




/"Yet you told me there was no evidence. When I asked you if he ever hurt you, your answer was no. Why the fuck did you have to lie to me?/" His voice was harsh and thick with anger, but something flashed in his eyes that somehow surprised me—guilt. Why would he feel guilty about something I lied about?

Appalled, I wrapped my arms all over me with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. He’d already seen the bruises, but it felt like I was protecting myself from deep scrutiny. /"No one would ever believe me./"

/"I would if only you were straight and honest from the very beginning./" With eyes like razor blades, he glared at me.

/"No one saw he did this to me./" I gulped as I broke my gaze. I knew he wanted to help, and that was the reason why I was here, yet I was the one who made this difficult for both of us. I felt ashamed, helpless, and weak that I had not felt like this in a long time.