
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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982 Chs

It's time for the conversation of good friends to begin

  The raised palm caught the raindrops, and a cold touch spread across the palm lines.

  Shinichi shook off the water droplets, glanced at the crowd looking at the sky and discussing.

  Is raining...

  At night, he felt that there were many dark clouds, and the air was a little more humid than usual. He wished God wouldn't be so disrespectful to the atmosphere… But of course, no matter how brightly the lights in the world were lit, it was still possible for cumulonimbus clouds in the sky.

  Not long ago, his conversation with Mafuyu became prophetic, and now it's really raining.

  "Notification from the venue. The fireworks display has been temporarily canceled due to the weather. Rescheduling times will be announced at a later date. Thank you for your participation..."

  The radio beep repeated three times and echoed through the crowd, many people covered their heads and fled out of the rain with regret on their faces, while some raised their umbrellas and proudly continued walking between the sheltered booths.

  Shinichi, who didn't bring an umbrella, also took shelter from the rain.

  He blended in with the crowd and ran to the nearest shelter with his head down. Fewer and fewer people were standing in the temple square.

  At this time, he suddenly saw a thin figure in a goose-yellow yukata at the entrance of an alley not far away, a middle-aged man forcefully holding her hand, and she reluctantly walked towards the black car.

  Shinichi ignored the obstacles of people and rain around him, and immediately ran there.


  "You don't answer so many calls, what are you thinking! Ichika-chan!"

  The bearded uncle in front of her was so blaming, Ichika lowered her head and didn't dare to refute.

  "Didn't you prepare for this audition for a long time? You didn't refuse when I called you earlier. Why did you suddenly disappear today?"

  (I also wonder why you found me, stalker...)

  Ichika obediently accepts the training, and she admits her mistake.

  The uncle in front of her was the president of her workplace, the person in charge of a performing arts company, as well as her manager.

  As a new actress with little reputation, even if she was scolded by the other party, she could only accept it obediently.

  What's more, this incident was originally her fault, and the president only criticized a few words, and didn't directly let herself sit on the bench for other actresses, so Ichika should be very lucky.

  "Ichika-chan, don't be silent. If you don't speak, how am I supposed to know what you're thinking?" Looking at Ichika who was lowering her head, the bearded uncle's tone slowed down a bit, "Are you having trouble? Did the unit message you directly?"

  "No, I..." Ichika opened her mouth and was about to speak, but felt a chill run down her cheeks, and the next moment, there was more water scattered on the ground.

  The bearded uncle looked up at the sky and muttered: "It's raining… So you won't avoid auditions for wanting to participate in the fireworks display. If you have another reason, wait until you get to the car to listen."

  After he finished speaking, the bearded uncle grabbed Ichika's wrist and pulled her to the car parked on the side of the road.

  Ichika wanted to reflexively fight back, but looking at the dark night and heavy rain in the sky, her mood became very heavy, and she couldn't muster up the strength to fight back.

  (Just forget it...)

  Ichika thought comforting herself.

  (It's also a good choice... After all, the fireworks festival just got cancelled, and the birthday party was supposed to be on time after the auditions... But, I have to make everyone wait for me.)

  Right, there wouldn't be any loss, and she wasn't considered breaking the agreement to watch the fireworks together, only that she was late...

  But why, she can not be happy?

  Ichika looked at the ground with a very unwilling expression.

  (That's still no good... The current me can't do anything about it...)

  She didn't want to go, that's why she ran away.

  Her lips trembled slightly, but the power of her voice was broken down by the continuously falling raindrops, and every step she took seemed to be torturing her heart.

  (Haha, this feeling... If this was a fairy tale, I'd be like a princess who was taken away by a villain, right?)

  Ichika was full of self-mockery.

  (So this time, will there be a prince who saves me...)

  "Excuse me, please wait a moment!"

  There was a loud sound from behind, and under the slowly widening curtain of rain, a figure suddenly broke through the rain.

  Before the words fell, the palm immediately grabbed Ichika's wrist, and with great force, snatched it from the bearded uncle's hand.

  Ichika's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth in surprise.

  "It actually appeared?!"

  Standing in front of her, Shinichi turned his head and looked at Ichika's reddish face.

  "What appeared? You knew I was coming?"

  "Ah, no, no..." Ichika looked down, looked at the way Shinichi held her wrist, and felt her heart beat a little faster.

  The bearded uncle frowned, looking at Shinichi blocking Ichika behind him.

  "Who are you? Why are you meddling?"

  "I am a cadre of Shuchi'in High's student council, and the chairman of the forest school's executive committee. My last name is Asada... and Nakano Ichika is a student of our school and one of our members."

  After bowing slightly, and steadying his stance to confidently respond with a formal statement, Shinichi looked back.

  "In my capacity, I saw her being dragged away by a middle-aged man I didn't know on the street, and would have been shirking my duties if I didn't come out!"

"Who are you? What does this have to do with Ichika? Do you have proof of identity?"

  Shinichi's tone was like a police interrogation, the bearded uncle took a moment to take out a business card from his pocket, and his posture became much more serious.

  "I am the manager of a performing arts firm, and Ichika is an actress under my banner. You can check through this website… She will be attending an important audition, please step aside."

  Shinichi nodded, took out his cell phone and started looking for the URL on the business card, raindrops splashed on the screen, he saw Ichika's information on the web page.

  "So, how long until the auditions start? How far from here?"

  Unable to understand the meaning of his question, the bearded uncle tilted his head and said, "Eh, there's still about an hour and a half right? It took about an hour to get there..."

  "Is only half an hour… Well, that's enough." Shinichi looked at Ichika and pointed at a nearby coffee shop with a serious expression.

  "Though it's a bit sudden, good friend conversation time is about to start, so come along."

  "Eh?" Ichika didn't react for a while, just stared at him blankly, Shinichi didn't wait for her to answer, and walked straight to the coffee shop.

  As she walked away from him.

  There was a stifling pain in her heart, almost driven by instinct, Ichika quickly turned around, her clogs treading on the water, and chased after her back without hesitation.

  Then, gently pinching the corner of his clothes, Ichika showed a smile as bright as the sun's rays.

  "I-Ichika-chan?" The bearded uncle didn't have time to stop her. He stretched out his hand in the air, and slowly put it down, letting the two people's figures disappear into the rain curtain.

  Flicking the raindrops on his hair, the bearded uncle folded his arms across his chest, and closed his eyes with a reminiscent expression on his face.

  "It's youth..."