
Love me brother.

"Did you realize, you are talking to your brother? he said with a death stare. " we had sex few minutes ago, Don't you realize I was your sister then why pounding on me like a wide cat.

kudz · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter fifteen:Be my girlfriend.

Regan stare at her, she was right and susan may be in danger that why he meed to find the ripper .


" Where is your husband? Ms. Tory asked as Susan looked up at her. He wasn't home last light. She said and slip her coffee with a devilish smile.

Regan is fine, Just busy with some work, I guess ma.

Then you should go see him with breakfast cause you may end up loosing him to his P. A. cause I got them fuckin in his office and she seems every good in bed, you knew how my son was susan?

Susan frown, Regan is cheating on her once again, she knew he was a woman freak but he promise not to cheat on her and now he broke her trust once again, over and over again.

" you are mother in law, I should pay him a visit that could be cool.


" Am sure you will be free tonight, I could love to take my best friend out for a treat tonight. Klara said smiling at her, hoping she agree but she turn out to be disappointed.

Am sorry pal. I have work to do with the little jerk called our boy, so save the threat still friday night.

oh okay. She false a smile on her lips and watch her held to Regan house without a word, she wondered what the was going on between them.


" Just as Anna opened the door her eyes clouded with hate seeing Regan kissing another female worker, his hands slip into the back pocket of her jeans pulling her closer to himself, She could see those delicious dimple that appear when he was doing something from is heart. " She turned to leave and was shock to see patrick smiling at her. She swallowed hard and looked away.

" Just then she receive a sms from unknown number and she could it was from that old witch. She even dares to threaten her, only if she knows how mad she was now.


Anna smirked and text her back.

# Want me to stay away. THEN TELL YOUR SON TO CONTROL IS DICK. # She text back and slip her phone into her jacket then glance up at patrick.

How can I help you Mr. patrick? She asked smiling at him even do she was faking it cause she found him so disgusting most of time.

I want you. He said sounding so serious as he held her hand.

Anna could not help but burst into laughter and now Regan was now staring at them his eyes darted with anger waiting for Anna respond but was glad she turn him down.

I have someone already. She told him, sorry about that.

It okay. patrick said. When ever you change your mind. I will be available for you. " I will get the stuff ready now so we can be on our way. He said and left, Anna sigh with relief and all the sudden he felt Regan hands wrapping round her as he pressed his lips on her shoulder.

" Am glad you turn him down. He whispered as his hand went under her top, He had always considered her to be a slut, she is always not on her bra and that what makes him got attract to her, she makes thing easy for him as he slowly cupped her breast, Anna nipped her lower lips and looked up at him.

" Where is...... She could not finish his speech when she saw the lady walking out of his private toilet and frown seeing them that way.

You cheat. She yelled angrily, she look so upset and mad but she was just no body to raise his voice against Regan. All she could do was to gathered her dress and left his office.

" Now it just us. He whispered.

us. Anna rolled her eyes and pulled away from him. " Which us, you got me kidding right?

You can't run away from my touch you knew that, Your body was always obey instructions. He said smiling at her, as he walks closer to her, she swallow hard stepping backward as he step closer, suddenly her leg slip, he grabbed her hand before she fell off. as they glance at each other.

" Be my girlfriend Anna. He said and seems a bit serious about it.

" Girlfriend. Anna said sounding shock with the word.

yes. Am not asking you to be my girl out of habit and you knew I don't have feelings for you, I only fell in love with your body that all, I really want you on my bed every couples of night not just a single night. He said been honest.

Anna could not help but blush. " You are such a jerk Mr. Regan.

Regan pulled her closer and her hands lock on his chest with their eyes lock. Will you be my girlfriend.

She moves her round round his neck. " Did you really think I care if I have to be a girlfriend who boyfriend does not have feelings for? She smiles at him.

What matter is having your arms wrapping round me every single night. Yes I will be your girlfriend.

A smile spread on Regan lips as He takes her lips and this time things was different, he had kissed her like a really boy friend should do and she does gave him same passion he was giving her with her hands struck in the thickness of his hair.

Then the door opened wide, turning her face to the door, it was Susan and ms. tory.

Regan. Susan called as tears welled her eyes.

Anna swallow hard and pulled away from Regan as Patrick shows up with a smile even do he was not happy that Anna turn her down.

The bus is here we have to move. " Patrick said and glance at susan and ms tory. The way their expression shows up it seems something was not right, He glance up at Regan and Anna, he notice the slope of het breast been exposed.

Susan walks towards Anna and the unexpected happened, a slap landed on her cheeks as she glance up at him.

How dare you tried to steal my husband away from me. She was about to hit her again but Regan held her hand.

Are you out of your wifey. He let go off her hand as susan glance at him with shock. you knew me from the start, You knew am a woman freak, Just because I married you does not mean I will let go off my bad habit or been a playboy. go home and rest.

He grabbed Anna hands dragging her along then pause. " I won't be home for some days, take care. Then he turned to ms. tory.

mom take Susan home and make sure she does not leave the house without any reason. I have work to do, let go patrick.

He said and left dragging susan along then patrick follow them, Anna could not help, she just kept smiling.

Ms. Tory walks towards Susan who could not control her tears as she whispered softly into her ear. " What will become of you now that she comes out with victory. She stole your man away from you just with sex and that shows you are not good enough in bed sweet heart. She said and burst into laughter.

I will get him back even do I have to get her out of the way, I will get back my man. Susan said looking so serious.