
Love, lies and a Billionaire.

Carmen a fierce lady whose dream is to be an actress finds herself in facing possible jail time. To keep her future reputation intact she accepts a contract she didn’t read as her situation was desperate. Michael a billionaire playboy...every woman’s dream man needs to get married for his father’s sake. Charles a genius mastermind is able to bring these people together for his own secret selfish reasons. Watch what happens as the story unfolds.

Brizzidi · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

Carmen's POV :)

Charles was really pissing me off now. Yesterday being a Friday I informed him that I'd be visiting my sister and I literally had to plead with Charles for permission.

"What if Michael asks for you " he queried over the phone.

"I'll make up some excuse and besides we don't have to see each other every day" I argued.

"I don't want to deny you from seeing your sister but why Saturday?... you have to see my uncle on Sunday" Charles insisted.

"Please Charles I've gotta go, this could be the last time I see her before the marriage". I pleaded, trying to make him see reason.

"No !... you can do a video call with her if you're too worried" Charles said and cut off the call.

Shit ! I must go see my sister whether he likes it or not.

So this morning, I woke up as early as 6am and exited the hotel. I didn't bother taking the car. I rather took a walk to the bus stop and I had to wait for an hour for the bus to come by. I entered a bus going to leases my old house.

When I arrived home, It felt strange staring at it. I realized how small my house actually looked. I got inside and it felt so weird and congested and dusty. I've been a way for just a month and the house of three years felt strange. I decided to do some cleaning to pass time. When I was done I took a little nap in my room...truth be told I don't really miss the bed as I was now used to plushy comfort of the hotels bed. Once I get my money from both parties I'll buy a new house.

I set an alarm for ten o'clock and when the clock struck so, I headed to the bus station. It drove off to the direction of my sisters school. I took two more buses before arriving at her school junction. I dropped off the bus and began my walk down to the gate and cars did pass by me.

"So no one is generous enough to even offer a lift" I thought " they'll be thinking I'm carless not knowing I have a sweet ride at home"

Girls high was located a little farther from town and the environment was really quiet, separated from the busy town.

I got to the gate and there were other visitors hanging around in their cars, forming a far stretched line to get permission into the premises and I smirked at all those cars that zoomed by. At the end I arrived before them.

Ha ha ha

I passed through the massive gate and to the reception building I headed to . The receptionist greeted me with a smile and processed my entry into the main school. I was Becca's legal guardian so it always had to be confirmed before I could enter the premises...tight security. The compound was really big and I wondered how expensive it was for tuition, my brother managed to always pay on time though. I met the hostel mistress and she called my sister out for me.

Becca !

This little girl was getting taller than me and definitely more beautiful. I hugged her, I'd missed her so much.

"How are you" I said amidst hugs.

"I'm fine...I've missed you so much sis"

"Same here" we hugged again smiling cheekily before releasing each other and sitting on a bench under a tree.

"I got an A in science class" she proudly said.

"Yeah...you're a genius" I pat her head.

"Yes I am...your skin is literally glowing..even your hair" she said stroking my hair and staring at me.

"I've got to glow sis" I tell her.

"Let's take a walk around school" she suggested.

"Yeah...hope I don't get lost"

The compound was large enough to walk around. We ate the cookies I brought smiling at each other and not really knowing what to say. Charles kept bombing my line with calls now...calls I refused to answer. I got a call from an unknown number and I mistakenly picked it but was about cutting it off as it could be Charles and I wasn't ready to listen to his nagging.

"Carmen !" It was my brother's voice.

"Cayden for fucks sake where the hell are you ?" I asked.

"You're not cussing in front of Becca are you ?"

"I am where are you"

"I can't say cam but I'm fine I'm in a good place very soon I'll come see you guys"

"Do you know how worried I've been...moms been?"

"Stop worrying Carmen...I'm great !...tell mom not to worry too"

"Brother won't you come and see me ?" Becca asked.

"I'll visit soon sis...where I am now I can't leave " he explained.

"Just tell me where you are ?" I pleaded.

"I'm safe...I've gotta go now".he ended the call but I couldn't help but worry.

I tried calling again but the call was never picked.

"He'll be fine" Becca comforted.

We had picnic then took pictures.

"Sister I love your phone !" Becca complimented, fawning over it.


"How did you get it "

"I saved up...you know it's trending now right " I replied.

"Yeah " she took a lot of selfies before handing it over to me.

"I've got to go now "

"Oh when will you come again"

"I'll try and come "

"Please do okay"

We hugged one last time then I left.

Time to go face Charles :(