
Love N War: A Werewolf Love Story

Luca was kicked out of his pack at the age of 18 because he fell in love with the son of an enemy pack. He had to relocate to a new town, and for three years he felt lonely. Even though they could see each other through video conferencing, Luca was still sad. He craved his alpha's touch. "Mates are supposed to be together," Luca stated flatly. "Not be divided by a stupid feud," Luca sobbed once more. Patrick, the pack's next alpha, despised the conflict between the two packs. He bolted when he sensed danger. Their lives were manageable until tragedy tore them apart.

BeckyBamaGirl1221 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Chapter 10


Luca had slept all afternoon the day before and awoke the next morning. He was concerned because the other side of the bed was cold. That was until Luca opened the bedroom door and the aroma of bacon and eggs filled his nose.

"Good morning, babe," Patrick said, turning away from the stove. "Do you feel better?" he inquired.

"A little," Luca agreed, nodding. "Remind me never to eat Chinese food again," Luca said as he sat down.

"Do you think you'll be able to handle solid food, or do you prefer soup?" Patrick inquired.

"I'll try to eat some of the solid food," Luca said.

Patrick piled a slice of bacon and a few scrambled eggs on a plate. He placed it in front of Luca and went to the refrigerator. Patrick took a bottle of water and placed it beside Luca's plate.

"I hope it doesn't upset your stomach," Patrick said as he walked over to the stove to fill his plate. He sat down across from Luca and started eating his meal. Patrick didn't realize that his thoughts screamed through the matebond.

"It's not what you think," Luca explained. "It's too soon for symptoms," Luca said. Patrick blushed and grinned as he realized what Luca was talking about.

Fortunately, Luca ate his breakfast without incident. Luca sat on the floor, holding the box containing his new laptop.

Patrick poked his head into the room and said, "Babe, I'll go to the dumpster and throw these boxes away."

"All right," Luca said, placing the laptop on the desk. Luca dashed toward their apartment door when he heard it open.

"Hey, did you find a desk?" Luca inquired. Patrick shook his head. "I'll have to look for one," he replied.

Patrick headed down the hallway and headed to the elevators. He went outside and walked over to the dumpster. Patrick opened the lid and tossed the cardboard boxes inside. When Patrick returned to the elevators, he noticed a sign on the wall.

For Sale

Computer Desk (Used)

Good Condition

It includes a chair.

Both are $50.

Apartment 212

"Great timing," Patrick thought to himself. He went to the apartment that posted the notice and knocked on the door. The door opened and a brunette in her mid-forties stood in the entryway.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"I am your neighbor from apartment 214 and saw your ad downstairs," Patrick said.

"Come in," she said. "The desk and chair are this way," the woman said, opening the door and stepping aside to let him enter.

Patrick followed her inside and into the living room.

"I'm Mrs. Sanchez," she said.

"My name is Patrick," he said.

"Are you a friend of the young man who lives next door?" she asked.

"I'm his boyfriend," Patrick said without hesitation.

"I got worried when I saw the paramedics go into that apartment," Mrs. Sanchez said.

"When I found out, I rushed over," he said. Patrick resumed checking out the desk and chair. After careful consideration, Patrick said, "I'll give you $75 for them."

"That's good," "My husband can help move them when he gets home this evening," she said.

"Okay, thanks," Patrick said as he smiled, shaking her hand.

Luca was sitting on the couch when Patrick entered the apartment. He glanced over behind him when Patrick came near.

"I'm back," Pack said, sitting down beside Luca and kissing his cheek.

"What took so long?" Luca asked.

"The couple next door was selling a desk and chair," Patrick said. "It'll be brought over tonight,"

"How much?" Luca asked.

"$50 but I offered $75," Patrick said.

"That's cool," "I am glad that you found something," Luca said.

Patrick and Luca were cuddling on the couch that evening when they heard a knock. "That could be him," Patrick said as he stood up and walked to the door. When he opened it, their neighbors were standing on the other side.

"Hello, we're here to bring over the desk and chair," the taller man introduced himself.

"Oh, please come in," Patrick said. He moved aside to allow them to enter the apartment.

"We're glad someone took them off our hands," said Mr. Sanchez. "We haven't used them since our son left for military duty," she explained.

"I'm delighted to take it off your hands," Patrick explained. Patrick paid them after everything was moved into the apartment.


Luca had a splitting headache and a knotted stomach when he awoke. Luca jumped out of bed and dashed to the bathroom as bile rose in his throat. Luca got down on his knees and emptied last night's dinner into the toilet. Luca heard the door open but couldn't move because he was too weak.

"Are you sick again, Babe?" Patrick knelt beside Luca and inquired.

"It has to be the flu," Luca speculated.

"Are you certain?" Patrick inquired. "You've been throwing up for three days," he explained.

"Let's see if it goes away," Luca suggested.

"OK, but if you don't feel better, we'll take you to the doctor," Patrick said.

Luca walked over to the bed and lay down after emptying his stomach for the fourth time. His stomach hurt and his throat was burning.

"I'm going to make you some soup," Patrick said. "You rest," he advised. Luca closed his eyes and leaned against the pillows. Luca bolted up in his bed ten minutes later as a shooting pain hit him in the gut. Just as Patrick entered the bedroom, Luca dashed for the bathroom. Luca's chest heaved again as he vomited disgusting bile.

"It's okay, babe," Patrick said, rubbing small circles on Luca's back.

"Ugh, I feel like shit," Luca admitted. As Luca leaned back against the tile wall, tears streamed down his cheeks. Patrick stood up and wiped perspiration from Luca's face and neck with a wet rag.

"We're calling the doctor to make an appointment," Patrick explained. Luca opened his mouth to protest, but quickly closed it again. Patrick was right. Something was wrong with him.