
Storming Night

Huna is a CEO and she is in love with her best friend Taru. But she doesn't he loves her too. Huna is in her twenties and so is Taru they were childhood friends and known each other ever since they were young so they love each other dearly but doesn't know that they both want more of each other.

Huna was sitting in her office then her secretary came in "Miss Huna there is a man waiting for you outside" said Suwa her secretary. "Tell him I'll be right there". Suwa nodded and left. Huna went outside to see that it was an old friend of her's in highschool and they were having a deal of partnership for their company. Since they both had two of the most famous companies. "Your here Taru, come in". Taru came into Huna's office then locked the doors. "Huna have you missed me?" he said smirking, "Of course I have" said Huna. "You know another company wanted to partner with me but I chose you over it" Taru said while stepping closer to Huna. "Of course you would of chose me" she said giggling. He kissed her forehead then hugged her. "Oh how I wish we could go farther" Taru said in his mind.

The power suddenly went off and it scared Huna. "W-what Happened?" Huna said. "I think the power went out because of the storm". They both went our to the rest of the workers to assure that everything was going to be okay. Most people had already left for home, the only people there were Huns, Taru and Suwa and her husband that was going to pick her up. "Oh no baby how are we gonna get home?" Suwa said while burying her face into her husband's chest. "We'll just have to stay here and wait till the weather is better" Suwa's husband said, "okay but as long as your here with me" Suwa said back and they both smiled at each other.

Taru and Huna just went to go find a flash light and gave one to the couple and one for them. "Okay Taru while the power is out what are we gonna do then?", "I really wish I could just kiss her frightened face" Taru said in his mind then snapped back to reality "Oh uh what?". "Were you listening?" Huna said. "No sorry" and kissed her forehand. "It's fine, I said what are we going to do?", "Well we could go home now since the weather cleared up a bit" said Suwa. "Yeah that's a good idea, Hey Huna need a ride?" Taru asked. "Yeah I do need a ride if u don't mind". "Okay then I'll take u home" said Taru.

Suwa and her husband went out to the car and started making out. Taru watched them as they left. "I bet there gonna do something tonight" he thought in his head. "They seem so cute right" Huna said while also watching them. "Oh yeah they are" Taru said back thinking "I wish me and Huna would get close" he said still thinking. "Wait what did you say" Huna said confused about what she just heard. Oh shoot I said it out loud Taru thought. "Umm what" laughing nervously. "What did u just say?" Huna asked again. "Let's go to the car, come on" he said. she followed still wondering what he meant and also smiling to herself.

It was a silent car ride until Taru said "Hey umm Huna", "Yes what Is it?" she replied. "Nothing" he said quickly. "Are you sure?, Is something on your mind?" she asked. I wish he would just confess to me so I can just kiss him and love him. "No it's nothing" he said "Oh okay" she said back "Hey can I- I spend the night at your house?" She asked nervously. "Yeah sure why?" he asked "Because I don't want to be alone tonight" this is my chance he said to himself. "Okay I'll comfort you" he said in a low tone and she blushed a bit. "Why are you blushing?", "Nothing just something I'm thinking" she said looking away. I hope he kisses me tonight she thought to herself.

They were at Taru's house and he had went to go take a shower and Huna was just sitting on his bed. Taru came out with a towel covering his lower body, exposing his abs. Huna blushed and stared the quickly looked away. "You like it huh" he said and made her blush more. "It's okay I know I'm hot" he said. "Don't flatter yourself too much" she said then went straight to the bathroom to take a shower good thing she had clothes at his house since they were best friends she had parties at his house and he had parties at her house so they had things at both places.

After her shower she wanted to tease him a bit for earlier so she wrapped a towel around her body and came out the him and she pretended she didn't know he was there. She went to go open the drawer and he came up behind her. "I see someone wants something" he said. "What do u mean I'm just getting clothes but I just remembered I bought a pair already" she said seducing him and turned back to the bathroom. I hope it worked she thought and after she changed and came out of the bathroom to see that he was laying there reading. So then she asked " Where am I going to sleep?". Taru looked up and took her to another room and pointed at the bed "Your sleeping there" he said and kissed her forehead and spanked her butt which surprised her and he left the room leaving her speechless. Did he just .... spank me? she said to herself all mixed emotions.

She sat on the bed and was thinking of all sort of things, was she happy he likes her?, should she be mad at him for touching her?, should she make it official?, or should she go to his room?. After all her thinking she told up and went to his room but stopped at the door before opening and heard him saying something she listened to him. "Why did I do that? she must hate me now ughhh how can I make things right? I just couldn't stop myself she's so sexy. What am I going to do? How can I tell her I love her?

She was listening to him and she started to be happy. He loves me, Taru loves me, He really loves me she kept saying. Then she heard him say " I hope I can make her mine one day... SOON" She couldn't hold back she opened the door and fell on him.