
Love Like I never Knew It

She was a Vye princess, a mage who believed love was not real just some reaction of the body to keep the human race going and he was a soldier who believed that he was never born to love only to fight and die in battle, when these to loveless travelers meet and face their foes will time teach them what is love? "Love Like I never Knew it " takes you on a journey with them to understand and find love where love was never believed to be.

DaoistSQEjq4 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

I am here for you

She tried to get up but fell back down, he snapped out of his trance, picking her up, he walked back to the cave, by the time they reached there she was unconscious again, he laid her down and rekindled the fire so that she can get warm, he covered her in his cloak and sat down next to her facing the entrance to guard it in case someone or some animal came exploring in the night.

When she woke up it was still dark in the cave except for a dim light from around the corner, as her eyes adjusted she found him sitting nearby, facing the opening of the cave. As she stirred he sat up straighter, "are you awake?" he asked with concern in his voice, "yes" she said softly trying to sit up, he turned to help her and then got up and went out of the cave, he came back after a while with some fruits in his a makeshift basket of leaves, she smiled at him to thank him before hungrily eating the fruits, after she ate a couple she held one out to him, which he took and chewed on slowly watching her the whole time. Once she had eaten enough and drank from another bowl he had made from leaves, he went to sit in front of her, "Ok, now let me everything, if you leave anything out or If I feel you are lying I am going to walk away from here leaving you to fend for yourself" he said talking softly and calmly. She just stared at him for awhile, weighing in her mind what she can tell him and what not and if she could trust him, seeing that she was not going to speak he got up to go but she held his hand to make him sit back, "Ok, Ok, please don't get mad, I am just thinking where I should start." she said giving him a sheepish grin, which made him unknowingly smile back, one thing Aaron was not aware that when he smiled his usually weather-worn stern face turned into a face that would make any girl fall for him." Woow" she said having seen his smile for the 1st time, "what is wrong?" he asked immediately looking worried..."No, nothing" she said shaking her head"I think I will start with my name " Hi! I am Aarya, as I mentioned I am Vye" she said "And a princess?" he asked, surprised that he knew she nodded "yes and a princess, a very unlucky princess" she said looking sad, he waited for her to continue "My father was the second in line to the throne of Aikyanda and my mother was the sister of the army chief, my brothers and I were never any trouble to any one until the heir of the throne was killed in a hunting accident when he died the heir of the throne was in his 60's and his son was looking to take over that role from him instead of passing it to my father, so Dykin the heir's son started by killing my father and mother and hunting for my brothers, there was one difference between Dykin and my family, Since Dykin's mother was non-Vye, he didn't have any Vye magic so he wanted to marry me to strengthen his support for the throne, stop my brothers from aiming for the throne and to be able to wield my magic as his own. My brothers are only 5 and 3 yr old, he took them hostage and had me kidnapped and sent to him from my hometown of Wykara to Aikyanda to get married, but when we had stopped at the inn when I got the news that my uncle the army chief has rescued my brothers and that I should escape and that is what I was doing when I met you." she had said all of this in a rush as though the words were trying to escape from her mouth, so much so that she was out of breath when she finished.

Aaron sat there stunned, he was not one for kingdom politics all he knew was to follow orders and fight till his side own, now he had got tied up in this complicated politics of a kingdom that too with magic involved, he sat like that for a while thinking with her staring at him and then he asked" so what do you plan to do now? go to your uncle?" he asked, "Yes at least that's what I had planned to do when I escaped but now things are looking more complicated", she said looking sad " why what is wrong?" he asked, " remember the black guards that were chasing us..." she paused "What about them?" he asked in a little more urgency " They are my uncles guards, and i heard them speaking of killing me once I escape" as she said this she started to cry, looking at the tiny figure trembling and tears falling from her downturned face , he couldn't help it but got up and moved closer her and slowly wrapping his arms around her bent shoulders he said "Shhh, it is ok I will make sure you and your brothers are safe" as he said that he thought to himself' what am i going to do with her?, I am making promises I am not sure I can keep, why can I not see her sad and crying? has she put me under a spell? I have never felt this way before' They sat like that for a while...feeling her tremble again he said "Shhh...I am here for you".