

I was quite uncomfortable in this position I was about to get up until, this girl pulled me down by my collar right away piercing her deadly gaze in my blue orbs, time was passing by and I started to feel quite ecstatic and this was an eccentric feeling for me, I was drowning in her purple orbs slowly and in no time I could feel my pupils dilating seeing her at a closeup, she seemed quite fragile but at the same time bold, she had that courageous aura, her face had the cutest flaws which made her more cute, her hairs were very silky and smooth, her face had the perfect jawline her almond eyes makes her face stand out everything about her perfect. Seeing her this closely I could crystal clearly feel my heart rocking a thumping rhythm, there was an instant blood rush on my face whereas this girl she was quite calm, my heart was amused seeing her this calm in this position but that can't change the fact that my mind is having a nervous break down. I swear I am feeling this way for the first time... in my entire life. I was keenly reading every inch of her face from her kissable red lips to her almond eyes everything but one thing caught my eyes I found out that her pupils were hella dilated which made me a blushing mess, her next move literally took my soul away.

She freaking pulled me in for a kiss, I felt quite good feeling her rosy lips on mine but something didn't feel right and that's because she was drunk, I was in a dilemma because a part of me says to respond to the kiss because you won't meet her again, but another says this is wrong she is drunk, she might have kissed you thinking you were someone else. I gently pulled away and the next thing I know she fell asleep on my rigid chest, I slightly smiled at this stranger. "Taehyung" someone called my name in a hoarse and stern tone recognizing that voice right away I turned my head and my eyes than captured the most horrifying sight..... A mad Jimin, I was confused thinking why was he this mad I constantly thought about it than everything struck my head like a bolt of lightning... shucks I completely forgot about Jimin's spite for girls... but the story behind Jimin's unusual spite for girls is a story stored for an other day.

"I can explain Jimin", I spoke up in a really shaky tone.


I was eyeing some bastards who were standing on the other side of the road, they were freaking shouting just for nothing and were evidently wasting my precious time, but I still played along, I just stood there obviously doing nothing because nothing was audible. I gave an unintentional weird face expression to them, I could notice that one of the guy just stopped shouting abruptly and froze on his spot I found it creepy moments passed by but my attention was on that one guy busy predicting his moves his move was quite unexpected and made my eyes darkened obviously whose eyes wouldn't darken that guy suddenly started sprinting towards me, the sprint and the guy both gave out a threat aura being a fighter by heart I prepared myself to fight him and drag him down like I did a moment ago I was eyeing his every move and seriously every step he took towards me I felt like a wave of uneasiness hit my soul but my eyes didn't leave the guy approaching me, when the guy was in the range of my vision my heart came to a jarring halt, I could see the glimpse of Mark in him, he resembled Mark a lot, a part of me wanted to punch him to death and another part just wanted to forget all the painful encounters with him and just pull him into a really tight hug. He seemed to get nearer every second passed by. A genuine smile got plastered on my gloomy face seeing Mark, he seemed just like a doppelganger of Mark, it seemed as if Mark resides within him when seeing him in a closeup, I could feel my heartbeat syncing with him, I wanted to simply give myself to this guy approaching me, seems too desperate.... but can't help it he is just too addicting to me.... he is like a drug to me.... never mind

Just forget it, he might not want me back but who cares about the other girl I am here to live this moment for the last time I was staring into his blue orbs whereas he seemed quite uncomfortable..... I understand it, it's just me who was really badly smitten all along. He was about to get up but no I pulled him down from his collar, he has done enough damage to my heart and now I have to confront him, I can't live this heartbreak. I could figure out he was pretty confused because of my actions but I could only care less about it, I just continued staring in his eyes, I could feel the mere memories we both had together, my eyes started to sting indicating I am going to break down, my breathe was shaking and hasty, I couldn't care about anything in my life because my heart was quite considerate.... but not anymore..... if I continue being considerate then what about my fragile heart ..... it will always end up being broken..... and now my heart is fed up being thrown around and breaking. I was just having disputes within myself when I didn't realize when my heart took control over my rational brain, I pulled him into a gentle kiss, his lips felt just too right on mine, the feeling ignited my body in no time and burnt my inner mass into ashes, I don't know what he felt but I felt that this is where I belong, in his arms... there are no other arms which can bring this joy to me. I was just thinking about just running back to him when he pulled away from the kiss... which drastically just jarred my existence... thank you Mark.

Thereafter, everything is history because the darkness engulfed me in her gentle hands and drifted me in my gloomy land.