
Love Killer: A Passion That Kills

Hellen is an enigmatic woman, admired for her intelligence, cunning and irresistible charm. But behind this seductive appearance, she hides a dark secret that few know about. Meanwhile, a dedicated investigator is undercover at her university, trying to uncover Hellen's secrets and her connection to the criminal underworld. As the investigator gets closer to Hellen, he begins to feel more and more attracted to her. However, he knows that she is a dangerous and ruthless person, capable of eliminating her enemies without mercy. He finds himself in an internal conflict between following the law and surrendering to his feelings for Hellen, which could put his life at risk. In this electrifying plot full of twists, readers will be taken on an exciting journey full of mysteries. They will wonder if the investigator will be able to resist the temptation to give in to his feelings for Hellen, or if he will end up falling into his deadly trap.

Yasmin_Mesquita · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

A dangerous romance

Luis had been trapped in Sabrina's basement for more than five days, being beaten by security guards daily. He barely got one meal a day and a glass of water, but he still tried desperately to find a way to escape.

In the middle of the night, when it seems like all the security guards are busy with customers in the club, Luis hears a noise at the basement door. He slowly gets up, still feeling the pain from the last beating he received. When the door opens, he recognizes the female figure of Jane, James' wife, who works as a cleaner at the nightclub.

"Jane?", he whispers, not believing she was there.

"Yes, it's me," she responds in a low whisper. "I brought you some food."

Luis looks at the pot she held in her shaking hands. He realizes that Jane risked her life to help him.

"Thank you, Jane," he whispers, accepting the bowl of food.

Luis and Jane talk quickly and Luis realizes that Jane is also trapped there.

''What the hell is going on here? Why are you trapped like me?" asks Luis.

 Jane responds quietly: ''I was forced to work here as a cleaner. A certain Hellen threatened me with taking my daughter and disappearing with her if I didn't accept this task''.

 Luis widens his eyes in shock and asks, "Did you say Hellen?" Jane nods in confirmation. She explains that she has no involvement with her, doesn't even know how she knew about her and James.

Luis becomes thoughtful and asks, "What does James have to do with this?"

Jane hesitates a bit before answering: "He forcibly abused me even though we were married. That night was the worst of my entire life, and after that, he didn't come back."

Luis is outraged by the situation.

Luis: "Oh my God, Jane, I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

Jane: "I just wanted to protect my daughter. I didn't know what to do."

Luis: "Let's get out of here. We have to get out of here together."

Jane: "But how? We can't trust anyone."

Luis: "I have a plan. But we have to be quick and cautious."

Jane: "I trust you, Luis."

Luis: "I promise we will get out of here and find a way to help you and your daughter."

Jane: "I don't know how to thank you."

Luis: "There's nothing to be thankful for."

Luis looks at Jane with regret and compassion. "I'm so sorry, Jane. I didn't know you were going through all this. You don't deserve this."

Jane lowers her head, looking embarrassed. "I should have been stronger, I should have gotten out of this situation alone," she says in a shaky voice.

Luis approaches and puts his hand on her shoulder. "No, you shouldn't. There's nothing wrong with asking for help. And I'm here now to help, I promise. We'll get out of here together."

 Jane looks at him with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Luis. I didn't know who to turn to."

Luis knows that Jane is an honest and hard-working person, and he feels great regard for her.

"You didn't deserve to go through this. James didn't know what an incredible woman he had by his side. I'm going to help you get out of this and find a better path in your life." says Luis.

Jane looks at Luis with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Luis. I will never forget your help and kindness." They hug.

Luis feels a chill when he sees Sabrina appear out of nowhere in the basement, Jane quickly hides between the boxes, trying to remain as discreet as possible to avoid being seen by Sabrina. She feels her heart speed up as she hears the nightclub owner's voice echoing through the basement, celebrating her malicious plan.

Luis tries to remain calm as Sabrina approaches with a bottle of champagne in her hands.

"Congratulations, Luis. You're doing a great job. My plan is working and you're doing great", says Sabrina with a mischievous smile on her face.

Luis tries to find out what Sabrina's plan is. "What do you plan to do with all this, Sabrina? Why are you using me?"

Sabrina laughs mockingly and responds: "You're just a small piece in this game, Luis. I need you to do what I want so that everything goes as I planned. But relax, you're not the main target here."

Luis becomes more confused and asks who the main target is.

"Ah, you'll soon find out," says Sabrina with an enigmatic smile. "Later, a guy I know well will come to visit me. Dear Tony."

Luis knew Tony, the guy from the sports car store who got caught with stolen merchandise.

She then asks if Luis knows James, her "darling", Luis is surprised and tries to hide it.

"I don't know what James you're talking about, Sabrina. I have nothing to do with your problems", Luis replies cautiously.

Sabrina smiles mischievously and approaches Luis: "You know very well what James I'm talking about, Luis. But it's okay, you can keep this secret if you want. After all, Tony will be here soon and we will have more important things to discuss ."

Luis is intrigued and eager to find out what Sabrina and Tony are planning. He knows he needs to stay alert.

