
Love lost and found

male yandere warning! continue reading if you dare! Finally deciding to leave the man who no longer loves her, salem sets out to better herself. a bitter romantic comedy about the other woman trying to become her own and being trapped in suffocating love.

Lycia_Arreola · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


holding hands Salem and Michael began walking towards the exit when a familiar voice called out from behind.

" Hello Michael!"

To Salem's dismay there stood her ex Andrew and his little sister Matilda. Both looking coldly elegant as they ignored her.

Not too surprised by their actions salem simply began texting freya that she had safely arrived and found Michael.

" so who is this? a girlfriend?" matilda asked knowingly.

giving an unladylike snort salem lifted her eyes from the phone and looked over to her.

keeping a straight face salem managed to spout " well yes I am.. I'm surprised you haven't heard. everyone knows we are completely obsessed with each other. We even plan to get couple tattoos. right pumpkin?"

the look of absolute shock on the siblings faces grew when Michael replied " yes! of course! I still think We should get one of Minnie and Mickey but this silly girl thinks we should get Daisy and Donald! oh the things we do for love!" though he laughed as he spoke Michael still managed to sound serious.

" wow... well good for you. congratulations" matilda finally replied between clenched teeth. who didn't know she was head over heels for the young master of Leonard family?

" well we must be going now, goodbye!"

salem was cheerfully polite as she looped her arm around Michael's while slowly walking away. Feeling Andrew's aura darken in anger more and more by the minute she really wanted to get out of there fast!

Watching her as she left Andrew sucked in a cold breath. he had finally found her again and what did he get? no answers to why she left! just a full view of her pasting herself shamelessly on Janines playboy Micheal Leonard! matilda didn't dare speak to remind her brother of Alanna's plane arrival. He was too scary right now.

Jealousy really was a terrible thing.