
Love & Lust Levels

Selena is a girl who in attempts of escaping her troubles begins gaming however the game she first picked up, just so happens to be one that transports her to a whole new world forever, but on the bright side she get's to decide how her new life will be to a degree.

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Traumatic Abduction

I looked at the scene with disgust. This is so messed up, my boyfriend of 3 years was fucking my sister. I looked at the new game I got him and gulped back the tears that were begging to spill. His fucking lost. I entered the kitchen wrote a note to him explaining what I'd witnessed and how we were over. I grabbed all of the money out of the savings for our wedding. I grabbed clothes from the dryer and packed up a few bags plus food. I also took all of the gaming shit I'd bought the motherfucker.

I parked outside of the hotel and checked in. It was a good servicing one but it was also small and cheap. I sighed as I sat back in my bed. For weeks now I've had to work multiple jobs just to get this stupid game for him. I looked at it and sighed. I'd quit my jobs because fucking Carlos wanted to move to where our folks lived or at least closer. I opened up the game and saw it was a virtual reality one.

These games have been on the rise since last year when they invented one that allowed you to basically play god. I looked down at the title of the collection I got it was in the cultivation section. I looked over my options and read the back and found only one that wasn't all about slaughtering monsters.

'The perfect way to choose the way a fantasy life goes mixed with dangers and different routes to choose from. The most excellent way to use strategy, combat, role-playing, casual, action, adventure, simulation, and massive multi-player all in one go to achieve your very own character goal! This is Love & Lust Levels!'

I nodded to myself and put it all together and on. I laid back on the bed.

"Welcome to the world of Love & Lust Levels, I am your creation guide so let us begin with something easy, are you a female, non-binary, trans player, or male?"

" Female." I watched the body of a girl appear in front of me.

" How do you look?"

" 5 foot 6, with long, easy to maintain, brown hair gorgeous teal eyes, glowy and smooth amber skin, plump lips, perky size D cup breast, pretty perky butt, cute appearance over all with no acne, and the ability to be sexy." I said in detail and the girl changed.

" Choose her outfit!" The voice said and I couldn't decide.

" Can we come back to this?"

" Of course! Is this female a naive and defenseless woman or a dangerous succubi?"

" Succubi." I decided out of the two.

" What ability do you want her to possess? Unlimited temptress allowing her the ability to tempt anyone she pleases or Unstoppable Hypnosis, giving your player the ability to hypnotize others and eventually break them to be your slaves." This was a hard choice but I had to choose.

"May I choose more then 5 abilities?"

" Hmm, you're the first to ask, my software says I'm to give you up to 5 abilities not including your sub-abilities."

" I want both of those and three more."

" Would you like Dark Magic, Good Fortune, Awesome sex, Mental corruption, Never loose, or Harem and Cult draining." I thought it over apparent this game would have some of those sex scenes I'd heard about.

" Harem and Cult Draining, Never loose, and Dark Magic."

" Great selection, now are you married or with child in game?"

" No."

" Fantastic."

I watched in awe as my character was made.

" Now for her home and career you have to pick between the two choices."

" Okay."

" Does she live in the city and work as a cum dumpster for dirt poor or does she live in the country close to a small villiage of mixed creatures and work as a farmer,"

" Farmer and in the country."

" Spin the wheel to see whether or not you get to relax for a while." I spun the wheel and I watched it land on a month of peace.

" What now?"

" You now get to see what land you'll live in."

" Okay give them to me."

" You can live in the poor country of Bralina where rape is common or you can live in Eris a place where dark creatures run rapid."

" Eris."

" Fantastic choice, now for the last few questions spin the wheel to see how much gold you will start with." I breathed and spun it hard. I watched as it landed on money load meaning I was starting off well.

" Will you tempt all creatures or a certain type?"

" All creatures." That way I can level up quickly.

" Are you someone who willing to be the villain, to rape, pillage, conquer, breed, break, and bend people and nations to your will or will you be the hero and the victim of the villian?" I always wanted to play the villain they're probably being dramatic.

" The villian."

" Are you more of a chemist, scientist, rogue researcher, or combination of all the curious fields."

" A combination."

" Amazing, now last but not least, are you okay to experience, the violence, and strong taboo things that will occur in this game. Such as but not limited to slavery, rape, physical violence, beheading, scenes of cannibalism, tentacles, goblins, cults, gods, corrupted societies, brothels, incest, mind control, mind rape, mind breaking, and so much more?" I breathed in and saw a list I took the time to read over and realized that at the bottom was one terrifying thing.

' These things will all be included in this game, which isn't really a game, since you've reached the end of questions you may not leave and if you do you will die!" I reached up to unplug it from outside when a hand grabbed my wrist and the vr set was removed from my face I tried to escape the grasp of whoever was in my room.

" Are you okay with these things or do I have to kill you." I looked at the woman.

" I don't want to experience those things or die." She climbed on top of me and pinned me to the bed. I kicked her in the gut and she moaned.

" You'll make a great succubi, I promise you that you won't die, mhm, it's already happening, as of tonight you're tied to the game and so answer the damn question, are you going to try and survive in this world or the other one." She asked as she rubbed up against me. I head butted her and she fell back. I grabbed the closest thing to my bed and hit her with it. I was shocked to find a knife in my hand and dug into the woman's chest.

" I'm s-"

" Don't apologize, this feels so good, mhm, I'm a submissive succubi and with this knife in my chest you have completed the pact and accepted I'll see you in the game." I felt my head hurt as the world went black.