
Love of eternity

A simple American beauty, Lia, flies over to Korea on a scholarship. Upon getting there, she finds out her boyfriend has been cheating on her. What happens when her ex boyfriend finds out that a cold-hearted billionaire with no care in the world about others feelings or wellbeing sympathies with her and falls deeply in love with her, she becomes his only reason to breathe. Whether he's coming back to her to use the Billionaire's love for her as a means of filling his pocket or he has fallen for her once again. Will she go for her billionaire or her ex boyfriend.

Prosper_7281 · Urban
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5 Chs


Lunch is over, Lia's biology class was about to start. Lia speedwalks down the hallway, taking a corner, she bumps into someone causing the books in the person's arms fall to the floor, continuous apologies poured out of Lia's mouth like a tap turned on; she got on her knees helping the person pick up the notes and then suddenly hears her name in a female voice, she looks up to see lin smiling at her, she gets up with the books in her hands and smiling back at her

"lin how are you, i haven't seen you all morning"

Lin's smile widens as she says 

"I should say the same to you, I've been busy all morning, I'm fine by the way, I'm actually heading for a class now"

Lia's smile almost immediately disappeared

"shit, I'm late for class, I'll talk to you after class lin, ok see you later"

As she hands lin her books runs down the hallway.


She arrives at class in record time breathing heavily, the professor just took the corner as she walks into the class.

She sites Hyun at the last seat on the first row with no seat partner but sees an empty seat in the next row.

She sits in the empty seat in the row next to his. She sets her bagpack down as she looks over to Hyun's side, she calls out his name. As hard as he tries to ignore, he looks back at her, a weird mixture of tiredness and coldness on his face. She mouths

"thank you"

Hyun didn't bother to give a sigh to show he acknowledged her gragitude instead he diverts his attention to the professor who just walked in, Lia glares at him half heartedly as she already expected his reaction.


Lia flops down on her bed, she might have had only two classes but her body has a weirdly undeniable habit of getting tired easily. It's 7: 39 pm, Lia was on the verge of drifting into sleep as her thoughts slowly cloud her mind and in moments, she was asleep.

*the next morning*

Lia wakes up to the annoying sound of her alarm, she groans and checks the time, blinking to clear her blurry vision, she read

"8 : 50 am",

she jacked up immediately losing every ounce of sleep she had left in her eyes

"the fuck.....did I hit the snooze button? " ,

She says in panic.

She sprinted to the toilet, washed her face and brushed her teeth. She finishes and swings open her cupboard throwing on a large white Hoodie and a pair of black free shorts, she put on her black and white Nike branded shoes, grabbed her phone, book bag with required books and her schedule and ran to the living room stuffing two apples and her wallet in it. She grabbed her cap and put it on and went running to the front door checking the time

"fuck, 9 : 02 am, no time to walk"

She took the elevator down, called a taxi and zoomed off to school.

She got off the taxi as she glances at her wrist watch

"9 : 14 am, God I'm so late "

Practically jogging in the pathway, she notices some students, more like 'more than some' scattered around everywhere conversing or on their phones then it hit her


She slows down and and takes out her schedule from her bag reading




"uhh I'm so stupid"

she says as she smacks her forehead hard,


she says rubbing her forehead from the pain.

"I knew I was dumb but not this dumb, hhhhh... I should have checked the schedule, what a dumb ass"

she says


A familiar voice says from behind her, she could feel the coldness in the deep voice, a smirk grew on her face as she turned back.

She sees Hyun walking towards her, about a feet away, wearing a white plain t-shirt, black pants and a white pair of Jordans, her smirk stretches into a smile as she scans his body from his feet up. His sleek hair and impressive dressing, his grey eyes shining at the reflection of the sun's ray, the blank expression on his face

God he's breath-taking...

She thought

He walks right past her without a word or even a glance towards her, enters into the school building and Lia runs after him.



"where're you going?"

She asks for the fifth time while walking behind him, he turned back swiftly pinning her to the wall with his arms on both sides, she looks up at him, her heart rate increasing. He stares her down for a couple of seconds before opening his mouth to speak.

"you're so annoying"

he says, his cold expression never leaving his face

"I'm going to the library"

He says, releasing her and continues on his way

"can I.."

He cut her off mid sentence


Whining, she says

"you didn't even know what I was gonna say"

"and I don't care"

He replies not looking bact at her and she continues to follow him asking

"can I come with you? "

Until they reach the library. He turns back, walking closer to her as he places his palms on his knees trying to reach her height and says

"okay, you'll come with me but DON'T DISTURB ME"

He says putting emphasis on the last three words then turns around and walks into the library with Lia trailing behind him.

They sit together at the table next to the glass wall where the rays of the sun shown through, lighting up the room. Hyun drops his bag on the table bringing out a book and pencil from it, Lia glances at him

"I always thought you never wrote anything so its kinda like weird to see you with.... Those"

She says trying to hold back a smirk, he looks up at her raising a brow and says

"those..... Its a pencil and a book"

He says with not even an ounce of a smile on his face

"don't you smile? , really all you do is give that cold stare to every one making people scared and me self conscious"

Without a word he starts doodling in the book but Lia doesn't pay attention instead she scoffs and leans back into the chair.