
Love N War: A Werewolf Love Story

Luca was kicked out of his pack at the age of 18 because he fell in love with the son of an enemy pack. He had to relocate to a new town, and for three years he felt lonely. Even though they could see each other through video conferencing, Luca was still sad. He craved his alpha's touch. "Mates are supposed to be together," Luca stated flatly. "Not be divided by a stupid feud," Luca sobbed once more. Patrick, the pack's next alpha, despised the conflict between the two packs. He bolted when he sensed danger. Their lives were manageable until tragedy tore them apart.

BeckyBamaGirl1221 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Chapter 12

Warning: Smut

5/14/2040 (Continued)

Luca had no idea how long he had been unconscious, but when he opened his eyes, Patrick hugged him.

"You scared the shit out of me," he admitted.

"How long was I out?" Luca inquired.

"About half an hour," the blonde doctor said as he checked Luca's vitals. Luca noticed Dr. Caldwell had left the room.

Luca leaned against a pillow. "How come I passed out?" he wondered.

"Well, based on what your boyfriend told me, you have been stressed," he explained. "Dr. Caldwell will explain more," he said.

"Are you related to Dr. Caldwell?" Luca inquired after noticing the blonde's name tag. Evan blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"He is my husband," he explained. Luca and Patrick exchanged glances before returning to the doctor.

"How long have you been together?" Seeing the wedding ring, Patrick inquired.

Evan stated, "Five years as of today."

Luke entered the exam room through the open door.

"Glad to see you awake," he said. "You scared us," said the taller doctor.

"I'm sorry, doctor," Luca said.

"It's understandable given everything you've been through," the brunette said.

"But what caused this?" Patrick inquired, concerned.

"Your boyfriend has high blood pressure," Luke explained.

"Is it dangerous?" Patrick inquired.

"It can, but medication can help," he says. Both doctors said, "Having high blood pressure during pregnancy can cause complications."

Luca looked over at Patrick, then back at the doctors.

"What kind of complications?" Luca inquired, his stomach tightening with fear. Evan was the first to respond. "You could have a miscarriage if the stress isn't reduced," he said. Patrick was now the one who was concerned.

"I'm prescribing blood pressure medication," Luke said. "Here is a pamphlet that explains how to reduce stress, plus I'm giving you a meal requirement," he said. Luca said his goodbyes and left Evan to finish up.

"I'll be prescribing prenatal vitamins," he said. "I also want to see you in a week."

Luca and Patrick approached the receptionist after collecting everything that had been given to them.

"I need to meet with Dr. Luke and Dr. Evan," Luca explained.

"Do you want them on the same day?" she inquired. "Yes, if you can find one," Luca said, nodding. The receptionist began pressing buttons on the computer before looking up.

"We have an opening on the 22nd at 9 a.m." she said.

"That'll do," Patrick said. The receptionist nodded, noted the date and time, and handed them the card.

When they arrived home, Patrick sat down at the computer and launched Google Chrome. Luca sat back and relaxed on the couch.

"I guess all this crap between our packs caused this mess," Luca said, looking over his shoulder.

"You'll be fine," "I'll be there for you the entire time," he promised. Luca stood up and approached Patrick. "What are you up to?" he inquired, peering over Patrick's shoulder.

"I'm looking into meals that you can eat and how big the servings are," Patrick explained.

"I appreciate you coming with me today," Luca said.

"I promised I'd stick by you no matter what," he said, "and I'm keeping that promise."

Luca was relieved to have a boyfriend who genuinely cared about him.

He leaned over the chair and gently kissed Patrick on the lips.

"Don't forget about the other promise you made," Luca reminded him.

"I didn't forget," Patrick assured him. "Just be prepared to stay in the tub after we're done to soak that beautiful ass,"

As soon as Patrick finished researching the information for Luca, they were in the bedroom kissing. Patrick thrusted inside of Luca, causing him to scream his name.

"Oh yeah, right there," Luca said as Patrick's cock landed on his sweet spot. Patrick leaned in for a close kiss on Luca's neck. Luca switched places with Patrick, putting him on top of him. Luca bounced up and down, Patrick's manhood still inside him. Patrick gripped Luca's hips in order to go deeper. Moans, grunting, and the odor of sex filled the bedroom.

"I know I'm pregnant, but you filling me up feels so fucking good," he said. "By the time you're done," Luca jokes, "I might be carrying a full litter of pups." Patrick kissed him and said, "I wouldn't mind seeing your belly rounded with my pups."

That evening, after 6 p.m., the lovemaking ceased. When Luca stood up, he winced.

"My ass feels like it's been ripped in half," Luca said.

"Was I too harsh?" Patrick asked as he hugged him from behind.

"I asked for this, so it's my cross to bear," Luca explained as he hobbled to the restroom. He looked down at his neck and chest before turning to face Patrick, who was following.

"I think I unleashed the beast and was maled," Luca explained.

"Look at my neck," Patrick said, grinning. "I let out your beast," he said.

Patrick filled a tub with hot water and bath salts. He turned off the water and looked at Luca.

"Get in," "You'll feel a lot better after you soak," Patrick said. When the warmth touched his abused buttocks, Luca hissed. Patrick entered and sat behind him.

"You're spoiling me if I can't walk tomorrow," Luca said, leaning back against Patrick's bare chest.

"I'll be willing to be your slave," Patrick said, kissing Luca on the cheek. Luca's ass stopped hurting after ten minutes of soaking. When Patrick pinched it, there was barely any stinging sensation.

"Does it still hurt?" Patrick inquired as he removed his hand.

"It's not as bad as it used to be," Luca said, shaking his head. "However, if you keep touching me there, I may go animalistic on you," he warned.

They stayed in the water for another thirty minutes before getting out. Luca was dressed in just his pajama pants. Patrick wore boxers that hugged his hips. For dinner, Luca fixed roasted salmon with potatoes and asparagus. Luca poured himself a glass of orange juice.

"Since you are eating healthy, I need to eat healthy also," Patrick said. The first of many changes in their lives had begun.