


I woke up by a really ear destroying sound, no doubt my eyes automatically flapped open to find out what happened, I couldn't comprehend until I saw Anushka running away with tears falling from her almond orbs, my heart broke a bit because she was the first one to have ever cast a spell on me and as a consequence you all know I fell really hard for her and seeing her cry is equivalent to getting shot a zillion times. I lifted my ass really quick from the chair and ran behind her. She was running at the speed of bolt and I was left behind but not out of sight, I was about to catch up with her incomparable speed but before catching up with her I swear my heart was about to hop out of my chest when she was almost about to get hit by truck but somehow dodged the tragedy and didn't stop on her tracks, I could sense she is very tired and was about to shut down in any moment. I was about to catch up with her speed but she fell down while crying hysterically, no doubts she must have scrapped her knee, I called out her name but I knew she could care less about it, she was still crying while mumbling something which I couldn't actually comprehend I took small steps towards her in case she says me to stop the crap. I leaned my hand on her lean shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. She turned towards me with her tear visage face and breaks down. She was mumbling something which I certainly couldn't catch but I can understand her pain without even knowing it... sounds crazy right!!!

I took her in a hug at once and she didn't take a second to wrap her hands around me, for a second I felt this is what she was longing for, instead talking shit that everything is going to be fine, lets be integrate enough with each other and just feel that talking shit won't be of any good and she was mature enough to actually understand that whatever has happened has happened and no one can change it. She parted away from the hug, she stared my face for a bit and said

"Go away from here, I will come back when I feel right" She said in a low tone, I assumed she didn't want me near her for now at least, but I know she won't be alright the worst circumstances started haunting me that's when I know that I cannot leave her in this state at this night.... not with with randos wondering about. No I cannot and will not, I will follow her wherever she goes because that's the least I can do for my love.


I made my way towards the nearest bar which was a complete chaos right now but I didn't let that hit me hard. I just marched inside the bar, my eyes were wondering searching for the drink counter in this chaos it was difficult to find the drink counter but you know it was not impossible and found it. I just dragged my now sore legs towards the counter and sat on a chair. I called out for the waiter and ordered 2 beer bottles I know right too much for a petite girl like me but who cares. I was just checking out the place when something really heartbreaking and cute caught my eye. A cute couple caught my eye, the guy was giving the girl a piggyback ride while the girl was slurring something which the boy surely didn't understand but he was still nodding his head as to show that he is interested in her slurry talk which made me chuckle lightly.

I am sure I had a really hurting reminiscence because now the tears won't just stop flowing from my eyes, but the only thing that rung my head right now was longing for Mark's golden touch.

"Come back Mark"


'Maaaaaaarrrrrkkkkkk, come here, I need you..." I said in my slurry voice. Mark was just sitting beside me, watching my moves he was kind of embarrassed now. "Anu, lets go from here." I eyed him from top to bottom and denied to go with him because I could not recognize him in this state and said that I can't go with him I want Mark. I pushed him and ran out of the bar he started chasing me, it was tiring but once when I fell in his grip he insisted to give me a piggyback ride to go back home. I denied still saying that I want Mark. He started laughing at my denial, I turned back to face him and gave him a 'what' expression, he just shrugged his shoulders. He caught me quite gently and himself gave me a piggyback, I was too tired to even protest so I let it be.

I was feeling uneasy so to break the silence I asked if he knew the way back to my home, he nodded a yes, I shrugged my shoulders. I was so oblivious that he is Mark and asked if he knows who is Mark. He stopped in his tracks and again started to walk, shrugging his shoulders indicating a 'No', I gasped saying "you don't know Mark than who do you know?", he let out a small giggle. I kept boasting about Mark but the last thing what I said maybe or maybe not have meant anything to him.

"I will always love him no matter what, I know I am a girl with no great capabilities but I really really do love Mark..... and no one can change that fact, I am so madly in love with him. I just want to let him know that no matter how much he hurts me I can never afford to hate him, he is the apple of my eye and the core of my heart, and until he loves me no matter how many mistakes he commits I will always be by his side." after saying this I was drifted to my dreamland, I hope he knew how I felt about him.


I was interrupted by the waiter giving me the two beer bottles, I was nostalgic and I couldn't digest that there is no Mark in this world, my chest started to tighten it was slowly getting suffocating I couldn't take the suffocation in here and left the bar, I just marched outside the bar and walking down the unknown road. I am sure I am gonna just walk down these unknown roads with fear always creeping me out because Mark wasn't with me, it pricked me Mark wasn't in this cruel world with me, I know that he has cheated on me but you know I can't help but fall much harder in love with this guy, he is addicting, he is he person who fits in my heart, he gave me all of these flaws which made me a beautiful person.

"MARK, COME BACK LOVE" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

it was a pretty pricking reminiscence I got of him, I was on my knees still crying and waiting for my love to pick me up and gently kiss me on my lips and take me home, I knew no one was going to pick me up from the road like Mark, I can't afford to be drunk because there is no Mark beside me. I got up from the road and started wobble walking down an unknown street. I know it may sound quite fake because you might think there is nothing like falling too hard for anyone that you still him after he cheated on you but this is my way of falling in love and I can't help it. My heart was too cursed right now I really needed a medicine to treat my heart ache. I flipped open the beer bottle and started chugging down the beer, no one was there to take me back home which broke my heart the most, not even Taehyung.

I was still walking down some damn shitty road, but this time someone rested there hand on my shoulder I jolted on the touch. I turned back to see who it was and was quite shocked to see MARK, I am very happy to see him but LOL, who am I kidding, I know this is the effect of the beer on me, but who cares about the effect, I am fine with this effect until I can see my better half.

"ANUSHKA ARE YOU ALRIGHT", said Mark against my chilly ears, my ears were at peace after hearing his angelic ears. I hugged him too tightly for the last time because I know he will be gone after the hangover is gone, I inhaled his manly scent for the last time..... very last time.

I stared in his chocolaty doe eyes which still had an effect one me, even though he is quite far away from me... he is completely out of my reach, I was so busy staring in his eyes and didn't realize when he vanished away but when I came in my senses I had no one except for myself. I still had to accept the fact that Mark is gone but still I knew that it is going to be hella hard, but I am not someone who will give up this fast, I will succeed in moving on from Mark, after all I am

Anushka.... nothing is impossible for me to accomplish


I was following Anushka every where she went, from the bar till here, she was continuously chugging down the beer bottle, which was not the right way to take out her pain, but who am I to her to judge her pain, but I was pretty sure it was deep.... very deep, she fell on knees and started crying hysterically while shouting someone's name and I was sure it was not my name, I felt a pang on my chest while hearing her someone else's name when she was down, I want it to be me who consoles her when she was sad, I want to be very special to her, but seeing her crying like this for someone made it crystal clear that Anushka can never be mine... like this... but I still made my way towards her and leaned my hand on her shoulder but I know she will care less about it. I picked her up from the road and made her turn towards me and then I saw her in her full glory with tears in her eyes, I can understand she has gone through a lot without even guessing it, it's crystal clear that she was floating in pain and sorrow. She was staring in my eyes with utter love which made my heart flutter, her next move made me widen my eyes, she hugged me quite tightly as if she was holding on to me for the last time, she hugged me quite tight for me to breathe but I already know that she thought that I am someone else another pang was felt in my heart. I just got from her now loose grip without her knowing and just left her there and went hid behind the wall to look out for her obviously tears flowing down my eyes.