
Love , marriage , divorce and repeat.

" I am so sorry ...I am confused myself " said edward with a sad face. " what you want me to do ? " I asked him. " I think we should just divorce. " said Edward. well , my husband after three years of our wedding found out that he has a mate ...soul mate. So here I am filling our divorce forms cause he has a mate now. Our marriage was arranged by our elders . I hoped to live a good life with him but looks like it was all a dream .I have to move out from his house..have new home , new life but the secret that I am having...edward will never know that. I will not let him know about it. NEVER.

Anamika333 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

The hall is filled with people , people of our pack , people for whom I worked day and night just to make their lives better. And who doesn't even acknowledge me as their luna. I was sitting on the stage made for Alpha Edward [ my husband ] and me. watching those who doesn't have their eyes for me.

Others are having fun , they are eating food , some dancing and some families chatting. While me and edward are sitting here like complete strangers. We are married for three years now but our marriage is more like a deal than the real thing. It has no warmth in it , just duties that we have to do.

And since I have not conceived yet , my pack thinks that it was a bad idea for their Alpha to marry me who is not even his mate. Shame a woman for not having kids..yeah we do that here a lot. Even to that woman who didn't choose this life. Who is trying her best but still gets treated like a bad omen.

Why am I still here after so much mental stress ? Of course my stupid heart and why don't I do anything about it since I am the luna ? well when your husband isn't in your side , if your husband doesn't understand you...who will ? When he is with the crowd who is mocking you and not standing with you. Than you don't care about others .

We gathered here today since its our tradition to have dinner together on saturday and sunday. And also to properly welcome Allen family who joined us two days ago. Katrina Allen , is wearing a off shoulder , low cut , red dress..with her snow skin and dark hairs she is looking gorgeous tonight. Her apperance shouts youth which I don't feel within myself.

All male eyes are on her , as she is roaming around talking with everyone being the little sunshine for everyone after facing the Strom of Luna that they have . She is young playful, full of life and happiness watching the world with pink glasses.

And here I am stressed over water bills , electricity problem , the new lift which has still not started working , spices and food in the kitchen, changing the pool water and a husband who doesn't even look at me. 

So I sat with my wine glass as my life is breaking down miserably. And all of a sudden I saw katrina looking towards edward , her pupils changing color. I looked at Edward even he is looking at her , his eyes looks enchanted...I know that look very well.


I never experienced it myself but I saw it happen to others. Its the look you give when you find your mate. But how can that be ? He is my husband . Fear took place in my stomach , I drank the whole drink in one big gulp. 

Edward stood from his chair walked towards katrina , the whole hall fell into deep silence. It sounded like death. He walked and stood infront of katrina , both eyes locked . Her long eyelash's has a hint of tear. 

Making it look like dew in the tip of grass, making her look adorable. Edward got more closer and together they whispered " Mate " which sounded like a thunder to me. What just happened ? Before I could understand anything darkness covered my eyes and I don't know what happened next. 


" She is fine just little stressed , I am giving her some medicines and I am sure she will be good. " I could hear voice of my friend Anita. She daughter of the pack healer ...and she prefers to be called a doctor not a healer [ common term used in our pack for doctors ]. 

I slowly opened my eyes , the light was too much in the room but slowly I managed to look . The room is filled with people. My parents , In-laws , and my so called husband everyone is present in the room. 

" Thanks moon goddess you're fine I was so worried for you dear. " said my mother giving me a hug. I needed it so badly. " Get well soon pumpkin " said my dad. He still loves to call me that. My mother in law sat down with me and said few words. she is always woman of few words. 

" Take rest dear while I go and check on Allen's heard they want to leave the pack. " said my mother in law. At that news Edward looked up , his eyes pained. Never saw him show such pitiful expression on the news of someone leaving . 

" They should... trying to steal my daughters husband...how dare are they . " Said my mother in frim voice. My eyes were on Edward and he looks visibly hurt by those words. After all they are talking about his Luna.

" Shall we not start it again...she looks tired we should let her rest. " Said my mother in law. And my mother didn't said anything else to her.

" Even I think we should let her rest a little. " said Anita . she injected me something and left the room with my parents and my In-laws. Like I could rest after knowing what's going on and how it will effect my life.

Only Edward remained in the room , sitting on the edge of my bed. " So , Alpha Edward finally found his mate .." I asked him. He didn't replied immediately and was silent for sometime.

