
Chapter 141 New contract (1)

After driving back to the company, the first thing I did was to hide in my office.

The look in Austin's eyes, the proposal, and Leonard's feelings for me...

I held my head and groaned.

When Doris heard the voice, she stretched her head and came in. "Miss. Jones, what's wrong with you?"

I buried my head between my arms and said gloomily, "I'm fine."

"It's good that you're fine." Doris didn't ask any more questions. He reminded me, "It's almost time to get off work."

"Oh, I see."

"I'll do it."

When I was about to get off work, I wished I could be the first one to rush out of the office building. But today... I didn't even have the energy to stay here.

I don't know what I'm thinking, either. I don't understand what Austiner, Leonard, and the others are thinking.

I sighed and stretched out my arm.

"Plop!" Coincidentally, I pushed the proposal away and it fell to the ground.

Doris came in and picked up the proposal. "Miss. Jones, your thing... dropped."