
The Erlking

The woods had gone, the three of them trekked through a spectral land of green fields, separated by low stones walls. They had eaten what was left of their food back and it was not much for them. As they walked once in a while, they would see another patch of the strange blighted earth.

“We could reach The Queen’s court in two days.’ Luan said, pausing in the middle of the clearing. “Depending on how much we’re willing to travel without rest.”

“Did you see the patch of blight?” Evangeline inquired.

“I see it.” Luan said. “Signs of dark magic is everywhere in here.” Luan glanced around and he could see a glimpse shape of a town in distance and he continued his stride in silent, not wanting to attract any attention.

Evangeline turned away from the strange blighted earth and went to join the others. Luan was walking ahead, holding the map and consulting it when light rayed down on the map. They had plunged into the thicker woods.

“Are you sure you’re leading the right way, Mr. Winterlight?” Asked Melian. Her green eyes darted around the woods.

Luan turned and faced Melian. He raised his eyebrows. “Are you doubting my ability of reading a map?”

Melian rolled her green eyes inelegantly. “I’m not doubting,” said Melian. “I’m worried about following someone who is not from here”

“I may not from here, but my smart brain can read map.” Said Luan.

Melian slewed her eyes over to Luan. “You need to have a slightest modesty planted inside your pretty smart brain.” She walked past him, her boots leaving deep impressions in the moss ground. Melian swore as she slipped in the moss ground, falling straight into a big hole.

Evangeline blinked for a second and she went straight after her, looking down at Melian. “Are you okay?”

“W-what are these? Who give them permission to make their home here?” Melian’s eyes grew larger at size of dinner plate when she caught a centipedes crawled on her boots “No! Stop it!” She cried out.

Melian felt her stomach tightened and churned at the sight of centipedes crawled on the ground beneath her. She lost all of her strengths when a caterpillar fell down right on her nose. “No!” She cried out.

“You can just stay back and follow behind me, Melian.” Luan said dismissively and helped Melian to climb up from the hole.

Melian steadied herself and her shoulders trembled. She hugged her body, “I can still feel them crawling all over me.”

Luan’s face stretched into a grin so wide it should have fallen right off his face. “I see that a knight is weaker than insects.”

Melian waved her hands in disdain, feeling the needs to defend herself against Luan’s remark. “No! I just dislike creepy crawly creatures.” She said defensively.

“Oh,” said Luan. He tilted his head slightly to his right side. Amusement swum inside his blue eyes. “Look. More bugs.”

Melian’s shoulders twitched with loath and Luan let out a whoop of laughter. “Stop it before I tear your throat off.”

“Oh.” Luan tensed up and stepped forward, putting himself in front of Evangeline.

“Luan?” Said Evangeline.

“Do you hear that?” Asked Melian and whirled. Her green eyes glanced around the woods cautiously.

Evangeline strained her ears. She wished she could have sharp ears and fast reflex like Melian. She shook her head when she heard nothing. Evangeline felt Luan stiffen in front of her in surprise, but he remained his calm composure.

“Listen,” Melian said. “it’s getting louder.”

Evangeline strained her ears once again, trying to hear what Melian had heard. Then she heard, the tiny breakage of branches behind them, the thump of footfalls, an eerie and tuneless music. The music made her nerves feel like they were wriggling under her skin.

“Someone is coming,” Luan said, “and there are quite a few of them.” Luan had dropped his rucksack on the ground, and held his glaive.

“Their footsteps sound unrefined.” Said Melian.

“The music is from the Erlking’s piper.” Evangeline said.

Luan plunged into the ticker woods alongside the path. “Come along!” He said and they followed him. Evangeline was cautious of Luan ahead of her. He had used his glaive to hack away undergrowth. Piles of leaves and branches studded with small, blood-colored flowers tumbled at her feet.

The music was louder now, and grew louder still as they passed through thick forest. Number of tents, booths clustered in a glade in a circle of thick trees. The main part the centre was a massive draped pavilion, with velvet banners. There was an emblem of a cage, stamped in silver displayed on the banners. A single tall throne made of smooth, glimmering black stone sat in the pavilion and it was empty.

A few elves in dark cloaks were milling around in the pavilion near the throne. Their cloaks bore the cage. They barely looked older than twenty.

“The Erlking’s people.” Whispered Evangeline. They were crouched behind a tumble of boulders, peering around the edges and weapons in hand. “Try not to attract their attention.”

There was a sudden blare of music and the elves in the area began to move toward the pavilion. They were brilliant in their finery clothes. The men wore clothes as brightly as the women in gold, blue and green.

“It’s almost time.” Melian said, straining to see.

“Time?” Luan asked.

“The Erlking is calling his people to him.”

Luan straightened, still hidden by the boulders. “Then we should move now. I’m going to see if there is any way to get out of here.” His glaive gleamed in the sunlight. “Melian,” Luan said, “stay here with Evangeline.”

After a single moment of startled, Melian nodded. She took out her knife and she watched Luan disappeared into the trees. She leaned forward against the massive boulder. “This is going to drag longer if we don’t get out of here soon.” She said in a low voice.

A twig snapped behind her and Evangeline whirled, sword flashing out. It was Luan. “You should know better who is your ally is.” Luan said with a crook of a smile.

Evangeline lowered her sword. “You should know better that making noise when you walk can get people on their guards.”

Luan glanced from Evangeline to Melian. “There is no other way out unless we get closer to the-“

Evangeline had gone still, she was staring at something Luan could not see. Luan’s gaze met hers. It was full of unguarded alarm. Evangeline moved, pushing through the undergrowth. She could feel sweat gather in the hollow of her back as she strained herself not to step on a twig that might break in any time. Even the sound of a leaf cracked already put her in anxiety mode.

Evangeline had reached only the very edge of the clearing. She was still hidden from the view of the pavilion by an overgrowing fern. Luan had come shortly, almost bumping into Evangeline. The view was unobstructed and Evangeline could see elves gathered close in front of the throne. There were like hundreds of them. A man with dark skin wore silk overcoat and waistcoats of shimmering green bird’s wings. Two pale women were dressed in intricate dresses with blue flowers woven on it. Their hair was stark and white, but Evangeline was not looking at them. She was looking at a slump figure of a prisoner. His clothes bloodstained, his body limp. The crowd parted and Evangeline could see him clearly.