
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

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982 Chs

Thank you very much, Secretary Fujiwara

  Do you know the unspoken rules among girls?

  In a small group, once someone says they like a certain boy, other people can't take action against him. Otherwise, she is a traitor, and a bitch who seduces other people's boyfriends.

  Of course the man was single, but he was already labeled.

  Ichika just needs to know that she can use this to worry Furuhashi and give Miku an opportunity to attack.

  This is the goal.

  She wasn't worried it would have the opposite effect, as the other party seemed unwilling to admit that she already liked Shinichi, and Ichika was very confident in her judgment, and she would never make a mistake.

  It didn't matter even if she was wrong, Ichika and Furuhashi were neither a small group nor close friends. The superficial friendship between the two is fated to cause obstacles in Furuhashi's heart, and influence her choices.

  This was Ichika's plan, first aid in a support role.

  Ichika felt that she was completely despicable.

  She didn't like this kind of unspoken rule among girls, even though she grew up in an all girls school, when she heard similar examples from her classmates, she always denied it in her heart.

  Why do you do that? Isn't it great for everyone to compete fairly? Why hinder the pursuit of others? Why don't you think of a way to make yourself better, and fight for your love with dignity?

  But now, it's different.

  If it was for Miku's happiness, even if Ichika would be ridiculed, questioned, or hated, that would be fine.

  Even if this action will hurt others and extinguish another girl's love, Ichika will stop at nothing.

  True, love is war, and there is no room for concessions.


  When Shinichi came out of the labyrinth garden, there were still ten minutes before class started.

  Today, Miku deliberately escapes from Ichika and Nino's sight. As soon as Shinichi entered, she caught up with him, so the two entered the Sakura Pavilion together, had lunch and chat surrounded by the cherry blossoms and spring breeze, then studied side by side for a while.

  After saying goodbye to Miku. Shinichi walked towards the classroom, and suddenly saw a poster on the bulletin board beside him.

  "The forest school executive committee is recruiting members? It's about this time…"

  He sighed, since it was too troublesome and would waste his study time, he had never been interested in such activities, and avoided them unless he was forced to participate.

  Especially the almost identical organizers with problems.

  Even if he can learn a lot, apart from mental activity, this kind of complex collective behavior requires coordination, communication skills, hands-on skills, etc. After comparing the cost of studying, Shinichi finds that reading books alone is more cost-effective.

  The person who would take the initiative to become an organizer, either because he wanted to get something out of it, or just thought that hosting events was fun, and. this kind of person would usually fall into regret and avoidance during the event.

  Anyway, Shinichi won't be stupid.

  Two days and one night at forest school, he wants to spend all his time studying, and nothing can stop him!

  Shinichi missed the poster, but met a senior who had not seen him in the corridor for almost a week.

  "Hey~ It's been a long time, Asada-kun! I haven't seen you in the Student Council recently. Did something happen? Want me to help you~"

  Blocking Shinichi's way, smiling innocently and waving his hand, was Fujiwara Chika, 3rd year student and student council secretary.

  "…This is just a task assigned by Sensei, I'll be back in a few days. Thank you for your concern, Fujiwara Senpai."

  Faced with her enthusiastic greetings, Shinichi was only perfunctory. This made Chika puff out her cheeks. Putting one hand on her waist, and swinging the index finger of the other hand in the air.

  "Nonnon da yo! This attitude Nonnon da yo! Asada-kun, you can't be like Ishigami-kun who was originally indifferent to others, become a brute who doesn't care about the relationship between seniors and juniors, and continue to attack others, okay? This is an act that is punishable by death, and it is an extreme death sentence!"

  (Isn't it because you are too much that Ishigami can't help complaining about you) Shinichi really wanted to complain like this, but he and Chika weren't very close yet, so he held back.

  "As the daughter of a politician, please don't change Japanese laws."

  He really couldn't respect Chika's petite, plump chest, and immature face like an elementary school student.

  It's just that the basic etiquette can't be lost for a while, so the tone of speech is still polite.

  "It's almost time for class, why is Fujiwara Senpai still living on the second floor?"

  While laughing, Chika looked pleased that Shinichi finally got to the point.

  "I will give you a chance. Guess why I'm here!" Chika puffed out her chest, with inexplicable pride on her face, "Of course the famous detective Chika wouldn't make things difficult. As a reward for not seeing you for a long time, I'll show you a reminder—"

  "Ah, no, I don't want to guess. I'm going back to class first."

  Shinichi walked around Chika very politely and walked towards the classroom.

  There was a sudden pulling force on his clothes, and he was forced to stop.

  "Wait, this is too much! I thought only the well-behaved Asada-kun wouldn't do something like ignoring seniors! I didn't expect you to become such a person!"

  Chika shouted angrily.

  Shinichi stared at the sky speechlessly.

  "It is estimated that Iino will not do this."

  Chika's eyes suddenly turned gray, and she looked away.

  "No, Iino-chan would also ignore me when I asked her to play a board game recently..."

  "What board game?"

  "Ghosts talk after school, mannequins."

  "…It was your fault, please go and apologize to her with Dogeza."


  Shinichi looked at her with pity, and let go of his hand.

  "If you know the reason, maybe you can be called a human, Fujiwara Senpai."

  Chika was shocked: "I'm human! Why is the honorific increased?!"

  "For Senpai's sake, let me ask you again." Shinichi sighed, and asked seriously, "Why is Fujiwara Senpai here? Please answer directly."

  "I thought there must be a big problem with Asada-kun's attitude..." Chika quickly adjusted her mentality, showed a bright smile and stretched out her hand.

  "This! You didn't come to the Student Council meeting last time, so I'm here to bring you materials!"

"...I see. It would be better to say that this is not a serious business. Sure enough, people love to play tricks no matter how good they are."

  "Eh? What do you say?" Chika stared at Shinichi's muttering but silent mouth, with a confused expression on her face.

  "It's fine, just thank you." Shinichi took the information he gave her nonchalantly, "Forest School? I just saw the recruitment poster... Huh?"

  The hand that was turning the page stopped, and Shinichi's eyes were glued to the general organizer's name in the materials, and his expression was slightly distorted.

  This time, Chika said with a smile.

  "Because no one wants to become the general organizer of the 2nd year class voluntarily, so I can only let Asada-kun, who wasn't at the meeting, qualify~, no one has any objections."

  Shinichi gritted his teeth and said, "...Where are Ishigami and Iino? Their abilities are much better than mine, and they are also members of the second year Student Council..."

  "They all agreed to let you be the general host. Ah~ Asada-kun just joined the Student Council for a short time, and you're very popular. It's amazing~"

  Shinichi ignored Chika's praise.

  "Should there be someone better than me? I also have other things to do, and being the general organizer takes up too much of my time, so..."

  Chika smiled brightly, and gave him a thumbs up.

  "The organization has appointed you, there is no way to change it! Come on, Asada-kun!"


  "Ah, by the way, I was the one who recommended you to become general organizer~ Doesn't Asada-kun like studying the most? You can learn a lot from being a general organizer. You should take good care of your health… Ha ha ha ha~"

  "Come on, put on a smile like mine! No, I'm not telling you to smile on the surface… Wait! Stop! Stop it now, don't come closer! Juniors must maintain a pure distance from their seniors, and the Student Council members must set an example… Moreover, the school rules also say that you must not emit killing waves towards your seniors. I would like to express my condemnation for you of the following crimes"


  "…Oh, class is about to start. I'll go first, Asada-kun be careful, Ciao~"

  "Stop for me-!"

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