
Love Jinx

Love Jinx is a fantasy-romance novel that follows the story of an omega servant in the Ardhave Residence who is cursed with a powerful spell called the Love Jinx. The curse, created by a vengeful witch who was betrayed by her lover, affects people who are seeking true love and happiness in their relationships. Despite Syera's best efforts, the curse always seems to get in the way of her relationships, causing them to fail. As the story begins, Syera is a lowly servant in the Ardhave Residence, living a life of servitude and obscurity. However, things take an unexpected turn when she meets a man who seems immune to the Love Jinx. Intrigued by him, she embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about the curse and the man who might hold the key to breaking it. Along the way, the protagonist must confront not only the challenges of the curse but also the societal expectations and pressures that come with being an omega servant in her world. She must also navigate her own conflicting emotions and desires as she falls deeper in love with the man who might be her salvation. With its R18 rating, Love Jinx contains mature themes and scenes, including explicit sexual content. The novel offers a thrilling and sensual tale of love, passion, and the power of magic.

IllusionaryMonarch · Fantasy
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5 Chs

What's that?

I bit my lower lip and swallowed hard.

"I shouldn't hope for something I can't even reach," I mumbled to myself.

Once again, I find myself engulfed in a sea of agony. It is this wretched, accursed heart of mine that weeps, for even in the slightest matters, it is subjected to unjust scrutiny and assigned malicious intent. Oh, the unbearable weight it carries! It is as if the universe conspires to torment me, as I witness my very core being scolded, berated, and blamed for the sins it never committed. Each beat resonates with a poignant lament, a symphony of self-condemnation, as my spirit crumbles under the weight of this relentless torment. How cruel is this existence, where even my own heart becomes a source of unending suffering!

I snap back to reality when someone whisper to my ears. It gives me chills all over my body. "Can I ask for even a penny of your thoughts?" I was taken aback as my gaze fixated upon him.

"Uh... Sorry. I was just thinking about something," I murmured in a soft manner, ensuring our conversation remained concealed amidst the unfinished dance rehearsal.

He smiled, his radiant expression reaching his eyes, and I found myself transfixed, utterly spellbound by his presence."Syera right?"

I nodded.

"You can call me Cascade." I was on the verge of voicing my objection, but he halted me by gently pressing his index finger against my lips. "I don't do honorifics. And I want us to be friends. Can't it be possible?" He uttered a sorrowful remark and gazed at me with pleading puppy eyes, causing me to avert my gaze.

What should I do? Befriend him? Our social statuses are different, and he might face ridicule for associating with someone like me. I bit my lower lip and then looked away from him even more. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, just for today. Right! Just for today!

"Fine!" I pretended to be hesitant, even though deep down, I knew I wanted it too. Having a noble friend aside Lady Misha means having connection. It wouldn't be too bad. I hope he won't be the talk of the town just because he befriend a servant like me. Moreover, having me as his partner in this dance practice.

He barked a laugh.

My eyes widened. What's so funny? I blink for a few times and yet he still hasn't done laughing. He clutched his stomach, and I wondered what could have caused his to laugh like that. Did I do something to make his burst into laughter like that?

As soon as he noticed my serious demeanor and my silence, he ceased his laughter abruptly. He coughed softly, embarrassed, and looked away, his ears and neck turning a bright shade of red. It seemed like he had a psychologically problem. There was nothing funny, yet he was laughing. Was he under the influence of alcohol or something? I noticed him scratching his head and stealing glances at me discreetly.

"What with the glances Cascade?" I couldn't hold back any longer and I asked him directly. His face turned even redder in embarrassment.

"She finally say my name! That was cute!" He murmured but not enough for me to heard it clearly. "N-Nothing! Anyway, I want us to be comfortable with each other so please take care of me."

I arch my right brow. "Take care of you?" I asked with a sense of confusion.

He nodded in response. "Yes, take care of me. Or should I just take care of you?" He boldly ask. I remained silent to his question. I wondered what he had in mind and why he was asking such probing questions.

