
Love like petals, Chapter 14:On Liam's side

I was baffled. When did he even took a picture? And I hadn't even got a chance to look at the picture when the waiter said:

"We took this picture by mistake as we thought of you as a couple, Later one of our staff told us that you aren't. The picture is a part of our coupon which is revealed to couples when they are about to leave our café. We are extremely sorry, please accept this discount coupon of our café and this picture as an apology"

Everything was clear now, Liam handled the situation and I was waiting outside the café. As he came out, I signed him to ask if everything was ok, and he replied:

"Yah its went well! No worries!"

I wanted to ask him about the picture but then I thought to myself that it won't be necessary. Liam and I walked together for a while, it was pin drop silence when Liam said:

"Thanks for taking out time for me."

I nodded 'no problem' as a reply and Liam asked me again:

"Why don't you talk much?"

I couldn't reply anything to it as I had no answer. I was like this since young age. I just didn't too much, sometimes my relatives will also think me as a child suffering from any disability or dumb.

It was silence for a long time and soon Liam flustered:

"Oh well, you have your own reasons! Anyways that's my turn" and pointed towards an alley to continue:

"Orrr….Should I accompany you?"

I nodded a 'no' for which he replied:

"Oh well…. Goodbye?....S-see you soon!" as he waved his hand looking at me.

I continued to walk towards my home.

Name: Liam Arthur, Age:16

Currently joined a new high school and standing in front of the school gate:

'Let's hope for Luck here, I really don't want to get in trouble in another school now.' I thought to myself as I went inside the school.

'Haahhh… I just want a break, its early morning and already this much chaotic! I can feel people's gaze piercing through me…' I thought to myself as I walked through the corridor towards the class I was assigned in.

As I entered the class, it was pin drop silence for minute and soon the class teacher started to introduce me whereas I was trying to look for a seat for myself, when I saw a girl looking at me. As soon as I made an eye contact with her, she banged her head on the desk, Painful. even though others were laughing at her.

When she looked at me again, I smiled at her and she putted her head back down… That's cute…?

I sat on an empty seat on the opposite row, behind her. Soon we had our p.e period and I was interested in basketball, I usually used to play it with my elder brother.

As soon I reached the ground floor, It was really crowded in the basket ball court. As soon as I started playing I could hear people howling and scream, It became really noisy.

I soon took a break and sat down on one of the chairs kept in the court. As I was drinking water I saw the girl, the same girl who banged her head on the desk in the court reading a book and another girl who looked quite lively sitting beside her. 'I wonder if she saw me?' I thought to myself.

As soon the bell rang everyone rushed back to their classes including me.

After few periods later the lunch break began and I was on my way to find a seat for myself to eat the lunch but before that some DUDE'S came out of nowhere and started to spit out their own shits on me.

Well, the problem of any school is that it has these certain kind of un wanted elements that think that they can do anything, to ruin someone's day and currently these dudes were the same kind of elements.

I tried to ignore them but then the got angry and then they threw my lunch over me.

F[@#$%&!] Bastards, I almost wanted to beat them up but the canteen was too crowded and there could even have been some teachers hidden in the crowd. I didn't wanted to ruin my reputation in this school. When I looked upwards to see those guys, I saw 'her' behind them.

'I must be looking Pathetic, So uncool…' I thought to myself and I couldn't help but smile at her. Neither she could do anything to help me nor I can do anything except sitting on the floor. No one wants to be involved in any type of shit, why would they? They don't want to ruin their reputation, just like me…

Soon one of our teacher came and took those bastards with her. Whereas I stood up walked out silently and started to clean up the mess they created on me as much as possible.

It was only my first day at school and so much had already happened.

"I know this won't happen again, and if it happens I'll make sure that those guys won't have the courage to do it again" I mumbled as I was cleaning my hair and cloths.

I went back into the class and sat in a corner, my clothes were still messed up. Another person entered the class after some time, it was her… She sat on her seat for a while and soon came beside me and gave me her handkerchief.