Jane watches Sabrina move out of her sight to approach Luis, and she remains quiet and hidden among the boxes. She knows that she needs to be patient and wait for an opportunity to escape.

While listening to the conversation between Sabrina and Luis, Jane tries to understand more about what is happening. She focuses on listening carefully to every word that is said, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together and find a way out of that situation.

Jane breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Sabrina leave the basement and walk away from Luis. She takes the opportunity to come out of the hiding place of the boxes and approach him.

Luis then takes the moment to ask Jane: "Do you know how James met Sabrina? Why are they working together?"

Jane shakes her head: "I don't know for sure, Luis. But I heard that Sabrina and James have known each other for a long time. They used to work together on some shady deals. But I don't know the details."

Luis is thoughtful. He knows he needs to find out more about Sabrina and James' involvement with Jane and possibly Tony. He wonders if Jane knows anything else that could help him.

"Wait a minute, Luis," Jane says as she tries to remember. "I remember one time James came home drunk and told me something about a business deal he was involved in. He didn't want to tell me too many details, but he mentioned he was working with someone called 'Hellen.'

Luis frowns, he remembers the meeting they had earlier in the library. "Hellen... Hellen...'' I can't believe you did that...

"What's wrong, Luis? What are you thinking?" Jane asks, noticing Luis' worried expression.

Luis takes a deep breath before answering: "I had a meeting with a woman named Hellen in the library a few days ago. I shouldn't tell you this but I feel like I should trust you, Hellen and a case that I've been working on for days, I'm even infiltrated in the college she attends, she suspects the disappearance of two people from her social circle"

Jane is surprised by Luis' revelation. "Infiltrated Hellen's college? That's dangerous, Luis. You have a more dangerous job than you imagined."

Luis agrees with a nod: "I know, Jane. But it's my job as a detective.

Jane nods, worried, "Okay, but we need to be careful. Maybe I can help in some way?"

Luis looks at Jane with a grateful smile, "Of course, Jane. Any help is welcome. I needed someone to trust on this case and you're the right person."

Jane smiles back at Luis: "I'm here to help, Luis."

When Luis was looking for something to escape, Jane noticed the distress on his face and decided to change the subject. "Luis, remember the time when James and I were dating, just before he asked me to marry him?", she asked with a nostalgic look.

Luis turned to Jane, with a smile on his face. "Of course I remember, Jane. James used to talk about you all the time when we were partners on the police force. He seemed so in love with you, but you seemed to be half full of him."

Jane looked at Luis, tenderly. "You know, Luis...I've always had feelings for you, even before I married James. I remember how kind and caring you were to me, and how safe I felt by your side."

Luis was surprised by Jane's words, but he felt his heart warmed by her confession. "Jane, I never knew that. I also had feelings for you, but I never had the courage to confess. I didn't want to interfere in your relationship with James."

Jane held Luis' hand, and looked into his eyes. "I know, Luis. But now I realize that I should have chosen you. Maybe all of this could have been different..."

Jane looked at Luis tenderly and in a soft tone asked, "Luis, if by any chance we make it out of here, do you think we might have a chance? I've never forgotten the feelings I had for you before I married James."

As Jane spoke, Luis tried to focus on her words, but his mind wandered to the library and his meeting with Hellen. Every detail of her was fresh in his mind, from the way she tilted her head back when she laughed to the smell of the perfume she wore. He wondered if Hellen still thought of him the way he thought of her, or if she had already moved on. Luis shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts, and turned his attention to Jane. "I... I don't know what to say, Jane," he stammered, his mind still clouded.

"What is it, Luis? Afraid of letting yourself go?"

Luis doesn't know what to do, feeling attracted to Jane but at the same time thinking about Hellen. He tries to pull away, but Jane gently pulls him by the hand, looking into his eyes with intensity.

"Luis, I know there's always been something between us. And now, with everything that's going on, it's the perfect time for us to give it a chance. Let go

Luis hesitated for a moment, but the attraction between them was too strong to resist. He slowly approached Jane, placing his hand on the back of her neck and lightly stroking her hair.

Her lips met in a soft, sweet kiss, but it soon became more intense and passionate. Jane hugged Luis tightly, feeling his breathing labored and his heart racing.

The kiss was filled with emotion and desire, as if they had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Luis caressed Jane's back while she explored his mouth with her tongue.

Finally, they broke apart, panting and with smiles on their faces. They stared at each other, speechless, just enjoying that magical moment that had just happened.

As they kissed, images of past moments between Jane and Luis began to flash through their minds, like a flashback. They remembered all the times they exchanged attractive looks, when they shared laughs and stories in moments alone. They remembered all the times they touched each other in a subtle way, feeling the electricity that passed between their bodies. They had a strong attraction for each other from the beginning, but they had never had the courage to admit it.

The kiss between Luis and Jane was intense and full of emotion, revealing the strong attraction that existed between them in the past. They embraced passionately, feeling the chemistry and connection that had always been present between them.

