

Rulal is Taru's secretary and she is in love with Taru and will do anything to get him ANYTHING. She hates Huna because she knows Taru likes her because

Taru and Rulal are best friends and he tells her everything so she knows but to see that they were hugging makes her hate Huna more.

"Omg that Huna better stop or else....."

Taru opened the door and told Rulal to come in.

"Do you need something Rulal?"

"Umm Taru I was just letting you know that Miss Huna's employees are here now so you guys can begin".

"Baby would u like to start now?" Taru said to Huna and she blushed because he had just called her baby in front of all her employees and Rulal. Rulal was so mad. so she was gonna walk away then Taru stopped her.

"Rulal can u go get my files off of the counter?".

Rulal did as he said

"Thank you"

During the meeting all Rulal was doing was looking at Huna madly. She was so upset that Taru called Huna baby. But then she thought about what the employees were saying in the lobby about Taru and Huna having sex and all. "She was thinking what if it's true?"

"It's probably not or Taru wouldn't have yelled at them"

"But one day Taru will want me"

After the meeting Taru and Huna was in Taru's office then Rulal came in. "Taru can I speak to u for a moment?"

"Hm yeah what is it?"

"Let's talk in my office"

Taru nodded and gave Huna a kiss on the forehead before shutting the door.

"Ok, did you ask Huna out?"

"Umm yeah"

Rulal was so mad at this point

"You know what the employees were saying right about sex and that stuff?"

"Yeah I heard but I promise it's not true"

"Good" Rulal moved closer to Taru and pressed her chest on him and pulled he's face in. Then she unbuttoned his top button.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Taru asked while pulling away.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Rulal went to the door and locked it.

"Rulal are you drunk or something?"

Rulal then all of a sudden moaned and Taru was confused. "Taru baby just pretend I'm Huna and do what u wanna do to me"

"I'm not that stupid"

Then Rulal pulled Taru and kissed him in the lips. He was so shocked he couldn't move. Rulal then pulled down her strap on her dress revealing her bra. Since Taru was motionless she thought he wanted her. Yes finally I can have you she thought. She pulled Taru in and kissed him once more and putting his hand on her waist.

"Don't be shy Taru I know you want me"

Taru then snapped back to reality.

"oh umm" Taru pulled away and ran out then he left the door open so all his employees saw her in her bra and she quickly shut it and put her clothes back on and went out but then everyone was asking if Taru likes Rulal.

"Omg Rulal what did y'all do?"

"We kissed and we're about to make out" Rulal said proudly.

"Why did he run out?"

"Oh umm because he was gonna be late to a meeting" Rulal said nervously. Then walked to Taru's office.

Taru ran to his office and locked the door and remember Huna was still in there. Huna was shocked at what she saw.