
Love Journal - As Told By An Emotionally Constipated Half-Genius

At age 10, Scarlet Liu Xiu Wen was tested with a Mensa IQ of 156. By age 12, she was publishing books with the pen name Permanent Frost. By age 14, she was a successful vocalist-composer in the band called Britannia. By age 16 Scarlet had a successful career as a model and actress going by the stage name of Liu Xiu Wen. However, there was a secret that the world didn't know. Away from the limelight, Scarlet took on yet another persona online as Pirate S - the eccentric half-genius. Everyone who lurked in the forums knew her name. Known for her unusual takes on life and mostly popularly for her "Human Observation Diary" blog, Scarlet enjoys the nerd life in secret. Human Observation Diary has always kept to a very standard format but one day, a reader pointed out that the blog has recently been differing from its usual format. Intrigued by the trigger, Scarlet investigates her latest human observation - an online NEET by the name of Jedd77. From further interactions, Scarlet finds herself helplessly drawn to him. As their friendship develops into something more, Scarlet has to make a choice. To give up her secrecy and allow Jedd77 to be a part of her life? Or continue the game of cat and mouse even after the face reveal. Note: Slow progress. Talks of some darker topics in life eg: Depression, PTSD, adoption and acceptance. Drama seekers, toxic bitches and overly-sensitive folks who cannot chillax not welcomed. Author also has indemnity to typo, grammar mistakes and English bugs throughout the story. You have been warned. Proceed with caution and enjoy. *** Special chapter release on other milestones, check out my discord and patreon for more details, thank you for the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/destinyaitsuji Kofi: Ko-fi.com/destinyaitsuji Discord: https://discord.gg/UrtDMXn

Destiny_Aitsuji · Urban
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277 Chs

Tipping Tina

Scarlet couldn't wait with all the excitement bubbling within her. Tina chose to accompany Scarlet down to gather some materials. The maid had never seen Scarlet really act her age before, so it was a refreshing change from having to worry about the girl when she was in her pensive silence. Tina wasn't a very complicated person. If Debbie was making this positive change in Scarlet, then she must be a good tutor.

The lift hit the ground floor with a 'ding' and Scarlet tried not to run off the moment the doors opened. Tina didn't know if she should silently follow the girl and watch over her as she did what she had to or hold her hand as they foraged for the materials the girl required.

According to Scarlet, they were looking for natural materials to add to her book cover. She wanted to make it eco-themed because it would match the front cover. The girl even took three minutes to write down a small list of things she was looking for. They were really odd things like small flowers and petals to grass blades and twigs.

Tina helped to search for the first item on Scarlet's list and kept close to the girl just in case something happened. Scarlet was already putting several fallen petals into the ziplock bag that she got from Sue. The girl was also seriously inspecting two different fallen leaves to select the better specimen. Tina couldn't help but giggle and snap a photo of it. Claire would want to see this adorable creature in action.

The head maid was busy coordinating dinner preparations and preparing the bath for the other two children when her phone buzzed. There was a text message from Tina downstairs with a picture attachment. Although Claire made it an effort to not check personal messages during work, she couldn't help but be curious and gave in to temptation.

The picture melted her heart and Claire gave in to impulse, forwarding the precious image to the 3G Fan Club chat group1.

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Super Maid: -sent an image-

Super Maid: Sent by @Bubble Tina, our precious angel is downstairs collecting materials for a plant press art.

Word Warrior: That's actually very impressive. All I did was ask her to decorate her book. This is evidence of her potential as a creative individual and not just a writer.

I Love My Girls: Why am I still at work? This is unfair. I demand father and daughter bonding time!

- Ice Queen & Lady Butler are typing...-

Ice Queen: Honey, why are you slacking off at work? Didn't you say the Singapore office was on fire and you had to station there?

Lady Butler: I can't believe @Super Maid didn't update us with a video! How could you only give us a picture while our precious angel is acting like a ten-year-old for the very first time! We've already missed out ten years of her life, we need more pictures to make a decent-sized collage for her birthday album next year.

Super Maid: My apologies, I will have @Bubble Tina and @Sue Me to start secretly gathering collage materials.

Married to Work: Don't forget about me! @Word Warrior, I call dibs on the photos you get of the children during your lessons. If it wasn't for my recommendation, you wouldn't have this job now.

Word Warrior: @Married to Work, it wouldn't make a difference. I'll simply post what I have in this group. I don't want to be fired.

I Love My Girls: @Word Warrior, I will increase your pay if you send them to me first.

Ice Queen: @Word Warrior, I will pay you twice of what he pays you so send them my way first.



>> This is a sponsored line break announcement. If you are not reading this on Webnovel, then the content is stolen. Support the creator - Destiny Aitsuji - on Webnovel and check out their other works. <<

Tina was no longer keeping her eyes peeled for yellow petals. While she always had Scarlet in her sight, her hands were preoccupied with the phone. It was the first time the maid received private messages from her employers. Also, we knew that her little proactive stunt would earn her a two hundred dollar commission for some short video clips. Scarlet was so popular, there was no doubt that the girl would become a star when she grew up. It was just too easy to love her.

Scarlet checked her watch and decided that she had gathered more than enough decoration materials for both the front and the back of her book. She had some assortment of Ixora, some Frangipani petals, a few Bougainvillea flowers and two beautiful Angsana fruits. With Tina's help, Scarlet also managed to secure some small ferns, several long Cogon grass blades more commonly known as 'Lalang grass' and some mimosa leaves.

The girl grabbed some common fallen leaves that looked straight enough for a press art and added them to her ziplock before heading back. Tina filmed the entire selection process from the side as Scarlet took everything out to clean and examine her spoils before packing them away with a satisfied smile.

"I'm done," Scarlet announced and Tina stopped recording before sending it to her requestors quickly.

"That's quick. Shall we head back now?"

The blogger grinned and skipped over to where the maid was. Tina held out her hand to Scarlet and the girl looked clueless. She looked at her collection and hesitated. Seeing that Scarlet had no clue what that meant, Tina slowly reached down and held her other hand that wasn't preoccupied.

Scarlet was slightly surprised by the action. She didn't understand why Tina wanted to hold her hand, but as she fell into step with the maid on the way back, the girl smiled. Being led by someone else was actually a rather nice feeling. No wonder smaller children always held onto their mother or father's hands outside.

Tina didn't know if it was deliberate, but Scarlet took smaller steps and walked slower as they neared the glass door. It was as if the girl didn't quite want to go back just yet. Seeing this, Tina slowed her pace to match the girl's speed.

They enjoyed the last few steps to the lift in comfortable silence before Scarlet let Tina's hand go in the lift. The maid didn't say anything about it but made a mental note to report the little action to her employers. Surely this meant that little Scarlet was warming up to them, right?

Unstable updates from now till 2020 April due to author work and health issues. If you like the series but can't stand the cliff hangers then I highly recommend stocking it up and reading it after April 2020.

I can't possibly continue daily after the feature in potential startlet ends because:

1. I work in finance (aka high stress every month end and year end is coming)

2. I have poor health (I'm under prescription of like 12 different medications and supplements at the moment)

Note: I will not drop this series unless something happens and I break up with my LDR future hubby because he is the living inspiration I need for the series.

So thank you for taking interest in my work but this is how I roll. If you don't like it, kindly quietly remove this from your library right now and delete Love Journal from your memory. If you still want to support the creator of Love Journal and join the Tiny Army / Rebel Army (my fandom) please comment PDF to show your support each update. I will be selecting my secret society leader from there to manage the fan discord and notify my readers about the latest news (hopefully there can be changes to my ever-shortening lifespan).

Proofer: Mochi

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