
You need to let this love let go

Angelina still sitting at floor , looks at Amea and says to her to give those paper to Chen's assistant,James standing below aisle.

James who is still in shock of shocking turn in the wedding recovers on hearing his name and takes the papers.He looks at Angelina"Miss!"

"Open it up"

James looks at the papers and can't help widening his eyes.

Looking at James expression,Chen stands up and snatches papers from him

On reading papers,Chen seems to lose his hope.

"WHAT IS THIS"he shouts at angelina throwing that papers on her face.

"do you think i am short of money"

"you wanna give your work,your company made with your blood and sweat to me"

"have you lost"

"why?.....is ...is this your compensation"

He laughs without any restraint,All the guest who were still recovering from shock were not able to respond to this shocking news.

the thousand billion dollar company,D'lamour company given to ceo Mo chen for breaking up


Suddenly,a thought hits Chen's mind and he falls on ground in front of Angelina and shakes his shoulders and asks him with is choked and rasped voice

"You....you..... are leaving .....m..e..."


Angelina looks at him and with left over courage says to him holding his hand with hers

"chen,listen to me properly"she wipes his tears away with her hands and tucks his hair on his fcae back.

"You need to let this love go"

Heartbroken Chen says to him"I LOVED YOU ,I CANT JUST TURN IT OFF LIKE THAT"

"Chen, you need someone who love you too"

"you don't.....don't love me....??"

angelina is at loss of words and just shakes his head.

Chen feels a piercing pain in his heart"you don't need to love me in return"

He holds her hands "my love is enough for both of us,Angel"

Angel takes her hand away from his and takes a injection from her pockets"i am sorry, chen"

she stabs the injection in his arm.James seeing this,rums towards them and loses his cool"miss,what you have did?"

"He will go into sleep for 24 hours.he will be fine.James please takes care of him.Make him forget me.Never ever say my name in front of him!"She caress the face of sleeping Chen in her lap.

she then says James to take him to his house.James carry Chen from her lap .Angelina stands up and take a last look at Chen"goodbye Chen.I am sorry."she wanted to say i love you but could not muster courage.

she kisses his forehead and then with heavy heart walk towards door,with amea following behind her.

As she reaches door,she turns behind and sees that they have gone through other doors.

She wears her black sunglasses and sits into back seat of her red Rolls royce car.