Welp couldn't help it. Rather than attributing any malice to his offer, I chose not to overthink it and risk poisoning my peaceful mind with his words. Extending my right hand, I offered a handshake, which he looked at intently.

"Then, please take care of me Cascade," with a smile that carried a hint of tenderness, I uttered the words to him, as if pouring my emotions into each syllable. He reciprocated with a smile and accepted my hand, and we shook hands. I immediately let go when I felt his gently squeeze my hand, causing a slight pang of sensation.

Lord Cascade, the younger brother of Marquess Norden. I am a year older than him, yet one would never think so, for he exudes an air of maturity and strength beyond his years. There is an undeniable allure in his face, handsomely composed. His long, blond hair is tied at the end, adorned with a diamond earring. Thick eyebrows frame his captivating ocean blue eyes, with long lashes that accentuate their beauty. A perfectly sculpted nose, slender lips with a touch of crimson, and most notably, his jawline boasts a flawless angle. His fair complexion is undeniable as well.

However, compared to his brother, Marquess Norden, Lord Cascade appears even more mature and refined. Every movement he makes seems meticulously calculated, always accompanied by an air of elegance. Like his sibling, he also possesses long hair, but Cascade's extends all the way to his lower back. It is a tradition for them to grow their hair long, regardless of gender.

I averted my gaze from him and looked towards Lady Misha and Marquess Norden, who were preparing for their dance once again. Following their lead, we mimicked their movements without uttering a word between the two of us. Overwhelmed by shyness, he took the initiative and held my hand, guiding it to the appropriate position on his body. One of my hands rested on his shoulder while he held the other. I could feel the softness of his palm, which triggered a tinge of jealousy within me, but I also felt a sense of embarrassment knowing that my own hands were not as soft due to my laborious work.

"You're trembling. Are you okay?" He asked me a concerned question, and in response, I nodded.

My throat felt dry from extreme nervousness. I was afraid of making a mistake and accidentally stepping on his foot. It didn't help that I was wearing heels, as Duchess Nienna had insisted on having me practice dancing in them to get accustomed to it.

He chuckled. "You'll be fine. Trust me Syera," he reassured, his voice laced with genuine care. I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of reassurance as his words washed over me, soothing my nerves.


Minutes passed by without fail, and I kept unintentionally stepping on his foot. I apologized profusely, but I couldn't stop as it was Duchess's command. She never told us to stop until she said so. I could see the pain in his eyes with every accidental step I took, yet he reassured me that he was fine, knowing it was my first time and understanding the situation. He urged me not to worry. There was nothing I could do but endure until the practice was over, hoping to improve as time went on.

It didn't take long before I got the hang of it, and I stopped accidentally stepping on his foot. I focused intently on what I was doing, especially since Duchess Nienna was watching from a distance, waiting for one of us to make a mistake so she could reprimand us. I glanced over at Lady Misha, who was completely absorbed in her own dance, executing each movement with precision and grace, clearly accustomed to this level of refinement.

I felt someone's gaze on me, so I turned my head to see who it was. It was him, and immediately, I regretted looking back at him. He remained silent, his gaze fixed upon me, which made me feel slightly uneasy and self-conscious.

"U-uhm... I-is there something wrong with my face?" I nervously ask.

He smiled. "Your beauty is... captivating," he finally spoke, his voice filled with a hint of admiration. "Are you sure you're not a noble yourself? The beauty of yours is truly mesmerizing," he uttered softly, as if unable to find the right words to fully express his awe.

As his words washed over me, my eyes widened in surprise, and I felt my heart skip a beat, as if it had momentarily lost its rhythm. A tingling sensation crept up my spine, and I could sense the heat rising in my cheeks, coloring them with an undeniable flush. My pulse quickened, its rhythm echoing the rapid flutter of butterfly wings within my chest. It was a moment that seemed to suspend time, as the power of his words resonated deep within me, leaving me both breathless and exhilarated.

