
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

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982 Chs

Entertaining Yotsuba

Taking a walk after eating to digest the food, the two of them walked down the corridor.

  Shinichi asked casually: "Have you had lunch?"

  "Already." Yotsuba answered.

  "Rice balls?"

  "Eh? Why does Asada-san know…"

  "Corner of the mouth." Shinichi removed the grain of rice from the corner of her mouth, then looked back, "You're in a hurry to apologize to me?"

Yotsuba didn't even notice the grains of rice stuck to her face.

  "I am really, really sorry." Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Yotsuba showed a wry smile.

  "You have taught me very seriously, but I haven't made any progress…"

  "This isn't the first time, is it?" Shinichi said.

  "Eh?" Yotsuba was stunned, and it took her a moment to realize what Shinichi was talking about, "Ah... Indeed, this isn't the first time there has been no progress or even decline..."

  Shinichi sighed helplessly.

  "Let me tell you… Could it be that you've apologized to every Sensei when you failed a test?"

  "...No." Yotsuba shook her head, "This is the first time I feel guilty towards 'Sensei' because I did the same thing in the exam as usual."

  "That would be an honor… Is there anything special about me?"

  Shinichi smiled, but Yotsuba couldn't see his expression.

  "Asada-san... Of course it's special." Yotsuba smiled gently, but Shinichi couldn't see her expression, "No Sensei would research such a strange thing as 'running to learn to breathe' just to teach students."

  Shinichi replied: "There are still some, but the methods are different. Teaching students according to their talents is the basic skill of educators.

  Yotsuba puffed out her cheeks, and looked at Shinichi dissatisfiedly, "No Sensei runs till he sweats. Did the students help it to rest in the shade of a tree?"

  "…I clearly said at that time, don't help me, but you came here to hold my hand without permission, could this be for me?" Shinichi replied.

  "Hmph, no matter what, you can't deny this, can you?"

  Shinichi just snorted.

  "Why not? There are Sensei who are excited like this everywhere. You must not watch TV dramas that much. Let Ichika recommend some of them for you."

  "Why does Asada-san have to deny what I said?"

  "Then why do you think I'm special?"

  "Oh my... Asada-san, would it make people feel uncomfortable answering a question with a rhetorical question?" Yotsuba said angrily.

  "Is it true? Sorry, let me say otherwise," Chuckled Shinichi, with a slightly evil tone.

  "Why are you doing the kabedon? There were obviously more ways to talk to me, but you chose to carry out this kind of action in such a dark place… Do you think that apologizing is to speak ill of others?"

  "Uh… this, this…" Yotsuba blushed, she couldn't say that she had been thinking about it all morning, thinking how to apologize would be more sincere.


  With no words of rebuttal to say, Yotsuba apologized.

  "Honestly, I'm the one who should apologize." Shinichi sighed.

  Yotsuba looked at him in surprise: "Why?"

  "Because I didn't expect you from the start."

  Shinichi shrugged and continued walking forward, but there was no sound of footsteps behind him.

  "Miku and Itsuki, I have hope for them because they took the initiative to ask me to teach them to study, so I guide their homework every day, give them simulation questions, and tell them how to get high marks in the midterms."

  "I don't know why Ichika scored higher than you in the exam. Maybe she has a better brain than you? Just like you have better physical strength than her."

  "But, we are quintuplets..." Yotsuba's voice came from a distance.

  "So what?" Shinichi said indifferently, "Memorizing scripts and figuring out acting skills requires brains. You have to understand that, right? After hard work, you become different, five members are also five unique people. You are only allowed to improve in running, but others are not allowed to be smart?"

  Silence for a moment, Yotsuba muttered under her breath, "This statement is too bluffing..."

  "Yes, I bullied you, so I must apologize."

  "I didn't give you mock exam questions for the midterms, and I didn't expect you to do well in the midterms, so I was surprised..."

  Shinichi stopped, turned around, and looked at her.

  "If I don't have expectations, I won't be disappointed, let alone disappointed. What does your bad exam have to do with me? Why do you want to apologize to me?"

  "I don't like receiving unreasonable thanks and apologies, can you find a reason to convince me, Yotsuba?"

  Yotsuba showed a helpless smile, bit her lower lip, looked away, and said in a low voice.

  "Texts, formulas, history, geography... When I was running, Asada-san taught me many things, but when I was in the exam room, I was so nervous that I forgot everything... All the hard work all this time was wasted..."

  "That's the reason?"

  Yotsuba took a deep breath, and said: "Yes, that's the reason!"

  "…So, if I don't win the track and field award at the sports festival, I should come and apologize to you?"

  "No—" Yotsuba was suddenly taken aback, "Asada-san, what do you mean..."

  "Don't you realize that all this time you helped me, I wasn't the one who helped you first?" Shinichi walked towards Yotsuba.

  "I only pay you. Whether it's teaching you to study, or saying something to enlighten you like this, I'm only repaying the things you've helped me with..."

  Whether it's running, or words that have encouraged and encouraged him in the past.

  From the start, Yotsuba was different from the others, she didn't need to give Shinichi any gifts, because she had already given him the most important thing.

  To this day, Shinichi can still remember the very carefree and natural laughter in the medical room.

  For Shinichi, the change given by Yotsuba is more important than value and gratitude.

  So, he stood before Yotsuba.

  "Yotsuba, do you like studying?"

  "Eh?" Surprised by her sudden seriousness, Yotsuba answered reflexively, "Li-Like..."

  "Tell the truth!"

  "I don't like it!" Yotsuba said loudly.

  "But, when Asada-san taught me, I didn't hate studying anymore!"

  Shinichi was a little embarrassed, "Ahem, thank you... So, you have to be satisfied with my thanks, right?"

  "Thank you..." Yotsuba muttered these two words.

  But why, she always felt something was off...

  Seeing Yotsuba's confusion and confusion, Shinichi patted his head like consoling a child.

  It feels good in the hand, but Ogata Rizu's hair is relatively soft and her head is small, so it's easier to touch.

  "Let's go back."

Shinichi walked around Yotsuba.

  "Once you have a clear goal, tell me again, and I'll teach you a small lesson... If your grades still don't improve by then, you don't have to apologize, I'll teach you a lesson right away."

  "Relax a bit now, let's just say you're not being serious."

  "Anyway, you still have plenty of time to work hard."

  Yotsuba looked at Shinichi's back, and she showed a cheerful smile again.

  "Asada-san, thank you for your encouragement! I will always remember it in my heart!"


  "Hiss... Why are you patting my back so hard..."

  "Ahaha, sorry~ Then, do you want me to give you some medicine? Skip class and head to the infirmary to rest? I'm so happy now, Asada-san can say whatever you want, and I will help you achieve it!"

  "Oh? That's right, please help me wash the bento box..."

  "Asada-san, big fool, you are dumber than me!"

  Yotsuba smiled happily.

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