
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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982 Chs

Not qualified to talk about dreams?

  ——Lunch record——

  When Shinichi took a bite of French vegetable jelly.

  As if a stream of air was coming out of his body, his eyes widened and the fork in his hand trembled, his irresistible desire suddenly on the verge of erupting.

  "Wait—my attitude—my face—stop—no—!"

  Shinichi gritted his teeth so hard that veins appeared in his neck.

  He tried hard to suppress and restrain the strange feeling that seemed to explode all the clothes on his body, making him suffer at that moment. The reason also told him to stop chewing.

  "No... I reached my limit... I will swallow it..."

  It was as if his entire body was controlled by 'delicacy'. With great reluctance, he opened his own mouth, put the foreign object into his mouth and swallowed.

  He showed an enthusiastic smile.

  "Ah, so delicious..."

  Still not recovered from his thoughts, he hurriedly touched his clothes, fortunately they were all on his body, and he didn't have the sense of freedom he felt in the fantasy of wandering naked on the grass field.

  Then Shinichi turned to look at the others.

  Ichika covered her mouth with a red face, her eyes filled with mist and moisture.

  Itsuki couldn't hold back her tears, and swallowed the food mixed with tears.

   Mafuyu buried her head in her chest and trembled.

  Yotsuba put her hands into her tightly knitted legs, lowered her head tensely, and the rabbit ear headband on her head stood straight up in surprise.

  "Damn it..."

  Shinichi knew that the senior chefs at Totsuki Academy could make delicious dishes that were like aphrodisiacs, but he didn't expect the effects to be so excessive!

  He turned to look at Kojiro who was calmly cleaning the kitchen table, and asked.

  "Shinomiya-san, did any visitors give you trouble after you finished eating?"

   Kojiro raised his head when he heard this, his brows furrowed in dissatisfaction.

  "There's no way there will be a problem with my food."

  "No, I mean..." Shinichi's expression was a little tangled, and he leaned over and whispered.

  "I think the customer's girlfriend was sexually assaulted because you used food, so he hit you or something."

   Kojiro: "😐"

  (I want to beat you now)


  After enjoying a very delicious lunch, Shinichi and the others were still chatting about the food while heading to the next venue.

  "I didn't expect the food to be so delicious... I really lived 17 years in vain."

  As if her outlook on life had been greatly affected, Itsuki clenched her fists with emotion.

  "When I come back, I have to visit a restaurant run by Totsuki Academy graduates. I have to eat at every restaurant once to make your life worth living!"

  Ichika teased: "No need to bother, why don't you just go to Totsuki Academy and find a boyfriend who is a great chef? Let him cook different dishes for you at home every day, and you can choose the dishes you like without paying."

  "This…" Itsuki showed emotion for a moment, but her eyes were turned to the side, and she didn't dare look directly at the particular man in front of Ichika and the others, so she could shake her head repeatedly.

  "No! How can I determine a happy future life just for the sake of food! Food can be bought with money, but love cannot!"

  She denied Ichika firmly, and at the same time suppressed the doubts in her heart.

   Ichika shrugged regretfully and said casually.

"It's surprising how persistent you are~"

  "Of course!"

  As the crowd moved to the next hall, many booth-like tables had been set up there. The next time period is when students begin "interviewing" each other with various schools and internship agencies.

  Students can contact and study the universities and corporate institutions they are interested in, and the other party will also take the initiative to recruit students who have shown extraordinary talents in the previous two activities and hunt them down first.

  The right people are in the right place, and as long as both parties reach a consensus, it can almost be said that they have determined the future direction here.

  Shinichi looked at the colorful and dazzling signboard.

  He still didn't know what he would do in the future, so when the host gave a brief introduction in front of him, he planned to start exploring from the first stall.

  After making this decision, Shinichi looked at the girl beside him.

  "Ichika, what are your plans?"

  "Me?" Ichika thought for a moment, then smiled, "I don't think I plan to continue studying. I already have an office, so this internship seems pointless to me."

  Yotsuba asked: "Ichika, aren't you planning on going to college?"

  "Hmm… I have this idea, but I'm not sure yet."

  She glanced at Shinichi whose expression did not change, and asked Yotsuba.

  "What about you, Yotsuba? Do you want to enter a sports college? Many people earn their diplomas while moving toward becoming professional players. I think you can try it too."

  "While getting your diploma, move towards becoming a professional player…" Yotsuba muttered thoughtfully, subconsciously looking at Shinichi, but quickly looked away.

  "No way~ I don't know what decision to make now... What about Itsuki?"

  "Eh? I?" Itsuki felt everyone's eyes on her, and waved her hand with a blush on her face.

  "As for the purpose... I have it, but I'm not sure yet. Besides, my current grades aren't much better, so I feel a bit too cocky about my plans..."

  So what if she entered the top 100? If it weren't for Shinichi, what could she do alone?

  Ichika can act, Nino can cook, Miku likes history, Yotsuba can run...

  Only Itsuki wouldn't do anything.

  It was precisely because she had no talent that she had to work tirelessly. So before, she thought she was not qualified to talk about her dreams.