
Love Me One More Time

"Why did you do that? Why the hell did you do that? Didn't I tell you to stop bothering me? I don't like you and how many times do I have to shout it in front of you just to make you understand that I don't like you? I don't love you and that's the last thing I will ever do!" They say words cut deeper and harder than knives. A knife can be pulled out but words are embedded into our soul. It leaves unseen and long-lasting scars. But guess what? She knew it, yet she wanted to take a sip of her sorrows and drink from her trapped bleeding heart. ~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~ It all started 8 years ago when she met him and fell in love with him. The problem was that he already has a girlfriend and he doesn't like her. But a stubborn and spoiled brat Samantha Soriano couldn't accept it. So she made a decision and planned everything to make Luke Marcuz Williams her man. But fate didn't seem to cooperate with her stupid plan as it failed her, in which she ended up trapped with him in an arranged marriage. A marriage wherein everyone's eyes were perfect, full of love and respect, but in reality, it seemed like hell. He made her life a living hell. They didn't know that behind those smiles painted on her lips, tears flowed silently... and behind those laughs she was sharing, pain and sorrow were hidden carefully. Until she learned to let go and learned the truth that he will never start loving her, no matter what she does. But... What if everything suddenly changed after four years? What if he started showing the care and love he should have done 4 years ago, will she be willing to forget everything that happened and leave them behind? And if she realizes she has never really forgotten him, will she be willing to give him a chance this time or will she be ready to be with the man who once caused her pain?

JaycelleRodriguez · Urban
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202 Chs