I chuckled nervously while shooking my head. I couldn't even made eye contact with him without thinking of what he just said. "S-stop it Cascade," I said with trembling lips.

"You're an omega right? I always wonder what does an omega smells like but I can't sense your pheromones." He shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze lingering on me with a discerning gaze.

What should I say? That I'm actually a beta and not an omega? Although I really am an omega hiding in a odorless perfume to hide my pheromones to others. I don't even know what to answer to him. Should I lie for my own sake? Why not? Private is private.

I shook my head in response. "I'm not an omega, my lord."

"I told you I hate honorifics Syera," He muttered an irritated remark.

I swallowed hard. "I'm a beta."


After that, he fell silent and directed his focus solely on the dance. I was grateful for the lack of conversation, as I had no response to offer if he were to ask. That's how the rest of the session transpired until it came to an end, and they had to leave. He nodded in farewell, acknowledging me and the others before taking their leave.

I found myself lost in thought, questioning if I had done something to elicit such behavior from him. Here he was, reaching out to befriend me, only to retract his actions later. I couldn't help but instinctively touch my lips, deep in contemplation.

I snapped back to reality when Lady Misha addressed me with a question. I quickly composed myself and responded respectfully to her inquiry. Despite the free lesson I was receiving, I reminded myself that I was still a servant in their household and should never forget my place.

"You and Lord Cascade seemed close," She started. "Are you two formed any sorts of a relationship?" Her meaningful question was met with repeated refusals on my part.

The scene repeated itself over and over again, and I did my best to avoid her whenever our paths crossed. She wouldn't stop asking if there was something between me and the younger sibling of the Marquess, so I took it upon myself to find ways to prevent us from crossing paths. My head was throbbing from the constant denials. The repetitive question was becoming nauseating, even though there was truly nothing between us. Lady Misha was simply too presumptuous, constantly attributing malicious intent to every little thing. Moreover, she was heavily influenced by the romance novels she read, which further fueled her imagination.

As I stood on the bank of Lake Lefil, I couldn't help but be captivated by the breathtaking scenery that surrounded me. The sun's golden rays danced upon the surface of the water, creating a mesmerizing display of sparkling reflections. The lush greenery of the surrounding forest embraced the lake, as if protecting its serene beauty from the outside world.

With a deep breath, I slowly peeled off each layer of clothing, feeling the gentle touch of the wind on my exposed skin. And also letting out my pheromones bit by bit until it successfully escape my body and surround all over the place. The anticipation built within me, a mixture of excitement and nervousness, as I contemplated what had transpired with Lord Cascade. Thoughts of our encounters played in my mind like a vivid tapestry, each moment etched into my memory with a tinge of longing.

As I stepped into the water, the coolness enveloped me, sending shivers down my spine. The sensation was invigorating, awakening every sense in my body. The ripples spread outward from my submerged feet, as if the lake itself welcomed me into its embrace. The water embraced me with its gentle caress, soothing away the worries and uncertainties that plagued my thoughts.

Lost in the serenity of the moment, I allowed my mind to wander, replaying our conversations, stolen glances, and fleeting touches. What did it all mean? Was there a deeper connection between us, hidden beneath the surface of formalities and societal expectations? The enigmatic Lord Cascade had ignited a fire within me, a yearning for something beyond the ordinary.

As I swam further into the crystalline depths of Lake Lefil, the weight of my thoughts dissolved, replaced by a sense of freedom and tranquility. The water embraced me like a lover, its gentle currents guiding me through its secret corners. With each stroke, I let go of my inhibitions, immersing myself in the ethereal beauty that surrounded me.

I submerged in the water for a few minutes when suddenly I noticed a shadow in the distance. A wave of anxiety washed over me, fearing that someone might be spying on me while I bathed in the nude in the lake of Lefil. My eyes widened in fear as I cautiously moved towards the direction of the mysterious figure. I instinctively covered myself with my hands, as this unexpected encounter caught me off guard.

"I demand you to show yourself to me right now!"

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