For a moment, they forgot about everything around them and just gave themselves over to this romantic and passionate moment, where they were finally able to reveal the attraction that had always existed between them.

Luis gently separated from Jane as he remembered Hellen's face, shaking his head to clear his mind. "We need to get out of here," he said, looking for a way out. Jane agreed, looking a little disappointed but knowing the situation was dangerous and needed to be resolved.

The henchman entered the basement and looked around, looking for Luis. When he saw him, he walked over with a mischievous expression on his face. "I found you, you bastard. Now I'm going to give you what you deserve," he said, raising his fist to hit Luis.

But Luis was prepared. At the last moment, he dodged the punch and landed a sharp blow on the henchman's chin, knocking him to the ground. Jane watched everything, impressed by Luis' fighting ability.

"Come on, quickly," said Luis, pulling Jane by the arm and leading her to the exit.

Luis heard footsteps approaching again and quickly signaled Jane to hide. The henchman approached the basement entrance, looking around with a menacing look for Luis. He approached with a mischievous expression on his face and said, "What do you think you're doing? You bastard. I'm going to teach you a lesson."

Without wasting time, Luis dodged the henchman's punch and counterattacked with a well-aimed kick to the stomach, knocking him to the ground. Jane watched everything, impressed by Luis' fighting ability.

"Come on, quickly," said Luis, pulling Jane by the arm and running towards the exit.

Luis and Jane ran up the stairs that led to the upper floor of the Black Diamond nightclub. The sound of loud music echoed through the hallways as they dodged the goons patrolling the place. Luis seemed to know exactly where he was going, guiding Jane along the safest paths.

Finally, they came to a door that led to the back alley. Luis opened the door carefully, checking that the area was safe. When he was sure there was no imminent danger, he pulled Jane out.

''Are you okay?" he asked, looking at her with concern.

Jane nodded, still recovering from the adrenaline of escaping. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me," she said, smiling at Luis.

Luis felt exhausted after facing the henchman at the Black Diamond nightclub. His body was still sore from the blows he had received earlier, but he couldn't help but think about Hellen, the woman he loved.

"Jane, I need your help. I'm not feeling very well, take me to this address", said Luis, handing Jane a paper.

"Of course, Luis, I'll help you," Jane said, holding his arm carefully.

The two walked through the dark streets of the city, with Luis leaning on Jane. He could still taste the blood in his mouth and the smell of sweat permeating his clothes.

Finally, they arrived at the address that was on the paper. It was a small house, with the lights off.

"It's here," said Luis, panting.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

Jane knocked on the door and, after a few moments of silence, it opened. Mary stood in the doorway with a serious expression on her face. As she looked inside, her eyes widened when she saw Luis there, lying on the floor, in a pitiful state.

She quickly stepped forward to help him and skillfully applied first aid to his wound. Jane, in turn, watched everything with a mix of curiosity and discomfort. The intimacy that Luis had with Mary was evident, and she didn't seem to mind it.

Meanwhile, Luis just wanted a safe place to rest before revealing what happened. He was injured and looked like he had been in quite a fright. Mary didn't ask much, but she was ready to help him and offered shelter.

Luis took some sleeping pills and ended up falling asleep. Mary went into the room where Jane was, and noticed that she seemed very uncomfortable with the situation. She then decided to start a conversation with her and asked how she knew Luis.

After a brief pause, Jane finally decided to reveal to Mary how she met Luis. Her facial expression revealed that this was an uncomfortable memory, one that she preferred not to have to relive.

"Actually, Luis helped me escape danger in one of his investigations," Jane said in a low, serious tone, as if she were trying to keep something hidden. "I will never forget what he did for me."

Mary raised an eyebrow, intrigued. She could feel there was something more behind Jane's story with Luis. Why did she seem so reluctant to talk about it?

"A danger? What do you mean?" Mary asked, trying to sound casual.

Jane sighed before answering: "I was held captive by a dangerous woman called Hellen. It was when she saw one night while cleaning that I saw Luis and tried to help him escape."

Mary's eyes widened in surprise. She would never have imagined that Jane would be involved in something so dangerous.

After Jane's hesitation to reveal more about her relationship with Luis, she changed the subject and told Mary that she had known Luis since he graduated from the police and started working as a junior. She explained that her ex-husband, James, worked with Luis for many years, and that Luis later also became a detective.

Mary looked at Jane curiously and questioned her husband's whereabouts while he was being held captive. Jane sighed and looked at the floor before answering:

Jane looked sad and lowered her head. Tears started streaming down her face as she sobbed.

Mary felt bad for making Jane remember something so painful. She walked over and placed her hand on Jane's shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of bad things," Mary said gently.

Jane took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. "No, it's okay. I just...it's still hard to talk about," she replied in a whisper.

Mary decided to change the subject to try to liven up the atmosphere a little. "How about we make dinner together? What do you think?"

Jane looked at Mary with a weak smile. "Yes, I would love to. What are we going to cook?"

The two went to the kitchen and started planning dinner while talking about lighter things. Mary noticed that Jane still looked downcast, but she knew it was important to try to distract her a little and lighten the mood.