
Love me Emperor

" I wasn't suppose to love you but i can't help falling in hard for you" He said gazing into her eyes..."Sorry that i love you, more than i should"...... A girl married to a royal prince whom she's never met before. Her husband though handsome is not like other men, men whom a girl would want to marry.. Will love blossom between them?Or is it going to be a torture for the girl.? N.b:-The cover picture used is taken from Pinterest and is not my original picture thuse i do not own the copyright to this...The copyright goes to the rightful owner.

Chichi_Yun · Urban
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32 Chs

 Valin's Anger

We reached home and got inside our room .....

I was still feeling down..

"Go wash up first"...Valin says... But I was so lost that i didn't hear it.Valin looks at me and sees it.... He then opens his coat and throws it at me...

Me:- "aahhhhh!!"....

Valin:-"I said something did you hear it?"


Valin comes towards me and leans down reaching near my ears...

"I said let's take shower together" He whispers...

"Haaaaa?!!!!!!" i pulled myself back..."Are you crazy?!!!"....

"Then go take bath first,I said!!!!!" Valin says in a loud voice ..

My mood suddenly changed...I was having a hard time but why does he have to be so rude!!!.

"Can't you be a little understanding Valin??Why did you marry me if you hate me so much??!!!"..... I lashed out at him...

He then steps back but still keeps staring at me.."Are you going or shall i really take you inside and give you a bath?".....

I quickly threw the coat right back at him and ran towards the bathroom and slams the door shut loudly..."You ********". I shouted from inside the bathroom...

Valin looks towards the bathroom in surprised and laughs shaking his head...

(Few minutes later )

I got out of the bathroom and started drying my hair..Valin then goes inside the bathroom...

"I better sleep or pretend to sleep before he's done bathing, He really annoys me" i said to myself and quickly got inside the bed and covered the blanket over me..

I thought i will only pretend to sleep but soon i was really fast asleep...still with the sheets over me like a dead person...

A while later Valin comes out the room and sees me in that position. .

"What a weirdo" he said ...

He then comes to the bed and pulled the covers slowly and sees me sleeping peacefully...

"You will suffer for agreeing to marry me". Valin said to himself...

He turns the lights off and goes to sleep as well..

(The next morning)..

I got up quite late... I opened my eyes and looked at the time.."Aahhhhh!!!!!*. i shrieked..."I overslept!!!".... I looked beside me but Valin was up already...

I was supposed to meet the editor that day...I quickly cleaned myself up and rush down to the kitchen to get something to eat...

I opened the fridge and looked for something to eat...There was a pot inside the fridge.."**Aahhhhh..Valin must have made breakfast again..He can be thoughtful too**"... i happily took it out and kept it on the table and opens it.. Instead of food there was a note inside saying "**If you need food better get up early and make it yourself!!!Useless wife**!".....

I crumbled the paper in anger..."**He pisses me off**!!".....

I just got a glass of milk and drank it..After that i rushed out of the house and started driving towards the office..

After reaching the office i ran straight to the editor's office..His name was Shane and He was a good looking young guy, just a few years older than me... We've always been close since we first came to know each other.. He was always helping me with my books...I knocked at his office's door..*Knock-Knock*..

"**Come in**" He said..I got inside and he was on his chair....

"Sorry for being late". i said .

"Ahhhh Farie you're here.. It's okay..Come take a sit..." he says kindly...

"Let's get to work right away..". .... We both sat down and started discussing about the work and started working on the book I just completed...

(Few hours later).

It took us quite long to finish up the work...

"Finally we're done" Shane says stretching out his hands...

"Yeah..Sorry for giving you so much work Shane"... i said in an apologetic voice...

"Hey it's okay.. It's my job anyway"..... He said smiling..

I looked out the window and saw that it was dark already...

"Ahhhh it's too late..I should be heading home".... i said standing up ready to leave..

"Ahhh Farie... Let's grab dinner "... Shane says..

."Ummmmmm..... I think"..... just then my stomach started growling..*gggrrrrrrrrrrrrr*...

"Hahaha..I think your stomach is saying yes".... Shane says laughing...

It was embarrassing... Haha..So..... we ended up going to a nearby restaurant and started taking our dinner..

That same time Valin was coming back from the neighbouring country and while driving sees both of us coming out of the restaurant laughing and smiling.. That time Shane said something funny and I was laughing hysterically..Valin saw that and his face changed, and he drove away .....

After coming out from the restaurant we started going to the parking lot where we both parked our car... We reached there and Shane says..."I see that you drive yourself..Haha..Leave your car at home sometimes so that i can get the chance to drop you haha"...

He was such a nice guy.."Maybe i will do that sometime.." I replied

He pauses for a second and then asks me again..."So, how's your husband..Is he good to you?...." i wanted to tell him about how it's not going good but didn't want to talk about my problems outside...

"Ahhhh.. He's a nice guy..Cares for me alot".. i lied...

"Hhmmmmm...Good to hear that"... Shane says...

"So I'll see you then" i said...

"Yeah see you"... Valin said smiling...

I got in my car and drove away ... There was a few traffic congestion so I reached home quite late...

When I reached home i entered the house quitely..."He must be sleeping" i said to myself and goes inside the room quitely and locked the door... As i turned i saw Valin standing before me...

"Aahhhhh!!""..... I was shocked so i shrieked out... "You scared me!!".....

"Where were you this late!!"....He asks me angrily...

"I...was at the office".... i replied...

"What office is it that lets you work this late!?". he continues asking rudely..

I got annoyed.."It's none of your business".. i said and walked passed him...

He suddenly pulls me back... "Are you kidding me?!!! Don't you know that you're married??"....his voice was more louder than before...

"What...???What are you trying to say?!".... i replied back pulling my hands back..

Valin:-"Tell me where did you went off to today?!"....

Me:-"I already told you i was working!!"..

He got enraged and he lifts me up and throws me in bed...

"What are you doing?!!Are you crazy?!!!!!"... i said angrily..

He comes to me and pins me down in bed..."Smiling near other guys but always being moody near me,you do know how to get along with other men don't you!!!?"...

"Wh..."... i was about to say something but he then started kissing me...

I couldn't push him back..He was too strong...

He kept kissing me and then he moves one of his hand and started unbuttoning my shirt...

Just what is wrong with him!!!!I tried to fight back but he was too strong... He then gets by shirt fully open and unhooks my inner garments too.... He then goes down to my starts kissing me and biting me everywhere..

"Valin!!!!What is wrong with you".... i shouted..

He doesn't reply anything and suddenly his lips was on my **** playing with his tongue...It sent a shiver down my spine and like a drunk person my mind went blank...I was still struggling but he was still very strong ... He then opens my belt and pulls down my pants...

"No!!!Valin... please stop it"... i said..

"I won't ..You are my wive and i will make you remember that!!"... he replies angrily ...

The next thing i remember was something inside me, giving me pain all over my groins and thighs....

.I shrieked with pain but Valin covers my mouth and goes at at with all of his might,..He was fierce and in anger...I don't know how many times he did it that night....He wasn't stopping at all untill he ran out of strength....