

Tali woke up to Chase's body wrapped around her protectively. She lifted her head slightly to look at his face. He was sleeping but his eyebrows were drawn together as if he'd fallen asleep in a bad mood. She couldn't help but smile at that. He even wore a serious scowl in his sleep and that made her chuckle softly.

The movement of her stifled laugh jerked him awake. Chase shot up and tightened his arms around her. "Tali!" His voice was gruff and a hint of a growl was evident. She chuckled a little harder.

"Are you always so serious, Chase," the mocking tone in her voice made him pull back. He searched her face to make sure she was okay before his eyes darkened.

"Yes, I am. I'm alpha. If I'm not serious, no one will respect me. Why are you awake already?" His eyes lifted so he could look around the room. Spotting the clock, he grumbled under his breath before he leaned back against the pillows and pulled her firmly into his chest. "Close your eyes, love. It's too early."

Tali snuggled into his chest without argument. She liked being in his arms. It was her own personal safe haven. And it was warm. She admired the way they fit together. Slowly running her fingers along his pectoral muscles, she smiled to herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud grumble from her stomach. She looked down at it in shock. Chase huffed and kicked the blankets off. "Let me get Maggie," he reached over to the small table next to him and grabbed his phone. A few clicks later and he dropped it on his chest as he laid back down.

Tali felt a pang of guilt as she realized how tired her mate was. "You didn't need to sleep down here," her voice came out shaky, betraying her feelings. 'Great,' she thought to herself. 'Now he's going to know I feel bad.'

"Shhh," Chase hushed her with his nose buried in the crook of his arm as it draped across his face. "I couldn't leave you here alone. Not after what you just went through."

Before she could argue, the door opened and the curvy and beautiful nurse strolled in, a smile plastered to her face. "I'm so glad you're awake. Let's get your bandages changed and then you can leave."

Tali frowned, "Leave?" Her heart ached as she met Chase's eyes. "You don't want me anymore?" Chase shot up and stared right in her eyes.

"What the hell? What are you talking about? She meant leave here. Leave the clinic. As in I can take you to get food. Why would you think such a foolish thing?" She could feel his anger rising as a stray tear leaked from her bottom lash. He lifted his hand and wiped it away gently.

Tali couldn't make eye contact anymore. She looked down at her hands that were wrapped tightly within his one giant hand. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm insecure now. You know, after everything. I didn't mean to insult you," she felt guilty and stupid for even thinking her mate would be anything like her only blood. The same blood that left her to die in the woods with a small pack of pups.

Thinking about Todd made her blood boil. Her fragile heart was ripped so carelessly from her chest that she didn't think she'd ever heal enough to allow anyone that close to her again. She looked up at Chase, who was studying her in thoughtful silence. Her own mate. She was closed off to him as well.

Her brother ruined any future relationship she could possibly form. Tali knew it wasn't fair to hold his actions against others who had nothing to do with it, but deep down, she knew that she couldn't risk that pain again. Her, already shattered, heart couldn't handle being shattered all over again.

She chuckled coldly at her own thoughts. Her previous statement stood.

Fucking Todd.


Chase waited for his mate to escape her own mind. She laughed with a unamused tone before shaking her head and looking at him again.

"You okay," he asked cautiously. When she nodded, he turned to Maggie and said, "Your turn. Just don't hurt her. My wolf is already on edge having to move away from her." He climbed out of the bed as Maggie gathered the supplies from the cupboards around the room.

His wolf barely held back a growl that was meant to warn the nurse away from his mate. Chase understood all too much the protectiveness his wolf was feeling. He felt it just as strong. All his instincts told him to climb back in that bed and continue holding his mate until she was healed. Maybe even after.

That wasn't possible though and he knew it. They needed to eat. She had to keep up her strength so her body could heal faster. But as he thought about the scratches and how deep they were, his heart dropped. Tali would have those scars for the rest of her life. Scars to remind her of her own bloods betrayal.

Chase met her eyes as Maggie worked at the old bandages that had been bled through. Tali held out a hand and he didn't hesitate to take it. She smiled, her green eyes sparkled with happiness. So brave. His mate was incredible.

Without thinking about it, Chase's eyes shot down to the bandaged area that was being revealed. "Holy. Fuckin'. Shit," he cursed under his breath. Tali squeezed his hand, as if trying to reassure him that she was okay. He could only laugh incredulously. "How the hell," he looked to Maggie for answers.

"I'm not sure. I've never seen this before," her voice was soft as she examined the area more closely.

Tali inhaled a shaky breath, drawing back his attention. "Is it that bad," her voice wavered. Chase didn't answer right away. He was searching for answers of his own and couldn't comprehend her question about her own body. He realized then that, not only did she refuse to look down at her wounds, but she was also barely holding on to her courage as tears brimmed her bottom eyelash.

His heart ached but he needed to respond. She needed to know what was going on. And if she couldn't be brave enough to look then he was going to be strong enough to find the answers for her. "Well, it was really bad when I brought you in. Your stomach was red and purple. The infection began quicker than expected. But Maggie got you fixed up in time it seems. There's nothing there today."

His eyes left hers to lock on the stomach that had been a shredded, infected mess the day before. "Literally nothing. Not even a sign of the wound." Chase wasn't sure what was going on. He had no answers for this. It's the first he's ever heard of a wound just vanishing without a so much as a scar.

He glanced at Tali with his hand resting over her stomach. She gave a small nod, granting him permission to touch the spot that was still tight and slightly burned. Chase and Maggie touched, hoping feeling it would give them answers. "I don't understand. I'm going to the library. You're clear to go though," Maggie looked completely stunned. She must not be baffled in her line of work often.

"Chase," Tali sounded concerned. He watched as she looked down at the clear span of her stomach. "Is there something wrong with me?"

Chase pulled her hand from her stomach and kissed her fingers. "No, love. There's nothing wrong with you. You probably healed fast because I was with you all night. They say a wolf heals better with their mate present. Glad I didn't leave now, aren't you," he smirked as he tried lightening the mood. "Let's go get you fed. Maggie will do some research and let us know what's going on. Come now."

Standing, he grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet.