
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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982 Chs

Taking advantage of unexpected thorns

  Outside the sports warehouse, three Thorns Club cadres hid in the bushes and watched the iron door slam with their own eyes.

  "Kashima-kun, are we really doing this?"

  Even though her task was complete, Inomori was still a little restless and the least calm of the three.

  "I have clearly told Princess Furuhashi that I will never use such petty tricks again…"

  "Ah, did you make a mistake? Inomori-san," Kashima waved her delicate hand, opened the paper fan to cover the elegant curve at the corner of her mouth, and said slowly.

  "We just watched all this happen and didn't do any little tricks, right?"

  "This warehouse door is damaged, it is easy to close and lock it automatically without meaning to. In fact, the school has arranged for maintenance workers after school today to prepare for renovations and repairs."

  "Previously, there would be a warning sign hung outside the door to remind people entering the sports warehouse to remember to find something to block the door from locking, but it seems the students came to the sports warehouse for a date during the day, so a warning sign was given to Missing somewhere."

  Placing her palm on half of her cheek, Kashima showed a smile without any psychological burden.

  "So, no matter from which aspect, this was just a perfect accident? I was even mentally prepared to unlock the door. Unexpectedly, everything went according to plan smoothly~"

  After hearing the explanation, Chono thought for a moment and was about to nod in agreement.

  "It's true, if we didn't ask Omori-san to exchange students, the person who is now locked up with Princess Furuhashi would be Omori-san... We didn't want to deliberately create an accident, we just watched while watching, I just wanted to create this accident slightly better."

  "Suddenly I feel like I've done something good…" Thinking of Fumino avoiding the fate of being alone in the gym warehouse with Omori, Inomori was happy.

  "But even so, she was able to take advantage of the accident very well. She truly deserves to be Captain Kashima!"

  "Um, as the chairman of the Thorns Club, this ability is still needed." Kashima smiled modestly, shook her folding fan lightly, turned and left the bushes.

  "Let's go, let's pray for Princess Furuhashi in the class, hoping that she can become the top before the girls in other classes do."

  "Oh…" Inomori was about to answer, but suddenly remembered something, "Wait, they're not in danger, right? We're not watching them here?"

  Kashima still answered easily: "Don't worry, at most they will be held until the start of the next class and the teacher notices their absence. There will be no danger in such a short time. If not, what will happen will not be the same as admitting it."

  "That's true…" Inomori thought about it and was still a little worried, "But we are still the biggest suspect. What if they come out and question us directly?"

  "Then tell the truth, be lenient when you confess, and admit your mistakes honestly~" Kashima shrugged.

  "Besides, we didn't lock the door."

  With a scraping sound, she closed her fan, looked up at the dark sky, and let out a soft sigh.

  "This will complete a world where no one gets hurt."


  The two girls behind her looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

  Chono complained: "Will Kashima-san's literary girl model start again?"

  Inomori joked: "The short poem last time was very good, let's do it again!"

  "...Uh, I didn't say anything."

  Kashima opened the fan again to cover her reddish face.

  Currently, inside the sports warehouse.

  "…It's completely locked."

  Shinichi gave up the idea of using force to open the iron door, mainly because he couldn't do it. Just because he's been working out doesn't mean he can turn into the Hulk.

  "I didn't expect to encounter something like that…" Fumino handed him a handkerchief, squatting in front of the door and looking helpless.

  "Isn't this routine taking too long? Kashima-san and the others really need to teach them a lesson when they return!"

  Shinichi carefully looked at the door frame, door shaft and door lock. When his complaint ended, he spoke carefully.

  "I can't come to a conclusion yet, maybe this time it was just an accident..."

  "This door is too rusty and old. Even though it is less fragile to kick, the impact when closing the door just happens to damage the structure of the door lock, locking the door tightly like this."

  "Eh? Is that so?"

   Fumino comes to see. The girl's scent and hot temperature pressed against him without warning, causing Shinichi's body to stiffen slightly and he took a step back.

  When two people are alone in a confined space, they still have to pay attention to distance issues.

  "I don't know…" Fumino seemed very slow at the moment. She didn't pay attention to his behavior, but patted her chest and laughed reassuringly.

  "But if Asada-san says so, Kashima-san and the others should be innocent!"

  She was happy that her friends had been cleared of suspicion, but then she showed a worried expression.

  "Then... What should we do next?

  "We can't take out our phones in gym class. Should we take turns screaming for help? Or do we wait until someone knows we're not here? This period ends in fifteen minutes, and there are still about ten minutes left until class starts…"

  "Don't worry, I swear that I will never be tricked this easily," Shinichi put the sweaty handkerchief into his pocket and walked towards the corner of the sports warehouse.

  Fumino's face was full of questions, but seeing Shinichi's calm gaze, she began to think that the current situation was nothing.

  "Asada-san is very confident. Are there any secret passages left during World War II that could be used to leave? Or can you find the hidden weapon and open the door by cracking the code left by ancestors?"

   Shinichi looked back into her eyes sparkling with excitement, then shattered her illusion.

  "It just pressed the emergency buzzer. This is not a novel. There have been so many strange developments."

  Fumino didn't care about his disappointment, and was confused.

  "Emergency bell?"

  Shinichi opened a small box on the wall in the corner and pressed the device inside, which was similar to a fire bell.

  Seeing the warning light next to him turn red, and then turn green after a few seconds, Shinichi nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, we contacted it."

  "It is..."

  "Explain while you wait," Shinichi smiled at Fumino who was still confused, walked straight to the sports mat placed under the window, and sat on it.

   Fumino followed subconsciously, looked at the position next to him, hesitated, and sat down awkwardly.

  Even though the two of them were about fifty centimeters away, she felt the temperature in the warehouse suddenly rise.

  Peeking at Shinichi who was sitting relaxed, her cheeks were slightly red for no apparent reason. She pulled the blue hair from her cheek, twirling the hair with her fingers.

  "Why is there an emergency bell in the sports warehouse?"

  Shinichi looked at the closed door and started narrating in the same tone as usual:

  "Our school also has an old sports warehouse next to the old school building. Now nothing is used."

  "At that time, male and female students who wanted to return equipment like us were locked in that warehouse. Because it happened to be after school hours and the location was remote, they were only released the next morning by the teacher who was carrying out a routine inspection."

  "According to what the teacher said at the time, when he opened the door, he found that the two students had..."

  At this point, he took a deep breath, as if expressing his shock at this incident.

  "That's it...What happened?"

   Fumino swallowed nervously. After all, they were in the same situation now. The lessons of the past are right in front of them. How could she not feel the same way?

However, this man deliberately aroused her appetite.

  Fumino tugged at his sleeve.

  "Say! I can accept it!"


  Shinichi answered softly, his mood clearly depressed.

  "When the teacher saw them, the man and woman were already..."