
Love Of The Dark

" If everyone hates darkness then why was it created ?"- Victoria Thompson 24 years old psychiatrist the main character of the story having this question throughout her life but can't find the answer . Little did she know god has something else planned for her .

Zoya_Mateen · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

She started running towards that direction, it was already late she doesn't know till where she will run , she has already lost her way , she just want this thing to be over with . After running for a while , her legs started to feel the pain . She stopped breathing heavily , letting her palms rest on her knees . Victoria:" what's the time ?(She said in her exhausted state . checking her pockets for her phone she started to get worried when she couldn't find her phone ) AGRHH where did I leave it ? Did I dropped it somewhere? No no I would have noticed if I had dropped it . WHERE DID MY PHONE GO ?? Remember Victoria, where have you left it ?? ( it's her habit to talk to herself when she is in this kind of situation) SHITT!! Ms. Stella's house ?? I think I left it on her dining table . Great ! Now I'm stuck in the middle of no where and I don't even have my phone with me . How can you be so dumb Victoria?? Ahhhhh ! Looking here and there just when her vision shifted towards her right at a old house . It was made out of woods and planks , of course what else she would she expect. A house in the middle of forest made with clear glass tiles ? never . " should I go in ? I mean what else can be more strange than a house in the forest , and this doesn't even seem like a forest to me . How can there be forest without a single animal ? Leave it more interesting thing I noticed, since the time I came not a single , not even one bird I saw flying in the sky . You can't tell birds where to fly and where not to , they fly wherever they want . How can no bird wants to fly in this area ? I should have asked this question to Ms. Stella " she thought to herself because according to her she didn't wanted to waste anymore energy on anything specially talking when no one's around that can even listen to her . She made her way towards the house . As soon as she let her right foot step on the entrance, a squiky like sound was produce making her flinch for a second or so . As she continued her steps the sound continued as well . She twisted the door knob as she opened the door just to hear more strong squiky sound than she was already hearing from her every step . She slowly entered the house while taking soft steps , she was getting irritated by the squiky sound repeatedly. While her steps didn't really help in ignoring it but sure made it little soft ." Hello? Is anyone there ? " Victoria spoke as realisation hit her ,she face palm herself for being this dumb . " only people in movies are this dumb to ask this question and I'm not in a movie " she again said to herself . Entering the house her eyes fell on the sofa whose leather were all torn out . There were some random things lying here and there on the floor everywhere . She carefully ,made her steps not wanting to fall when a weird smell hit her nose . She looked here and there and found the reason for that smell . Some rotten fruits were kept on the dining table . Her eyes traveled down when she noticed leftovers on the dining table but in a second she backed off when mouse ran through a vision making her gasp at the same moment .A TV was also present in there which was connected with long wire and the remote just lying beside the tv stand .She then finally shifted her gaze upwards, on the ceiling and as she saw what she expected, spider webs everywhere. Letting her eyes examine the room she screamed just finding a spider by her left ear " AHH ... Since when was it there that I didn't notice it " she kept her right hand on her chest to calm herself and her heartbeat which was already fast . "Relax " *sigh* by looking at the condition of the house she could tell that no one's living here . A wall clock was placed just above the fireplace which was of course not working "No matter how bad situation a person is in they will never keep their home like this " she thought to herself . " well according to that note I should see a strange sign right ? What's strange in this ? If no one lives here then obviously the condition of the house will be like this only and in the matter of second hand why did I even believe in that silly note ? Just because it disappeared that's why ? Yeah yeah if I can believe in that case then this nothing for me I'm The one who is stupid in here . And to be honest because of that stupid question of mine this all is happening *sighs deeply * wait ! What if I'm just hallucinating and nothing else , but wait hallucinating isn't a small thing Victoria!! it can cause big troubles . Okay I need a psychiatrist for myself now . But for now just get out from this house even if it's dark because I'm not staying in this fricking house anymore . "She took her steps to the entrance when at that moment she turned by some noise just to see the tv being on . She froze at her spot at the time . The screen showed black and white line and letting a irritating voice out which Victoria found less irritating than the squiky thing . A fear crept in her heart when her eyes fell on the switch which was turned on . Slightly pressing her lips together she took slow steps toward the tv and bent down to get the remote . She tried switching it off but the remote didn't work . She held the remote in her left while her right hand went turning the tv off directly from the switch. She clicked the switch as the tv turned off , she felt a little relief in her heart but that wasn't for to long when the entrance door shut on its own making her flinch harder this time and letting a gasp from her mouth . She turned around and ran towards the door trying her best to open it but she failed . " GOD DAMN! JUST OPEN !! " just when she felt like someone pushed her hard making her fall on the floor from the distance away from the door and remote which she was holding fell on the ground and broke which she didn't even noticed . " what was that ? " again her breathing became heavy but that didn't stop she got up again trying once more to open the door but same thing happened to her again she got pushed away . This time she groaned in pain as a piece of glass hit her right elbow making it bleed a little . She slowly got up by the help of the tv stand and carefully remove that glass piece and throw it on the floor . Finally she noticed the broken remote as she took her steps but tripped on one of the items fallen on the floor and fell on the ground . She closed her eyes in reflex and a little screamed escaped her mouth . When she hit the ground the pain was same as if someone has stabbed her hardly . That's when she heard foot steps coming from behind she shut her eyes tightly . Just when she felt the steps coming closer and a hand almost touching her body .... To be continued...