There was an explosion of thoughts inside me:

'Maybe she was just scared to help me there… Maybe there were people who wanted to help me but could have enough courage…She is being kind to me, why? Does she want something from me?' but it didn't matter anymore, She was already at my side trying to help me. I couldn't find any words to thank her, So I just nodded to say 'Thank you'.

After the school got over, I was on my way home and I saw those bastards leaning over the school wall and some standing on the pavement. I tried to ignore them but then one of them said:

"Oh-ho! Look who we have hear, Mr. Scaredy cat! Look at him running away from us! Hah!"

And all of them started laughing. I tried to move further but they started to follow me and started saying:

"That B[@#$%&!] is scared from us!"

"Where do you think your going you F[@#$%&!] asshole! You [@#$%&!]!!"

But I continued to walk, so that I could be far enough from school and as soon as I got my chance I turn towards them who were saying,

"B[@#$%&!] running won't do- Oh! He turned! Hah! Trying to show us your so called angry little kitty face? Haha!"

And they started laughing again, I went closer to them and said:

"I told you NOT to get involved with me right?"

"Oh my! The kitty's trying to be a Tiger.." Lucas Millar (the leader of their group) said in a menacing manner and continued:

"Well I don't care, either a kitty or a tiger! What I am here for is the revenge for the insult you have caused!"

"It was never my fault you were the one to begin it and I haven't even used violence yet."

"My god! You're threating me? That makes me so…. Annoyed, You know what! Forget about the revenge! Why don't you join us? I like your attitude!"

"B-but boss-" said one of his subordinates, THWACK! Lucas punched him on the face and snapped:

"No body told you to say something in between, anyways! You! Are you joining us or not?"

"N- No. Its not worth my time." I rushed out of that area as quickly as possible after saying it. Some of his subordinates exclaimed:


"He's running away!!"

"Let him go, We'll get him later anyway." Reply Lucas.

I went back home and wished that we never cross each other's path again, that's what I thought but what's going on right now? Why am I surrounded by this group again?

Few days went on pretty well without any interruption from those people and I had a peaceful morning today as well, everything was going well but as soon as the lunch break started, I could feel a heavy presence of someone behind me, it was them.

"Yo Lame!(they gave me that nickname) How about we have lunch together today!? We can talk about all the stuffs we can do after you join our group!" Lucas said.

"Are you being dumb on purpose or Do you have some mental issues? I told you to stop bothering me." I replied.

"Oh my god! I just want to be friends with you, can't we just become friends like any other person."

I was already fed up of them and I totally wanted to escape them, when I saw 'her'! My savior! 'God thank you for helping me!' I prayed, and I rushed towards her without thinking anything and replied:

"I have plans with her today!"

As soon I said it I could see them staring into her soul that's when I realized that it was so selfish and coward of me for making someone else in a tougher position because of me. I could see she was scared but she still pulled up the courage to at least nod at them.

'How pathetic can I become? Earlier I had freedom and enough courage to beat someone who would say false things about somebody, but now neither do I have any freedom not enough courage. I have become such a big coward! Just because I don't want a bad reputation in school, Doesn't mean I can put someone else in my spot' I thought to myself.

As soon those guys went away, I apologized to her but she and her friend were so kind that they invited me to eat the lunch together. As we started to have lunch her friend started to introduce herself and her friend. At that time I got to know 'her' name, It was Daisy… Sounds pretty good.

As soon as lunch break got over I went back to my class and started to prepare for my next subject but as I opened my bag, my eyes lied on the handkerchief that Daisy gave me and I had to return it now, but simply returning it would have been lame.

So I thought for a while and planned to give it with a note about free lunch from me as a return gift for helping me.

I was so nervous after giving the note and thoughts like:

'I shouldn't have given that, what if she takes it in a wrong way even though I have no intention and idea of it, what if she just denies it??" were blasting my mind. I was almost regretting for giving the note to her, when I peeked at her to see what kind of reaction she had and I saw her looking at me nodding a 'yes'.

'She said yes'

'OH. MY. GOD! She said yes, she really said yes! God! Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you for making her say yes! Cause I had no idea what will I do if she said no and because I also really wanted a positive reply form her side! Thank you thank you! thank you!' All these kind of thoughts were popping in my mind, as I rested my head on the table after looking at her.