
Team Athena

Ten men, and ten women, are in front of me, my crew, my team.

These people, will help me fulfill my own plan

Some of them I know, some are as the same age as me, I suppose.

Then They started introducing themselves

It began with the guys

the two. commander started it

"Commander Travis Salazar. You can call me that, or just Travis , we have already met Lady Athena" He said and bowed

I bowed back

"Commander Lexus Vandell, you can call me, Lexus, or with the word commander, I too, have met you, before, its a pleasure to work with you your highness" Commander Lexus said and bowed

I bowed too

Then, the three guys, are familiar, if I haven't mistaken, they are Gradgie's colleagues?

What are they doing here?

To answer my question, Bernard spoke

"You know pretty well, lady Athena" Bernard said

"We are the colleagues, the duchess mentioned" Asclepius informed me

"And now, we are here to serve you, Lady Athena, our loyalty now, lies in your hand" David said