
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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982 Chs

You are already a mature male protagonist, it's time to learn

  The other side.

  Shinichi invites Ichika, Nino, and Miku to discuss why some people get dizzy so easily.

  Just as they were talking they saw Rui leave Fumino and the others and walk towards him.

  He observed the movement there. The two parties were not far apart, so he naturally heard what they said.

  After realizing that it was not a mood he could intervene in, Shinichi took advantage of the half-formed Shuraba and pulled the quints to stand beside him.

  In order to prevent Rui from feeling pressure from so many people, and also to allow the five people to have a heart-to-heart talk, he worked hard here and handed over the heavy responsibility of enlightening Rui to Fumino.

  Luckily, Fumino lived up to his expectations. Hearing that touching conversation, Shinichi nodded his head in his heart as he talked nonsense to the girls.

  If this was placed in another light novel, he would be a mature male protagonist, and he had learned to conquer girls alone...

  And after that, Rui's refreshing and charming smile also made him deeply moved.

  Will this remove the bondage and feel relief?

  So his goal of letting them come to the amusement park together has been achieved?

  Although there is a feeling of emptiness that he cannot achieve his goal, as long as the results are fine, even if Rui is defeated by Fumino.

  But overall, Rui's relationship with the other girls is getting warmer.

  Shinichi felt much more relaxed.

  Rui walked towards him, and Shinichi thought she wanted to thank him, so he immediately stopped the popular science session that made the three of them sleepy, and faced him with a smile.

  "What is wrong?"

  "Next, you can go shopping with them yourself. I want to be alone."

  Shinichi's smile froze.


  "Do you want to be alone, or are you thinking about this person?"

  The corner of Rui's mouth twitched, and her tone was cold.

  "I don't understand what you're talking about... Anyway, I'm leaving first, and I'll call you when I'm done. Goodbye."

  Ignoring the shocked looks of Shinichi, Ichika, and the others, Rui then passed him and walked towards the exit on the other side.

  When the two of them passed each other, she seemed to say something.

  Shinichi stared blankly at Rui's back.

  It wasn't until the other party disappeared around the corner that he came back to his senses from the chaos in his mind and asked the three people beside him in confusion.

  "How are you?"

  "Eh? Even if you ask us…" Ichika smiled awkwardly.

  "It's better to contact her directly and ask her what she thinks."

  Nino raised her eyebrows in the direction where Rui had gone, her tone slightly displeased, but her eyes also showed concern.

  Miku tilted her head slightly and looked at him in doubt: "Shinichi, did you do something to make Rui angry..."

  Shinichi thought.

  "Things that make her angry..."

  After thinking for a moment, he shook his head.

  "There are too many samples and I can't find the root cause."

  Three people: "😐"

  Ignoring the three of their disgusted expressions, Shinichi thought for a moment, then turned around and walked towards Fumino, Rizu, Yotsuba, and Itsuki.

  There is confusion, they may not know what is happening.

   Shinichi still asked some questions, as expected, the answers he got were confusing.

  "Um, did we say something wrong?"

  "Probably not? Rui-chan doesn't seem angry..."

  "Uhm, the relationship between mood and action is very complicated..."

  "Asada-kun, do you have any ideas?" Itsuki frowned.

  "She was so happy, why suddenly she wants to be alone..."

  "Sorry, even though she is my cousin, I often can't guess what she is thinking." Shinichi shook his head helplessly, took out the cell phone, walked aside and dialed a number.

  The busy signal lasted for fifteen seconds and no one answered, so Shinichi immediately hung up.

  "Hina-san doesn't have time to answer the phone. It's strange having someone else help look after her…" Shinichi sighed.

  Even though Rui said she wanted to be alone, Shinichi couldn't do something like that in such a big amusement park by letting a 15 year old girl wander around.

  Not to mention, he didn't know what her mood was now, whether she was stable or unstable. If Rui is unstable, will she do something stupid, and if she is stable, will she consider stupid things as the right thing to do.

  "No matter what happens, just follow her!"

  In less than half a second, Shinichi made this decision.

  "Sorry, I have to go look for Rui next. The plan is as mentioned before. Just go to the place before 5 pm to make final arrangements."

  "I will notify everyone via message when I find Rui or when plans change. Please don't worry, and thank you for your help today."

  After speaking solemnly, he bowed slightly.

  The girls responded in various ways.

  "Really~ If you behave politely again, I will punish you?"

  "Yeah, your attitude of treating us like strangers really needs to change."

  "Shinichi, go quietly..."

  "Rui-chan really learned politeness from Asada-san, right? Yotsuba is a little dissatisfied!"

  "Asada-kun, if you find Rui-chan, please have a good talk with that kid! Unlocking the most basic knots in your heart is something only you can do."

  "By the way, is this what we call treating each other as guests?"

  "Wait a moment! Ricchan, you are using the wrong idiom!"


  Shinichi looked at their noisy appearance, and smiled.

  (It's really nice to be friends with you)

  (Wait, I think I said this first?)


  Currently, Shinichi was standing on the amusement park road with a blank expression.

  In front of him was a crowd of people filling the empty street.

  Standing on tiptoe and looking out, he could still see the fairy tale parade passing through the crowd, singing and dancing.

  He stood on a flower platform, holding on to a telephone pole, and observed every visible human head one by one.

  Then, he sighed.

  "I'm really unlucky."