


The Good Neighbor


/"River—/" My heart pounded so hard that I had to breathe. He was so achingly beautiful even if his lips were pressed into a thin line.

We stared at each other, waiting in silence for the first one to speak up.

/"I know that you’re just trying to play a good guy here because of a promise or whatever you and your sister have agreed on. You don’t have to. Let’s face it, you still hate my guts, always will. I could see it in your eyes every time you looked at me. I really wish I could go back to that time and undo what I did to you. And I apologize for that. You seem a good person, but what you did to me was also terrible./" Gah, I was a mess. I knew that now. I walked away from him before I could say something foolish. I needed a moment to myself to think of a plan. Unfortunately, I didn’t know what to do or how to deal with my stalker without him hurting the people I cared about.