" I don't understand ...the fortune teller , she told me I was born different and I might not have a mate....that's why I agreed when father told me to marry you....an arrange marriage. " he said and I really don't want to hear the same lecture again. 

" what should we do now ? " I asked him, fear creeping in my chest again. I know exactly what is coming my way but I have to be very strong for it. I have to face everything with a smile on my face. Have to be brave.

" You should rest , we can talk about it later. And its not only my decision to take. So get better and we will talk about it. " he said . If it's not a clear answer and he wants to discuss it. I think I know what he means by that. well in that case I can't take the drama for long , I want to end it here. 

" I am fine . " I ensured him , don't know if he cares or not. I stopped him from leaving and made him sit back. He was about to leave but my words stopped him in his track.

" Its your decision Edward. The pack will be happy with your fated mate , its you who will have to live with the person , you found out that you have a mate...its your decision. " I told him and he remained quite. 

" I will talk with my family and your family if you want , I don't think the pack will mind me leaving. Now its your turn what do you want ? " I asked him again. It's him who has to decide. Part of me thinks he will stay with me. Well silly me. That dream will never come true.

" I don't know , all my life I knew that I don't have a mate. So I did all my responsibility nicely . still I want to do it...but its just I don't know what to do ?" he said. He hid his face in his plam. Trying to avoid eye contact.

" Its like I want to be with my mate but my responsibilities are stopping me. " I am speechless by what I heard from him. But than I guess it was his natural response.

" So you want to be with your mate. " I asked him which sounded like a whisper. " Moon goddess selected her for me. " he said and I want to laugh , really such a lame excuse. I was not blessed by her I guess.

" Looks like she did...well than I think we should just divorce. " I told him. He wasn't facing me , now he turned around me and looked me in the eye. His eyes have certain glow in them which is making me sick.

. " I think its for the best. I know the importance of a mate and I think you should be with her. " I told him but my heart is bleeding. I am so hurt. But it's better than staying with someone who will cry for rest of his life for someone he can never have. That will be awulf for me.

" Are you sure about it ? Your father may not like it ..." he said , but I am certain . Now nothing could save what's broken relationship and I am not going to try to fix anything. I am done trying to fix everything.

" I am ...now go and stop them from leaving , and do call a lawyer ...I want to get it done as soon as possible. A mate shouldn't wait for long to be with their loved ones. " I told him. 

" Thank you so much. " he said gave me a half hug and left my room. And I broke down in tears, the relation I tried so hard to keep is breaking and I can't do anything about it. 

He must have made a dramatic entrance, holding her hand , confessing his love to her to stop her from leaving him. I feel even sick at my own imagination. Anita must check me again , I don't feel good. But the only good thing that happened is ....it's over. I don't have to be in pain anymore.


I must have slept while crying. My sleep broke by the gentle touch on my head. I looked up and saw Anita sitting on my bed . I climbed on her lap and shed tears silently.

" I can't say that I understand what you're going through...but I am here for you. Cry your heart out dear...you will feel much better. But once you done crying...you will promise not to cry over this matter ever. " said Anita in a soft voice. 

" I lost it all anita , family , love...everything is gone. " I poured my heart out to her. I thought I was strong. I thought I got everything covered and I will not cry. But things didn't went as I have planned it. And in my friends presence all that pain came back to me.

" Why did you allow him to be with his mate ? " she asked like I have lots of control over him. " They are mates anita , it was going to happen anyway. I just took the step early . " I told her. 

" Now what will you do ? Decorate their room ? " asked anita. That reminds me I have to leave the room I decorated with so much love but I will not let katrina enjoy what I made for myself. I have to plan everything and nicely take everything that belongs to me.

" I don't know..all I know is I will divorce him. " I told her determined to do what I have planned. she nodded and didn't say anything and silently handed me a plate of food.

" Well eat something , and I do have something to share with you which I figured you will like to hear in peace. " she said while helping me up in my bed. She placed a little table on the bed and help me place the plates on the table.

" What you found out that I have life threatening disease and I will not survive for long ? Well not bad news. " I told her and she made a face. " That's exactly what I was not going to say. " She said with dramatic eye roll.

" Something more important than that. while checking you I found out that...." she paused. Is it very serious ? Am I having serious illness ? I was joking but is she serious.

She again took a deep breath got ready for her big reveal and said " while checking I found out that...you're ...you're pregnant. "