

In today's world, we can't talk without hearing love; we can't change through the TV or watch a movie without seeing a display of love. This four letter word is important to many.

It has made so many interesting books and movies; it has brought pain and joy to many people in diverse ways but lately, it looks like it's been disvalue and slowly but progressively diminishing. Instead of hearing love and happiness, we mostly hear of heartbreak and bitterness.

Many have lose hope in finding true love; some think true love is a fantasy or fairy tale, while others strongly believe love is a "feeling".

My beloved readers, i have come to rebuild hope in your life and rekindle the flame of love in your heart through this book. I won't only tell you that true love exist, but we shall begin with the origin and giver of this love before going to the genesis of our problems and complications of this little but powerful word called love.

I pray we all learn from this little knowledge I'm about sharing with you because I'm not any better than y'all_ we all are striving for a better version of ourselves each day. Enjoy!