
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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982 Chs

Let Me Tell You a Story

"This is a letter to my future self."

Watching cherry blossoms fluttering outside the stone pavilion, after a while, the girl with pink hair lowered her head and continued writing on the paper.

"I'm 18 years old this year, and there's something I want to tell you:

I wonder how you're doing now? Are you attending university? Or looking for a job?

Or going abroad to compete and make your parents and sister proud?

I wonder if you're living a happy life now?

I hope you're happy. Oh, not that I'm not happy now. I guess you know that I really like everyone, and I also love skating, I love the smell of ice in the skating rink, and I also enjoy listening to the noisy voices of my classmates in class.

I'm really enjoying my life right now, even though there are many regrets, I'll never be bored or anything like that.

...But, I'm still looking forward to it.

Will I be like this in the future? Are you continuing your studies in figure skating or doing something else – Kirisu Mafuyu, do you still yearn for the same youth as others and school life where you're no longer lonely?

It would be really nice if so. Because I can't give up yet.

Yes, I have talent in skating, and I've fulfilled my parents' expectations and my sister's admiration. I have to let my life start on this bright and prosperous path.

But, I don't want to miss out anymore. There are student banquets, school festival preparations, everyone hanging out after school, and worrying whether to go karaoke or study in the library during holidays...

I miss this.

Three years of middle school and three years of high school, so many things missed. No beautiful memories left, I can only stand by and watch everyone.

"I think my youth shouldn't just be about skating."

The girl raised her head again, even though she was the only one appreciating the beauty of the blooming cherry blossoms.

With whom can I share it? Then what if we share it?

She sighed, and continued writing.

I've missed it now, but I won't in the future.

I know this is just deliberate words, and I also know that Mom and Dad will definitely object.

If not for skating, I wouldn't have been able to enter Shuchi'in Academy. If I give up this talent, I might become useless, right?

Even if that's the case, it doesn't matter.

Someone once said that if you don't try to make changes and move towards what you want, you'll look back on the following years with regrets along the way.

Now I know what regret feels like, so I want to change starting now!

The girl took a deep breath, her expression gradually becoming firmer, and her written words seemed wrapped in determination.

I want to be a teacher.

I want to fill out the Normal University progress questionnaire, and I want to work hard to learn how to be a good teacher!

I want to spend my school life with my students without regrets!

I want to start over and have my own youth!

Now I've made a decision. Can you stick to it in the future?

Even if I face strong opposition from my parents, even if in the end I'm not accepted to a regular university.

Kirisu Mafuyu, you must become a teacher!

So as not to regret anymore, leaving memories, and for idiots like me, always missing out on many beautiful things.

So today, I write my dream in this letter.

Then in the future, you must become your ideal self.

The girl put down her pen and read it once before furrowing her brow in dissatisfaction.

"Simple. I feel like this isn't written well... I hope this doesn't become a 'dark history'."

It would be nice if I had a draft.

Feeling helpless, the girl folded the letter and wrote "Shuchi'in Academy High School, Class B, Third Year, Kirisu Mafuyu" in the blank space, then placed the letter into the metal box.

Under the cherry blossom tree beside the stone pavilion, there was a hole she dug for ten minutes.

"I hope I can still remember this location in the future, or else I'll have to dig everywhere." With a wry smile, the girl put the box into the hole, took a small shovel beside it, and filled the hole bit by bit.

After pounding the soil firmly with the back of the shovel, the girl stood up and wiped the sweat from her forehead.


She stood in front of the stone pavilion, lifted her head, looked around at the beautiful cherry blossom scenery surrounded by warm spring, and clenched her fists.

"If I don't become a good and beloved teacher to my students, I won't come back here!"

The girl showed a determined smile.

She stood there, raising her chin slightly.

She closed her eyes in anticipation.

Mafuyu opened her eyes.

She stared straight ahead at Shinichi, who laid a piece of paper with a gloomy look and a slight smirk on his lips.


She commented.

"Back then, I never imagined that even though I became a teacher, I still had to go through a future full of hatred and regret."

"Her dreams and anticipated youth were all wrong."

Mafuyu whispered, her heavy breath dissipating into the air.

Seeing her like this, Itsuki said unbearably, "Kirisu-sensei..."

"Even if you know this, nothing will change." Mafuyu interrupted, completely dispelling the dull atmosphere.

While Shinichi read, the flushed expression from her crouching with her head in her hands, her eyes dim, completely disappeared. At this moment, she returned to her cold and stunning appearance, facing both of them directly.

"Is there anything else you want to say? If not, I'm leaving."

She had received enough psychological attacks today.

Mafuyu turned to leave with a cold face.

Then, Itsuki crossed in front of her and blocked her way.

Mafuyu: "..."

Could this kid have been trained in some secret organization?

"Kirisu-sensei, this is just the second step in our plan!"

Mafuyu stopped and looked at him in surprise as he spoke those words with a serious expression.

"The second step in that plan?"

"Right!" Itsuki nodded enthusiastically, ignoring the helpless expression on Shinichi's forehead, and explained honestly:

"This step is to remind you of your past dreams and to shake your current approach. Because of the changes in these seven years, we will lower your psychological defenses and make it easier to listen to what we will say next!"

The more Mafuyu heard, the wider her eyes opened, and finally she stepped back in disbelief: "Be careful. Although I know you're prepared, I didn't expect you to consider this step. Truly frightening..."

She glanced at Shinichi behind her, furrowing her brows, her eyes very strange.

"Asada-kun, are you responsible for this?"

"If not, how do you think a brain like Itsuki's could think so deeply?" Shinichi spread his hands and immediately admitted without resistance.

"She said she didn't want to hide anything from you. She wanted to be open with you and talk to you without any pretense. She wanted to reveal all the plans I made. What else can I do? Besides, all of you consider me as the villain, so I'm fine with taking all the blame."

Itsuki's face turned red, and she pouted with half guilt and half dissatisfaction. "I know, I apologize to you, but if I don't do this, I'll feel very sorry for Sensei! What if your plan fails because of this relationship? I won't compensate you."

Although the volume of the last sentence was very low, Mafuyu caught it. She looked back, her expression as anxious as if she were watching a student heading down a path of wrongdoing and couldn't turn back.

"Itsuki-san, don't be foolish! You're the only one among the five twins who hasn't fallen. Even if you're exploited by him because of this compensation..."

"Mafuyu-chan, I'm also your student. Are you talking about me like that?" Shinichi shouted dissatisfied from the side.


Putting her hand on her shoulder, Mafuyu didn't look back, still staring at Itsuki seriously.

After Itsuki was momentarily stunned, she suddenly chuckled softly.

"Sensei, I understand."

"What..." Mafuyu was slightly confused, only hearing the girl's voice ringing in front of her.

"Even though you always deliberately keep your distance from us, and you've also said you don't want to give advice for our future, 'there's nothing left, everything doesn't matter.'"

"But, you're still on our side, worrying about us and caring about our future, you say that there's nothing left, but because of your kindness, I stand here and say these words to you."

Itsuki gently wrapped her palm around her shoulder with hers.

"It's also because of your seriousness and perseverance that I can be troubled by choices and understand that the time and growth I spent with you are not meaningless at all."

She lifted her head and smiled at Mafuyu.

"So this time, allow me to tell you a story."