
Love N War: A Werewolf Love Story

Luca was kicked out of his pack at the age of 18 because he fell in love with the son of an enemy pack. He had to relocate to a new town, and for three years he felt lonely. Even though they could see each other through video conferencing, Luca was still sad. He craved his alpha's touch. "Mates are supposed to be together," Luca stated flatly. "Not be divided by a stupid feud," Luca sobbed once more. Patrick, the pack's next alpha, despised the conflict between the two packs. He bolted when he sensed danger. Their lives were manageable until tragedy tore them apart.

BeckyBamaGirl1221 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Chapter 7


Luca awoke in his boyfriend's arms. He had to work today at six o'clock. Patrick's embrace tightened as Luca tried to move.

"I'll be late for work if you don't let go of me," he said. He recalled the mate bond. "Hon, if you want to seduce me tonight, I have to work," Luca said via the link. When Patrick's baby blue eyes fluttered open, Luca smiled and kissed him.

"Good morning, love," said Luca. Patrick said, "Good morning, babe."

Luca entered the bathroom, taking clean clothes and a towel with him. Patrick entered the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast. Patrick entered the bathroom and inquired, "How do you want your eggs?" Luca yelled, "Scrambled with cheese over the running water," and Patrick returned to the kitchen and resumed preparing their meal. Luca entered the kitchen just as the table was set and the plates were on the table. He was dressed in a gray hoodie, blue slacks, and black slip-on shoes. His black hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

"You look lovely, babe," Patrick said as he kissed him on the cheek. Luca's cheeks flushed profusely as he took his seat at the table.

"When do you leave work?" As they ate, Patrick inquired.

"I think I'll be able to get off around one," Luca predicted.

"Would you like me to drive you?" Patrick had inquired.

"It's only a block away," he said, "I can walk." Luca kissed Patrick goodbye after they had finished eating and cleaning up. Luca was unconcerned about the cloudy sky. His thoughts were on the love-making they did the night before. A smile crossed his lips as Luca walked to work.

Luca entered Starbucks and went to the break room. He had ten minutes before clocking in, so he relaxed. Alina entered the break room through the wooden doors.

"Hiya bro," she said cheerfully. "How are you feeling?" the redhead inquired.

"Hello," he said, grinning widely.

"You're glowing," she noticed.

"I'm just really happy," he said, his cheeks turning a bright pink. His friend looked at him, unconvinced.

"OK, spill it," she said. Luca opened his mouth to respond, but then the clock chimed.

"Saved by the bell," he thought to himself. Luca stood up, clocked in, and went to his workstation.

Alina was Luca's friend, but there were some things he preferred to keep private and not share. He savored this sensation and didn't want to share it. Not yet, at any rate. Luca concentrated on serving customers who came in to warm up. People came in with umbrellas as the rain began to fall.

"Shit, I forgot to bring mine," Luca said, mentally slapping himself. Luca was filling a customer's order when the bell above the entrance rang. When a musty odor invaded his nose, he focused on his work. When he heard footsteps approaching, Luca took a deep breath. He turned around to face the one person he hadn't expected to see.

"Luca, is that you?" The man inquired. Fear and shock rose in Luca's body.

"Um, excuse me," Luca said, hurrying out of there. A worried Alina entered the break room and found Luca trying to calm down. "What just happened back there?" she inquired. "You ran out of there like a bat out of hell," Alina said. Luca breathed hard, trying to get air into his lungs. Tears ran down his cheeks. "Calm down and tell me everything," she said. With a shaky voice, Luca said, "My father just came here," she said. "

Luca was in no mental state to return out there, so he remained in the break room until his shift ended.

"Luca, please allow me to drive you home," Alina said. "You're not in any shape to walk home," she said. Luca took a deep breath and nodded. He closed his eyes, hoping to relieve the headache that had developed. When Luca walked into the apartment, Patrick came from the kitchen.

"Luca, what happened?" Patrick asked, noticing Luca's sluggish form as he went to their bedroom.

"I'll tell you in the hallway," Alina said.

Patrick followed Alina into the hallway and closed the door behind them.

"Why does Luca look like he's about to collapse?" he asked.

"His father is in town," she said. "He showed up at work and really got Luca stressed out," Alina explained.

"Shit," Patrick cursed under his breath. Did his father say anything to him? He asked.

"I don't know, but it shook him up really badly," Alina said. "I had to fill in so he could calm down his nerves," she said. Hearing this, Patrick got really concerned.

"Luca was really happy when he showed up," "I hope this doesn't trigger one of his attacks," she said.

"Thanks for bringing him home," Patrick said. They said their goodbyes, and then Patrick went back inside the apartment.

Patrick's heart broke as he entered their bedroom and saw what he had walked in on. Luca was curled up in a ball on the bed. Luca's tears streamed down his cheeks. Patrick was nearly knocked off his feet by the fear emanating from Luca via the bond. Patrick climbed onto the bed and snatched Luca into his arms.

"Breathe, babe, or you'll end up knocking me out with your fear," he warned. Luca silently observed Patrick. Luca's lips had begun to turn blue, and his face had become paler than usual. Patrick supported Luca's back with the cushions. Patrick shifted positions and is now seated in front of Luca.

Patrick took hold of Luca's hand, placing it over his chest, and said, "Listen to my heart and voice."

The color returned to Luca's cheeks, and his lips began to take on a pinkish hue. Patrick noticed that his breathing and pulse had returned to normal. Luca remained motionless and silent while sitting on the bed.

Did he harm you in any way? Patrick enquired. Luca was still concerned that if he spoke, he would start crying once more. Instead, Luca gave a slight head shake. Luca's vision blurred and The room whirled. His headache returned before everything went completely black. He lost consciousness and fell into Patrick's arms. Patrick placed Luca on his back and cleaned his face and neck with a wet rag after retrieving it from the bathroom. They needed to determine the purpose of Luca's father's visit. He couldn't have Luca stressing every time something scared him.