Chapter nine: Are you pregnant?

~~~I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I always forget that you can't read my mind. As long as I got you and me moving through this world as a two-man team, I'll always have everything I need. You don't even realize what you mean. No one could fall for you quite like me. No one could get me so perfectly. You don't even realize you're all that I need~~~

-James TW-


I waited for another 15 minutes and when my wristwatch showed exactly 5:00 pm, I decided to get up and leave the cafe. I know he's not coming. I'll just try to call him when I get home. I don't think I can wait for him for a couple of hours or even minutes as I suddenly felt tired. Not to mention that my stomach knows the word 'timing' as it started to growl inside. I'm craving again for pasta.

I was waiting for a cab outside the coffee shop when nausea hit me. It's a great relief that someone grabbed my hand and helped me to stand.

"You didn't eat anything inside the cafe, did you?"

"Paul? You came back." I guess it sounded like a question instead of a statement.

"You looked pale, Sam, and yes I came back because I forgot to pay for my coffee."

Maybe if we are in a different situation or if maybe I'm not feeling dizzy, I would have laughed so hard at him. How did he forget to pay for his coffee?

"Where's your car---ohh, you can't drive in your state right now. Do you mind if I drive you home? I don't think I can sleep tonight if I let you go home like this."

"I didn't bring my car. Thanks for the help but I don't want to bother to you anymore, so if it's not too much to ask, can you just please call a taxi for me?"

"Haist, come on, Sam. Don't worry, you're not bothering me and I'm glad to help."

Since I felt my strength slowly draining, I have no choice but to agree with him. I don't have to tell him my address as Dale already brought him once to our house to do their group project.


"My sweet Jesus! What happened to my baby?"


I mentally rolled my eyes when I heard my mom's voice as soon as we entered the living room. Her voice was full of concern but I couldn't help frowning as I heard the word 'baby' again. I'm a grown-up woman and I don't like it when they call me a baby, a kid or a little girl.

"What is going on, Samantha? Why are you with Paul, I mean why is Paul with you?" She asked confused, her eyes were moving from me to Paul and then back to me again.

"Mom, you just reversed your question." This time I couldn't help rolling my eyes while Paul gave her a slight chuckle.

"Okay, but why is he with you?"

"Mom, what's happening here?" someone asked from behind mom before I could open my mouth... and that's Dale.

"Are you two already dating? Are you dating my daughter Paul?"

"Mom?" I frowned.

"Is he your boyfriend, Samantha?"

"Ahem!" Dale raised an eyebrow and I glared at him.

"Mom, he's not my boyfriend---"

"If so, then why is he with you?"

"And why do you look so pale?" Dale asked after mom.

"Because he's helping me and please mom, I'm so tired and I want to rest," I replied, ignoring Dale's question.

"I think she's sick, Cara. Actually, she almost lost her balance if I hadn't held her earlier. She looked so pale and slightly shaking, so I insisted on helping her and taking her home since she didn't use her car."

I glanced at Paul and utter a low 'thank you' which he returned with a genuine smile and also a low 'no worries'.

"Oh, my God, my baby, come here and Paul, please have dinner with us so that I can express my gratitude for helping my daughter." and finally my mom pulled me in her arms.

"Ahh... thanks mom, I thought you weren't going to let us in."

"It's alright, Cara. Sam is not just someone for me, she has also become my friend and I think anyone who has seen her condition earlier wouldn't hesitate to help her."

"Well, thank you so much, Paul, but I insist. Please have dinner with us."

My mom was still convincing him when I felt my head spin again. But thank God, Paul and Dale grabbed me instantly while my mom hugged me. Damn these crazy symptoms!

"Holy shit! Samantha, are you okay?" Dale asked me before I heard a loud slap. "Ouch!"

"Your kind of words Dale Sebastian!" I think mom slapped his arm.

You know, bad words are not allowed in this house ( not when Mom and Dad are here ).

"You look pale as if all your blood has drained from your face."

"That's exactly what happened to her earlier." I heard Paul speak behind me.

And out of the blue...

"Wait--- are you a vampire, Paul? Did you suck my sister's blood?" Dale asked before he received another hit from mom.

All of us laughed at his nonsense joke. Or was it even a joke?

I slowly opened my eyes only to be shocked with who I saw standing in front of me. Luke.

My heart began to beat faster and I don't know whether to feel happy to have finally seen him or to be disappointed that he didn't come to the coffee shop. What is he doing here? Did he even read my messages or checked my missed calls? Didn't he know that I waited for him for more than 1 hour? If only I knew he wouldn't come, I didn't wait for him at the cafe and went straight home.

We're busy exchanging stares as Dale and Mom continue their questions to Paul.

"Paul, how did you find Sam, I mean, did you go to their school?" Dale asked him.

"Actually, I just saw her at the coffee shop across from our school." ( this time I turned to Paul ) "She said she's waiting for someone... a friend." and he winked at me.

I smiled as I remembered that I hadn't mentioned anyone to him earlier. I haven't even confirmed if it's really my brother that I was waiting for like what in his question.

Then suddenly everyone fell silent.

And while looking at the man in front of me, I asked Mom to cook my favorite meal.

"Mom, can I have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner?"

"Again?" Mom and Dale asked in unison but I didn't notice their facial expression as my focus was only on Luke.

"I suddenly felt hungry, mom. My tongue really craves your special meatballs."

I didn't miss the way Luke creased his forehead and his eyebrows formed a straight line when he heard those words.

"Fine, but before that, you should take a rest. I'll just call you when the dinner is ready."

"Thanks, Mom." And I tried to walk past him but this fucking dizziness really loved to make fun of me. I lost my balance exactly in front of Luke, so it's he who takes my weight.

Aghh, I love him and God knows how much I love him, but instead of feeling relieved in his arms, I felt the opposite. My stomach churned the moment I smelled his cologne and this immediately made me weak.

"Jesus Christ, what is happening to you?" I heard my mom asked but I ignored her. I glanced at Luke who seemed to be unaffected and doesn't have any single clue as to what is happening to me.

"I'm fine, mom, don't worry about me." I secretly wiped the lone tear that fell down my face while still trying to get my balance.

"What are you talking about that we don't have to worry about you? You suddenly came home pale and craving for meatballs and then you're going to say you're fine and that we shouldn't worry about you? It's as if you're having symptoms of being pregnant. Are you pregnant, Samantha?"

I swallowed nervously as soon as I heard my mom's question. I wasn't looking at her but to Luke who also had a shocked expression like me and I don't know how long I hold my breath before hearing Dale's laughter. We all turned to him as it echoed throughout the living room.

"What kind of question is that mom?" and he laughed again. "Samantha is only 17, she doesn't have suitors. She doesn't even know how to use makeup and high heeled shoes, how can she be pregnant?"

Yes, Dale is right. I'm only 17 who know nothing about makeup and don't even have suitors. But none of them knows that it was my choice. I don't entertain boys because I only want someone to notice me.

"I know it's a silly question, but based on how she looks and her cravings, she seemed pregnant."

They continued to argue in front of me without having a single clue that what they were debating was true. I'm pregnant and her father is here, standing next to me... shocked and confused.

"Haist... that's nonsense, mom, I don't like that idea. She's still our baby and she can't get pregnant."

I rolled my eyes, starting to get annoyed again with my brother. I'm not a baby anymore, why can't he understand that?

"Come on, Sam, I'll take you to your room and don't mind our mom's question. Take a rest and I'll be the one to call you later when dinner is ready."

Dale took me by the arm, but because I'm confused by his sudden action, I remained in my spot staring at him.

"What? Do you have something to say or do you want me to carry you to your room?"

"Huh? Ahm... no, I'm fine, I can walk." I said shaking my head. " Paul, thank you again for helping me and for driving me home. I'll make it up to you next time."

"No worries, Sam. You should take a rest now." He smiled.

And with one last glance at Luke who seemed in a daze at the moment, I took Dale's arm and walked with him upstairs.

He's quiet as we walk down the hallway to my room which is very unusual for him. I'm not used to it, he seemed like a bomb ticking silently and then, later, he will just explode in front of me.