
Love of eternity

A simple American beauty, Lia, flies over to Korea on a scholarship. Upon getting there, she finds out her boyfriend has been cheating on her. What happens when her ex boyfriend finds out that a cold-hearted billionaire with no care in the world about others feelings or wellbeing sympathies with her and falls deeply in love with her, she becomes his only reason to breathe. Whether he's coming back to her to use the Billionaire's love for her as a means of filling his pocket or he has fallen for her once again. Will she go for her billionaire or her ex boyfriend.

Prosper_7281 · Urban
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5 Chs


Turning her head to the side, she sees a guy in a white shirt tucked into his black pants sitting next to her whilst looking right at her with a cold expression on his face. He narrows his attention to her feet which was still on his, she quickly removes it then looks at his face again trying to remember where she saw him then it hit her

the airport....

"aren't you gonna apologize?"

He says, sounding a bit irked

She looks at him with anger evident on her face as she says

"you don't say thank you, I don't apologize, it's a win-win. You deserve more than just a step, you deserve a high five on the face with a hammer, I mean who does that to someone, the dust of your tyres could have given me an asthma attack "

He raises an eye brow before sighing in realization.

" oh I remember who you are, you're the girl from the airport"

He says, dryly

"yes i am and I promised myself I'd hit you if I ever saw you again but I'll save it for another time "

She replies in an unamused tone

"you're quite the one to break promises aren't you? "

He says with a scoff

"and you really seem to want that slap don't you? "

She replies mockingly before channeling her attention to a man walking into a man In a brown suit walking into the class. He starts talking

"I'm Mr. Jang Han Lee but you can call me Mr. Lee. I'm the counselor of this university so that means I'm your counselor, now, you'll all be given your schedules for every class according to the courses you are taking. This schedule contains the specific time and class you'll be having at that time, you'll be given these schedules this afternoon and you'll begin your classes tomorrow.... "

He continues on with his explanation. Some minutes later, he dismisses the class.

Everyone started leaving the class and Lia followed behind them, Lia decided to go back to her apartment to rest because classes would be starting the following day. Everyone else seemed to have gone their separate ways so she did too. Walking down the hallway passing by the classes which were in session, she headed for the gates.

Walking through the courtyard, she sees James sitting alone on a bench under a tree, his eyes glued to the book in his hands.

Slowing down, she looks away trying hard not to cry, tears begin to roll down her eyes as a flash of what she had seen earlier erected an aching pain in her stomach. She wipes of her tears and takes out her phone to give him a call. His phone begins to ring, picking up his phone, he answers the call. He says

"uhh...hey uhm actually I'm quite busy now and.."

She immediately cuts him off saying

"you can't talk at the moment....yeah I've like heard that a billion times. It hurts you know but I'm trying my best to endure but it all got worst after what you did"

She sniffs and he says

"what do you mean 'after what I did', you know very well that I'm in college now, I have classes to attend"

She wipes the tears that rolls down to her cheek and says

"I do but you didn't when you were kissing her were you? "

After a few seconds of silence, he says

"what the fuck are you going on about? "

Sniffing, she counters

"yeah, act oblivious.....another dumb move"

James huffs and shakes his head.

"well maybe I did kiss her, maybe I even did more...yes maybe i fucked her, what does that even matter now.. -"

"that's enough"

She cuts him off

"that's all I wanted to hear...look up James"

And with those words, he snaps his head up and she flashes him the finger before cutting the call and walking away.

*later in the afternoon*

Lia goes back to campus and collects her schedule then heads back to her apartment. When she arrives, she grabs a tub of ice cream from the fridge and flops down on the couch in the living room and watches TV the rest of the day

The next day

*beep beep beep*

Lia wakes to the sound of her alarm and for a second she felt like throwing her phone out the window but she instead calms down, turns on her phone and checks the time.

"8 : 31"

she rubs her eyes and sighs

"classes are starting by nine, I'll just rest a little more"

She says laying back, she sits back up almost immediately

"no.....no, if I close my eyes now I might wake to 10 : 50"

She jumps out of her bed and heads into the toilet to take a shower. When she's done, she picks out her out fit. She opens her closet to a massive collection of baggy hoodies and baggy shirts of only colours black and white with different designs. She picks out a white shirt and puts it on, she opens the other side of her closet to a huge collection of joggers twice her size and shorts both of colours black and white each with its own design but only a few pleated short skirts of different colours which she only wore occasionally, and so she took out a pair of black joggers and puts them on walking over to the shoe rack as she takes out a pair of white Nike shoes and puts them on. She stands in front of her dressing mirror as she ties her long and silky hair into a messy bun at the back of her head and supports it with a black and white coloured scrunchie, she takes her bag and stuffs a few books inside along with her schedule, grabs her phone and leaves her apartment.