
Love Of Two Different world's people

This the story of mafia gang leader and the very simple innocent orphan girl. let's see how there path cross and how they become lovers.

Crazee_Bee_8087 · Action
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6 Chs

Who is she

Aaron's Pov:

Someone enter his room and say boss we have captured that traitor who was leaking our information.

Finally we caught that bastard because of him we lost so many our men.

where is he ??

boss he is at torture room

ok let's go .

In torture room he was covered with blood .so you are the traitor if you want to die with less pain tell me who is behind you.

traitor laughing manically I will never tell you ....you son of bitch..

then you will beg for death just wait.

I told everyone to torture him but he must not die....

I leave the torture room.that traitor was tortured by our men for a week finally he told us who is behind all this...it was John one of my enemy.

so we decided to attack his base.we go there and kill his all men .

me and John fight but somehow he escaped from that place .he was injured badly I was also following him.

we reached at the corner of the road and he collapsed.and suddenly some one come there shouting she was asking him how he is?? some one please call ambulance .there is a injured person..

I saw her face she was very innocent and cute.

somehow I get angry 😡😡😡 and go there

hey girl leave him alone .no need to call ambulance anyways I am going to kill him.she was so scared and said how can kill him ?

you don't have any right to kill him .I will take him to the hospital blah blah blah...

she keep lecturing me.

just shut up you stupid girl .and I killed him infront of her .she was so shocked and fainted there .

I was trying to wake her up but no use.

then ask my men to bring my car .and I took her to my house .she was resting in my guest room.i called my right hand and bff Liam and asked her to find out who she is?