
Love Me, Ms. President

The empire's infamous technician, Carter Laurel, was forced to retreat during a scrimmage only to be hit! Sending her off course into a black hole. Now, she's living in a new world as the opposite sex. With only her shady A.I by her side, Carter will have to navigate through a new environment governed by different rules and learn to live as her male counterpart. “System 004, where are we,” Carter watches her surrounding quietly from the corner. “From the information I have gathered, it seems we have landed in a lower plane. A novel world.” “What's a novel?”

Jben1 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1— Black Hole

Year: 1812 A.E

Planet: Sand Dome

Battle: Emperor's Right Eye

Smoke diluted the horror of the battlefield, but the screams and colorful explosions can still be heard. Galactic viewers watching holographic scene of the Norakian Empire's soldier being ambushed by space pirates. People dressed in mismatched armor with gas mask pushing the soldiers back with volleys of laser beams.

In the midst of it all, one person stands front and center of the Empire's heart.

"Front— energy barriers, back— retreat now!" General Gabriel raises his hand and light bursts out. Forming a red barrier over him and his men. Volley of energy blast hits his shield, as he grits his teeth under the pressure. His pink eyes never left that royal bastard who betrayed the Empire.

"Carter stay behind me," a comrade comes from behind and pulls me closer to him. Using his only good arm to support me, as my bloody leg seems ready to give out on me.

Stuck between a tight place and surrounded by enemies, we had to stick together. Close our rank to make an impenetrable defense, as the front gives enough time to get out of there.

What felt like forever was only ten minutes of heavy injuries and possible casualties.

"Don't give up now! We need to keep moving fast before the smoke clears up!" I warn as our group seem to slow down from exiting the battlefield and into the infamous sandstorm that this planet is known for.

I cannot tell head or tail how long we've been going but we finally made it to the spaceships. Many were not in the condition to fly. People destroyed their spaceship, so the enemy won't take it before doubling up with others.

By the time the majority already left, the front-liners are racing back with the enemy becoming bold enough to cross into our territory.

I quickly reach into one of the little compartments under the helm and pull out a needle. Quickly, I inject the stimulant into my arm. Watching closely of the scene playing in front of me.

"Come on stupid thing, work faster," I curse at the medicine's slow reaction, waiting for the numbness to come and the fleeting burst of energy.

It finally kicks in, but only the General is left standing. The rest already flying away to a different planet, while the General holds off the leftovers from one to ten.

I jump out with my spare laser in hand, and a blade on my hip. Entering the battle, I shoot the closest person, inevitably drawing attention to myself. Taking the chance of being a target practice for the enemy, I race towards the General, who is too occupied with others to notice.

He didn't process anything else, until I push him towards my ship. He takes the hint, and we dash towards our ship, we were so close, but I underestimated the enemy. The storm is picking up and shooting accuracy are dropping. Still, It did not mean nobody will be hit.

"Move out of the way!" A strong body only a foot taller than my five feet frame holds me in his chest. His warmth and horrible cologne a mixture of familiar disgust and untimely welcome unbalance me for only a second.

Enough time to damage his ship with a lucky blast. He opens his mouth to say something, but I quickly push him into my ship and press the evacuation button.

The Empire's technicians are granted tiny spaceships for tight spaces to fix many unreachable parts. Only one person can fit inside. He knows this, but it didn't stop him from screaming my name.

I didn't look back or regret it. The Empire and the people need him more than me.

As the storm begins to rage, the shooting cease, and vague calls of retreat are barely audible. I rush to his beat-up ship and enter. Pushing the evacuation button, the ship flies me out of the planet.

The ship's alarm warns me it's in critical condition with an annoying screech. I plug the ship's wires and needles into my suit. Showing a screen of information in my helmet. I flip switches and press buttons; the flight is rough as the energy shield is down.

The storm is making the ship's condition worse. And if life is not a bitch, the medicine is starting to wear off, putting me through Hell.

"System 005 take control!" I call through gritted teeth.

The chip on the back of my neck heats up, signaling her response. Her ghostly image in a holographic form pops into my vision. An indifferent black girl sitting in the seat beside me, reading a tablet on her lap, as she twirls a lollipop in hand.

"Madam, I'm afraid the ship is in critical condition. I will not be able to change the ship's trajectory." she speaks with her posh accent.

"Where is it heading?" I start to move to make repairs despite the overwhelming pain in my leg and arm.

"I suggest you sit down and strap up. In twenty minutes, we will be meeting a black hole."

"Fuck me!" I trip over myself as I follow her instructions. Bracing myself for what is to come, I scream, "I'm giving you full autonomy you hear!"

"That is illegal. Are you s—"

"For fuck's sake! Yes, I am sure! So fucking protecting me! Do you understand! At all cost!"

"I understand, for your well-being, you will be put to sleep until crisis is diverted."

And just like she said, my eyes close for a long sleep.