hug your mother," she got excited

  I smiled and hugged her; she reminded me again, saying, "Since you hate to love, don't break the rules by falling in love with any of the housemate."

  "Never, mom, will I fall in love with anyone there. Moreover, true love is just a fantasy. It doesn't exist."

  Ava came in and said, "But brother am in love with my friend in school, and I am planning to have my first kiss. Are you sure love doesn't exist?"

  My mom and I shouted


  "Ava, get back here. You have some explanations to say," she started running, and I chased her.

  What if she is pranking us both? I laughed



  I drove to the ice cream shop to get chocolate ice cream for Ava; after we bought the ice cream, we entered the car about to go back home when she told me she forgot her phone inside

  I told her to wait in the car while I get it. I got inside and saw the phone intact; I walked towards my car when a crazy lady poured ice cream on me.

  "Oh, I am sorry mr, I am so sorry."

  "Wtf, You ruined my shirt, you bitch!"

  "Hey, who you calling bitch?"

  "Are you that dumb? Who else but you." I said to her.

  "You are so rude; I apologise to you that I am sorry; it was a mistake."

  "It wasn't a mistake; you are too blind to see where you are heading to slut"

  "Oh, you calling me slut, you are just a male prostitute."

  Is she crazy, "How dare you to talk back at me?"

  "Who are you that I can't talk back at, jerk."

  "You know what, I can see you are crazy, a crazy lady."

  "Oh, I agree; I am crazy. Do you need proof? I am going to show you how crazy I can be"

  She poured the remaining ice cream on me and said, "Do your worst arrogant beast" then she left

  She is a bitch, a crazy bitch, I entered the car, and Ava was laughing.

  "Ava, why are you laughing?"

  "I can't help it, bro, but to laugh; you needed to see your face right now. Are you mad she can stand you and talk back at you?"

  "Not a word Ava."

  "Okay, bro."

  She kept on laughing, "ahhhhh, I hate you, Ava."

  "Will you stop laughing? She is just a crazy bitch."

  "Bro, when she poured the remaining ice cream on you, why did you freeze? You stood there like a statue."

  "I can't help but laugh out."

  "Ava, I am taking you home right now; no more ice cream for you. The next time I see that crazy bitch, I will let her know how crazy how I can be."


  That jerk is so lucky to I am in a good mood today, and I promised my mother that I wouldn't fight again.

  If not, I would have shown him how crazy I could be. Calling me a bitch, he's a fu**king male prostitute; he just ruined my day.

  Oh, Charlotte, I poured him Ethan ice cream; now you crazy, Charlotte, to have wasted Ethan ice cream on him.

  That jerk is going to pay back the ice cream I poured on him.

  I got another ice cream for Ethan.



  I was busy with my phone when I came across the Love on Fire show starting this very month.

  I hate this show; I believe they are just acting to love each other to win the prize attached. Love will make you weak.

  I wondered who is the person heading the show, no one knows the face or gender, but I believe it might be a he; someone announced that the owner of the show is not around, but her son will be handling it.

  Maybe the son will take over the show too; that's not my problem anyway; I decided to nap.

  It hadn't gotten to 3 minutes when Ethan came in and started jumping on my bed.

  "Oh gracious, Ethan, I am going to kill you for interrupting my sleep."

  My brother is such a pest

  "Ethan, leave my room this instant."

  "Sis, I want to stay."

  "Oh ahhhhh, " I screamed in anger

  "I am going to eat you raw."

  Then I heard mom said, "No daughter of mine is an animal that will want to eat his brother."

  "Oh, mom."


  I can't believe I am heading this show. I wouldn't say I like the most LOVE ON FIRE.

  I am to give a speech for the opening, but I am to put on a mask instructed by my mother to know the person behind the show.

  My mother is always good at changing my mind to impress her and make her happy.

  She also told me not to disclose my name or identity; she gave me a manual to follow as if I just bought a new TV that needed a manual guide to help out.

  Gosh, this is going to be boring; the participants are in the house already.

  It was a live broadcast that gets viewed everywhere. It's time to give my speech when one of the stupid girls in the house poured her drink on me.

  I composed my self not to insult her because it was live, she said sorry, and I ignored her.

  I called one of the workers and said, "Make sure that slut get evicted from the show; I don't even want her to last up to a week here, do you understand," he nodded, "good."

  I can't wait for this show to get to an end.

  So I am going to be living here without them knowing because no camera fixed at where I am staying, but I can see and know everything going on in the show

  I was called upon to now address the house and explain more about "Love on Fire.".

  To be continued.

  I love the rule the mother gave to him.